Our understanding of electrodynamic theory is flawed on two points ...
1a. We entertain a fictional notion of the isolation of systems of energy for the purposes of their analysis. And, ...
2a. We fail to recognize that physics has silently stolen reactance and renamed it relativity.
The solution to each of these challenges is to ...
1b. Remember that "no man is an island" and "no circuit exists in isolation from its environment." Thus, Energy cannot be Conserved since it's impossible to conduct a controlled experiment and rule out the possibility that a free energy circuit is stealing energy from its environment.
2b. Relativity puts a propitious spin on reactance by giving it a new name. Consequently, it gives it a fresh perspective. But, the physicist can no longer hold onto relativity with a tight grip thinking to himself, or herself, that: "Oh, what a smart boy/girl am I," and keep it all to him/her self. Oh, no; no way. It's time to share your insight, Mr/Mz, Physicist with the victim from whom you "borrowed" the premise for your Relativity Theory so that we may both benefit from this revolutionary potential for growth among both of us.
1a. We entertain a fictional notion of the isolation of systems of energy for the purposes of their analysis. And, ...
2a. We fail to recognize that physics has silently stolen reactance and renamed it relativity.
The solution to each of these challenges is to ...
1b. Remember that "no man is an island" and "no circuit exists in isolation from its environment." Thus, Energy cannot be Conserved since it's impossible to conduct a controlled experiment and rule out the possibility that a free energy circuit is stealing energy from its environment.
2b. Relativity puts a propitious spin on reactance by giving it a new name. Consequently, it gives it a fresh perspective. But, the physicist can no longer hold onto relativity with a tight grip thinking to himself, or herself, that: "Oh, what a smart boy/girl am I," and keep it all to him/her self. Oh, no; no way. It's time to share your insight, Mr/Mz, Physicist with the victim from whom you "borrowed" the premise for your Relativity Theory so that we may both benefit from this revolutionary potential for growth among both of us.