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Reactive Power Generator (RPG) Replication Project

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  • Originally posted by Joster View Post
    Used a 12V SiC switch, >600V spikes at 100Hz into a 65amp/hr marine battery, each test is 3mins then loaded at 2A until it hits 12V, graphs show, even at this tiny scale, the "time gain" present when the battery is cycled in this manor. The battery becomes a translater between vacuum energy and real world energy, its like a pump, you charge up the battery a bit with the spikes, then discharge and repeat, like pumping a well, imagine this test at 60V, automated and ran for days......
    Joster, thanks for sharing that - only just saw this - love seeing the discharge image!
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • Originally posted by rs__ View Post
      Ring the Ring-2024-02-01_18-23-58.jpg This is like Ishmal Aviso (sp) / Konehead's Ring the Ring circuit.
      Hey RS - I know this schematic is all you have but I can't read some of the part numbers and labels. When you have a moment, could you identify these for me? I've circled all of the labels that I can't read in your Ringing the Ring schematic (see attachment).
      Attached Files


      • This switch is verified. 24V/>716V. Laying out the test setup then adding relays and a load to do the cycling. This is to provide bench mark testing for ensuring the battery chemical condition of both batteries in an RPG replication makes sense for running as flat as possible. As in the battery has reached its maximum radiant translation efficiency and is ready for swapping. MRTE (Maximum Radiant Translation Efficiency) is reached when the battery's time gain curve has reached a plateau.

        The left TO247 device is just a SiC diode in that package. Using one 600V IGBT with only 2A rated gate driver. Trying to save my 1200V's and 14A gate drives for later plus want to see what the difference will be from 600V to 1.2kV.
        Last edited by Joster; 02-25-2024, 03:42 AM.


        • Charging at 24V


          • To ALL on Energy Science Form 3/20/2024:

            Note: to Aaron, I did not know where to put my post.

            My name is Geoffrey S Miller, I run Energy Bat Labs.

            In 2017 I did a talk at Aaron's conference on the Joe Newman Motor. ( You can buy the talk from Aaron)

            The reason I am posting is twofold soon I will be having a REAL Joe Newman Motor for sale to everyone for R/D work
            it will be about 1x1x1 foot sq.

            You can see my BIG 10,000 lbs Newman Motor at

            The other reason that I am posting is that in this past January my 5,000 foot LAB was totally Destroyed,
            I want to rebuild a new lab, it will take money and Good people to help me to do this!

            You can see what happened to the lab on my website, and look at the VIDEOS of it all.

            I will let everyone know when the Newman Motor will be for sale.

            Thank You to anyone that can help !

            Have a Great Day !

            Geoffrey S Miller at Energy Bat Labs 3/20/24


            Screen Shot 2024-03-10 at 6.28.17 PM.png


            • I barely know s**t from apple butter with a lot of this stuff, but I am using some 500 Farad super caps with my experiments instead of batteries to eliminate all the battery variables (load voltage, resting voltage, state of charge, etc), that way I knoe instantly whether my experiment was OU or not.


              • Hi All,
                Been busy and I want to share something that I've just learned and implemented.
                In one of MC's vids, he said that he controls the pulse width at start up with a pot to a 555 timer.
                With some help from RS, I've got it working on a small 6 pole motor.

                I'm posting 2 pics. One shows the concept form a data sheet and the other is what I'm using.
                The board that I'm using has terminal blocks for changing components without resoldering.
                Attached Files


                • I've made several revisions to a 6 coil RPG. One of the primary issues of concern is reducing running noise due to turbulent air flow between the rotor and stator/coils. So, I have 2 separate designs to reduce this noise. The first uses 3D printed coil holders, 1 for each coil, which come together to form a cylinder. Here is the first design (revision 10).
                  Attached Files


                  • The 2nd RPG design (revision 11) uses a 12" schedule 40 PVC pipe for the coil stator. Here's a link to the Shapr3D model. If anyone wants these models in Shapr3D format, just let me know and I'll send them to you.
                    Attached Files


                    • Here's the link to a video that proposes a way to defeat Lenz's law for a low drag generator...
                      Thanks to Donald Haas for sharing this. And here is a manuscript with screenshots from the slides in the video and a transcript from the demonstration in the video (since the presenter's voice is difficult to understand over the noise of the generator)...
                      Attached Files


                      • Originally posted by bobo36us View Post
                        I barely know s**t from apple butter with a lot of this stuff, but I am using some 500 Farad super caps with my experiments instead of batteries to eliminate all the battery variables (load voltage, resting voltage, state of charge, etc), that way I knoe instantly whether my experiment was OU or not.
                        By taking the battery chemistry out of your system, it's probably guaranteed to fail. There is a reason batteries are used.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • Hey guys.... i found somebody on facebook that pretending he invented several free energy systems.. he is open to share his knowledge to people that want to learn.. I understand he is from Oklahoma .... He told me to visit him but i answered i can't do this because i am from Europe but i inviting him to open a topic on energyscience forum to learn from him .... this was his answer :

                          Mihai Negrutiu, Thank you, much of what I am about to say, it's not an effort to insult people, it's practical experience. when you have counterintuitive disruptive knowledge, you have to focus your time and effort on people who "Do" "can" and "will" ... The ones really interested come. I do not require NDA. My discovery is a new field of physics, which is the part which is important. That is the part which gets intentionally corrupted by adversary.. Forums are filled with experts who intentionally misleading forum members away from real tech and promote fake tech. Get your knowledge from the source; would you pay the flight to visit Tesla in his lab? If that is not in you, I understand. I will tell you this... Not a single visitor regrets the experience.. or the money and time they dpent. Also, in a disruptive field.. third party replication is the highest endorsement you can have. I don't bother with academics anymore, their pride and peer process destroys thinkers. The have long lost the concept of science, science is dead in the university. Would love to know one where that was not the case. The link you sent me is a list of tickle your heart I can educate any level of skill, with respect. Also, Stay away from devices, which can not answer the questions I listed. None of which are real... Just wasting people's time and money - keeping entropy strong. Entropy means: control of resources, managing resources, regulating agencies, power over the free, dictation of who can and can't. Generating energy without cost, is greatest cultural, health, and wealth changer - which makes freedom real... Probably why it's not in your text book, and you're told it's impossible... Which by the way is stupid... I just presented to a country last month, the head physicist said "Oh my God, that's so simple, why hasn't anyone discovered this before?" I said.. they were taught not to look. Be a doer. Come or wait. That's on you my friend. .....

                          So you guys ,who are in USA ,if you consider is worth to contact that guy and inform us about what he have to share ,, here is his post on take contact with him.... (1) Homemade free energy generator | Something I want to share with this group, and I highly recommend this for's important | Facebook

