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Electromagnetic Wave as energy and information carrier.
Electromagnetic wave propagates in free space and propagates as well in confined space by man-made or made by nature waveguides.
Because electromagnetic wave is carried by Photons it it pure energy with no rest mass.
Photon doesn't need medium to travel but if we confine it to waveguide it is happy to be there but physical dimensions of that waveguide must be adjusted to make that "travel" possible.
Example: light is electromagnetic wave that can move inside of fiberoptic waveguide and that is why we have undersea cable between continents.
Energy of electromagnetic wave can be as small as radio signal at AM or FM radio receiver, but the problem till now was to send kW or MW of energy
from any point A to any point B on the surface of the earth. So that is why we have network of electrical HV lines( transmission lines) delivering electricity to us.
The next chapter will cover: existing systems using electromagnetic wave to power devices:
Electromagnetic Wave as energy and information carrier.
Electromagnetic wave propagates in free space and propagates as well in confined space by man-made or made by nature waveguides.
Because electromagnetic wave is carried by Photons it it pure energy with no rest mass.
Photon doesn't need medium to travel but if we confine it to waveguide it is happy to be there but physical dimensions of that waveguide must be adjusted to make that "travel" possible.
Example: light is electromagnetic wave that can move inside of fiberoptic waveguide and that is why we have undersea cable between continents.
Energy of electromagnetic wave can be as small as radio signal at AM or FM radio receiver, but the problem till now was to send kW or MW of energy
from any point A to any point B on the surface of the earth. So that is why we have network of electrical HV lines( transmission lines) delivering electricity to us.
The next chapter will cover: existing systems using electromagnetic wave to power devices: