To ALL on Energy Science Form 3/20/2024:
My name is Geoffrey S Miller, I run Energy Bat Labs.
In 2017 I did a talk at Aaron's conference on the Joe Newman Motor. ( You can buy the talk from Aaron)
The reason I am posting is twofold soon I will be having a REAL Joe Newman Motor for sale to everyone for R/D work
it will be about 1x1x1 foot sq.
You can see my BIG 10,000 lbs Newman Motor at
The other reason that I am posting is that in this past January my 5,000 foot LAB was totally Destroyed,
I want to rebuild a new lab, it will take money and Good people to help me to do this!
You can see what happened to the lab on my website, and look at the VIDEOS of it all.
I will let everyone know when the Newman Motor will be for sale.
Thank You to anyone that can help !
Have a Great Day !
Geoffrey S Miller at Energy Bat Labs 3/20/24
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My name is Geoffrey S Miller, I run Energy Bat Labs.
In 2017 I did a talk at Aaron's conference on the Joe Newman Motor. ( You can buy the talk from Aaron)
The reason I am posting is twofold soon I will be having a REAL Joe Newman Motor for sale to everyone for R/D work
it will be about 1x1x1 foot sq.
You can see my BIG 10,000 lbs Newman Motor at
The other reason that I am posting is that in this past January my 5,000 foot LAB was totally Destroyed,
I want to rebuild a new lab, it will take money and Good people to help me to do this!
You can see what happened to the lab on my website, and look at the VIDEOS of it all.
I will let everyone know when the Newman Motor will be for sale.
Thank You to anyone that can help !
Have a Great Day !
Geoffrey S Miller at Energy Bat Labs 3/20/24
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