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The Wardenclyffe Blueprints

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  • The Wardenclyffe Blueprints

    Some of you must have asked yourself what Tesla's Wardenclyffe project was all about, how it was built, operated and how it would have worked.
    A couple of years ago I was contacted by Tibor, who lived near to the Belgrade museum and had good contacts there. He was able to get scans of well over 10,000 documents written by (or to) Tesla. Within these I found the blueprints of the tower and a draft of the blueprints of the accompanying laboratory and many notes on experiments that Tesla did there and much, much more.
    From these thousands of notes, letters, drafts, articles, patents, blueprints I was able to reconstruct, in reasonable detail, what Tesla was building at Wardenclyffe.
    We can have hours long discussions about how it would have worked and until we rebuild it we will never know for sure. But we now have a reasonable good idea of what Tesla was building.
    This knowledge I have now combined in a new book.
    In this book you will find all details about the tower frame and cupola, to the extent that you could build it by yourself.
    It also contains the layout of the laboratory and its contents.
    It details the tower safety valve, something you probably have not yet heard much about.
    The grounding system is covered.
    And last, but certainly not least, I will show you the most probable location and structure of the electrical system inside of the tower. All based on Tesla's own writings!
    And, if you don't believe me, , I give you all document numbers that my conclusions are based on, so that you can go to the museum and ask for these and verify that I have told you the truth.

    To explain how it would all work is going to be an entire new book, but in this book you will learn how it was built.

    This is where you can order your copy:
    Kyle Dell'Aquila has built a model in Blender using these blueprints and with this, this full colour print is richly illustrated.

    If you are interested in what Tesla was doing at Wardenclyffe, this book is an absolute must-have!
    Much of the information herein, you will not find in any other published work until this date.

    Oh! And Marc Seifer wrote the introduction and added some more images, for example of the ground penetrating radar that they did to find the tunnels.
    I told you; It is a must have!
    Not kidding.

