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What would you do and what would happen

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
    Cloxxi, you are too funny!!!!!!!!

    You forgot the movie about your daring and intrepid life (Starring Mike Myers?)!
    Mike is great, but perhaps a bit stiff and serious to play me?

    Really, free energy geniuses are just SO IGNORANT when it comes to communications, marketing, productions, replication, anything to do with their work. Yes, even application.

    How cool would that be. A "box" the size of a sigarette box, with enough punch to power your phone and laptop. The eternal battery. Personal power. A bigger one at home, of course. The electronics industry would not have a good year, they'd have many good decades implementing the technology.
    Only one gentleman's agreement by a manufacurer in exchange for the inventor's co-operation and public endorsement, that will make any amount of patents useless from a money point of view. Imagine Apple or Sony offering you this gentleman/"original" endorsement deal. $2 per mobile unit goes to the inventor. $100 per car sized unit. Thinking about becoming a millionair would be misunderstanding the scale. Think billionair. Think private island groups, think you own currency.

    Either all those who came before you totally messed up in failing to launch their tech into the world (as we don't have free energy or even OU), or they were all delusional or frauds. If you are for real, and if you are no crook, you'll have to find another way to get it out there. Trust me, if you're smart enough to know how to cover your back, you won't die lonely, poor, and forgotten. How about avenues in every town in the world named after you? How much does that cost? Most presidents (of any country) don't get that, but proper inventors DO.

