Hi.I have started this new thread to discuss and share different approaches to achieve spatial energy coherence (SEC) and not to send Dr Stifflers thread of course.
I will start the ball rolling.This morning i wound a tiny joulethief torroid with the intention of replicating Pirates joulethief torch mod and put it on a prototyping board to test it anyway it worked good and i decided to try it on an idea i have been thinking about which was to incorparate a 4kv trigger transformer into a joulethief circuit.These trigger transformers require 170v on the primary to achieve 4kv so i am getting no where near that with my setup but i am getting high enough voltage to see all the good stuff
The torroid i am using came from a cfl bulb and is 10mm od.I wound two coils of 5 turns bifilar using solid core 0.6mm bell wire.I tested 3 transistors,the mpsa06,bf182and 2n2222 and they all worked pretty similar but the 2222 had the least current draw with the mpsa06 having 10mA more so i went with the 2222.I also tried a bigger torroid and removing the 4.7uf cap which is accross the 1k pot and the amp draw went up significantly so it would seem that the small torroid is just right for the setup i have so if anyone wants to try this i would start from where i am and experiment from there.
Anyway from what i can tell from my experiments so far with this setup is that is behaves very much like Dr Stifflers SEC and is very very stable with no tuning issues.The joulethief runs at 12v using 39/40mA with no load and exactly the same when loaded with leds or neon bulbs and has quite a large field around the excited tray but it can be run on a 1.5v battery but is much better on 12v.
I think it may be possible to see the sec effect with car ignition coils and maybe transformers so plenty of things to try.
I would also like to say a quick thankyou to Dr Stiffler as he is the reason these experiments have seen the light of day so thankyou Dr Stiffler.
Here is a vid and a circuit diagram of my joulethief sec and Torroid sec and also some plasma globe vids and i will add new circuits as people develop them to this first page post for easy searching.Regards jonny
YouTube - Joulethief SEC Exciter-wireless energy transfer.
Joulethiefsec exciter circuit-
Imageshack - joulethiefexciter1.jpg - Uploaded by jonnydavro
YouTube - SEC exciter.Torroid hybrid.
Torroid sec circuit-
Imageshack - torroidsec2.jpg - Uploaded by jonnydavro
YouTube - Plasma globe wireless energy transmission
YouTube - Wireless One magnet no bearing Bedini motor
Jonnydavro's Simple sec starts on page 1
Step by step guide for simple sec Jonnydavros Simple SEC Build I
Slayers exciter circuit starts on page 7
I will start the ball rolling.This morning i wound a tiny joulethief torroid with the intention of replicating Pirates joulethief torch mod and put it on a prototyping board to test it anyway it worked good and i decided to try it on an idea i have been thinking about which was to incorparate a 4kv trigger transformer into a joulethief circuit.These trigger transformers require 170v on the primary to achieve 4kv so i am getting no where near that with my setup but i am getting high enough voltage to see all the good stuff

Anyway from what i can tell from my experiments so far with this setup is that is behaves very much like Dr Stifflers SEC and is very very stable with no tuning issues.The joulethief runs at 12v using 39/40mA with no load and exactly the same when loaded with leds or neon bulbs and has quite a large field around the excited tray but it can be run on a 1.5v battery but is much better on 12v.
I think it may be possible to see the sec effect with car ignition coils and maybe transformers so plenty of things to try.
I would also like to say a quick thankyou to Dr Stiffler as he is the reason these experiments have seen the light of day so thankyou Dr Stiffler.

Here is a vid and a circuit diagram of my joulethief sec and Torroid sec and also some plasma globe vids and i will add new circuits as people develop them to this first page post for easy searching.Regards jonny

YouTube - Joulethief SEC Exciter-wireless energy transfer.
Joulethiefsec exciter circuit-
Imageshack - joulethiefexciter1.jpg - Uploaded by jonnydavro
YouTube - SEC exciter.Torroid hybrid.
Torroid sec circuit-
Imageshack - torroidsec2.jpg - Uploaded by jonnydavro
YouTube - Plasma globe wireless energy transmission
YouTube - Wireless One magnet no bearing Bedini motor
Jonnydavro's Simple sec starts on page 1
Step by step guide for simple sec Jonnydavros Simple SEC Build I
Slayers exciter circuit starts on page 7