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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • Armagdn03
    Originally posted by jake View Post
    Shhhhhhh... nobody tell EPD...

    So I made this into a jumbo BJT. It works as well as most torroid JTs I have made before. It will do all the same things that most JTs do off of 1AA battery. (light wireless AV plugs, work <1mA light panels of LEDs) but its huge

    It works well at 10mA but will light leds across collector-emmitterat at<1mA.
    1Mohm variable resistor w/ 50pF across resistor. (or one or the other)
    Copper strap - power coil
    20turn - base coil

    Best part is how easy it is to tap/slide a lead down either coil to find alternate resonance points. Both the primary and secondary have spots that make for an entirely different circuit. I spent way to much time last night just fiddeling with it. But I could not stop finding new things about how it interacts with the environmant.

    Eric, sorry I had to do this. It is way too much fun and it makes viewing coils in resonance so easy.... ( I am rereading "Introduction to Dielectric and Magnetic Discharges in Electrical Windings" by Eric Dollard, as penence for my sins)
    very nice!

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  • jake

    Shhhhhhh... nobody tell EPD...

    So I made this into a jumbo BJT. It works as well as most torroid JTs I have made before. It will do all the same things that most JTs do off of 1AA battery. (light wireless AV plugs, work <1mA light panels of LEDs) but its huge

    It works well at 10mA but will light leds across collector-emmitterat at<1mA.
    1Mohm variable resistor w/ 50pF across resistor. (or one or the other)
    Copper strap - power coil
    20turn - base coil

    Best part is how easy it is to tap/slide a lead down either coil to find alternate resonance points. Both the primary and secondary have spots that make for an entirely different circuit. I spent way to much time last night just fiddeling with it. But I could not stop finding new things about how it interacts with the environmant.

    Eric, sorry I had to do this. It is way too much fun and it makes viewing coils in resonance so easy.... ( I am rereading "Introduction to Dielectric and Magnetic Discharges in Electrical Windings" by Eric Dollard, as penence for my sins)

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  • NickZ
    I also have my set up working better now using a different ferrite core. Wireless on 7 to 9 volts now, up to 6 inches away from the L3, Av plugs lighting leds very brightly off an aluminum block, even brighter than on the L3 coil. My tuning capacitor is now really tuning everything and working like it should, it is now connected between the power rails.
    I'll add more led bulbs tomorrow, and see what it can do with more juice also. It has not lit any CFLs, yet, but it probably will by tomorrow.
    I was pleasantly surprised when the led lit up almost in my face, and could be moved a foot away from the set up when using 12 volts. It does seam to be dropping the battery voltage fairly quickly though. More tuning is needed although the leds are very bright, but current draw seams high still. Have not measured it yet.
    I'll make another video soon. Any ideas are welcome.
    Last edited by NickZ; 05-09-2012, 11:13 PM.

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  • blumoon
    My first exciter

    I want to report my first working exciter,
    using 2n2222, L2=12 turns 0.42mm enameled wire, L1=500 turns of wire rip from cheap transformer, both L's on the same 3 inches tube.
    2x 1.3v rechargeable battery: -light up (not too bright) 10 LEDs from hot end L1
    -dim light av plug 3inches away from tower
    -can't light up "U" shape CFL
    Using 2n3055,same L's
    6v-15v ac powered regulator: -bright light 10 LEDs from hot end L1
    -bright light av plug at least 30cm from tower
    -light up(not too bright) U shape CFL 3inches
    from tower
    -bright light U shape CFL from hot end L1
    When I use 2n2222, draw 60mA-100mA current on 2x 1.3v.
    With 2n3055 , draw 500mA-1A on ac powered regulator.
    Next, I want to make it with "less current", but what should I do?
    Any kind of help will be appreciated.

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  • area46241
    First slayer exciter

    Hi fellas I am very happy to report my first slayer exciter wired up as in the first diagram from the beginning however my coils are different than gun bluer's I used two inch pvc pipe eight inches long wound with a whole spool of radio shack red magnet wire ...and a dr. stiffler L3 wound on half inch dropped into the middle and it lit the av plug attached to the big red coil 4 inch long wind so far thats as far as I have gotten with it but its a mile stone for me as I have wanted to replicate this one since the beginning how can we turn these novelties into useful electrical energy is the basis for my replications and would like to post photos from my phone still need to learn how but anyways the slayer exciter is a fantastic way to begin doing air core step up and intrigues me to no end yours truely damon in indy

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  • NickZ
    I just made this short video to show what I have going on with my version of the exciter circuit that I've been working on up to now.
    As always any ideas are appreciated.
    My thanks to Slayer, and Dr. Stiffler for giving me the inspiration to even get this far, and everyone else here for your help.
    Simple Joule Thief Exciter No. 1- tuning away - YouTube


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  • NickZ
    A few pics as promised. Wireless range about 3 inches using 9volts, very strong light off the aluminum block ... I'll make a short video soon, when I get more leds connected. Orange wire is the outside earth ground Adding more lights off of the Av plug does not drop the output, but raises it instead.
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    Last edited by NickZ; 05-04-2012, 11:13 PM.

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  • NickZ
    Slayer and All:
    Ok, a couple more baby steps tonight, as I finally got my tuning cap working as you showed Slayer. I've been changing the set up all the time trying this and that.
    Once I got it right, Bingo!!!, that bright light that I was hoping for...
    It's midnight here now but I'll take some pics tomorrow. I'm very much still working on it, several days and many hours. Such a simple circuit, and such a head ache to tune. But, I'm really getting there now, and all you've said and showed has been so very right, along with the Docs notes and advice.
    I'm still using the ferrite 3/4 inch toroid core, I guess that I'm a Jt kind of guy. Ha!
    The L3 is off of the C, the tuning cap is between the C and E, and it's working perfect like that now. Jt coil is set up like a normal Jtc, but with the one meg resistor on the base, along with the earth ground , and 10 volts input, so far. Wireless range is not more than few couple of inches yet. More tuning will be done tomorrow, adding more leds does not drop the light output.
    I'm more than happy tonight. thank you, thank you, thank you.
    Pics tomorrow. Videos later. I hope that I can sleep tonight, as I'm that excited.

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  • slayer007
    Originally posted by NickZ View Post
    I have the tuning cap placed between the C and E of the transistor, like is shown your diagram, but when I try to adjust it, it does not change anything. Is this the correct placement? As It acts as if it is not there.
    If a tuning led is placed in the same position that the tuning cap is placed on, it will light to about 100%. I also read from Dr. Stiffler that sometimes a second cap needs to be placed in parallel to the C1, (C2) in order to bring the tuning cap into a adjustable frequency range, as it may simply just be out of range to work properly. I'll try that next.
    In any case the system does work as is, but I can't adjust anything even when moving the L3 around like you showed. Could be the ferrite core,that is allowing it to work. I'll disconnect the L1, and just run the L3 off the C.
    Adding a magnet to the ferrite core does help to bring the light intensity up slightly, and is the only way that I have of tuning, so far.
    Anyways, I'll try a couple things and see what happens.


    Can you post a picture of the setup your using?
    I'm not sure if your using the setup I showed in my last video or the basic exciter setup.

    If your using the setup in my last video with the bobin coil the var cap would go across the + and - not across the collector and + as in the basic setup.

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  • NickZ
    I have the tuning cap placed between the C and E of the transistor, like is shown your diagram, but when I try to adjust it, it does not change anything. Is this the correct placement? As It acts as if it is not there.
    If a tuning led is placed in the same position that the tuning cap is placed on, it will light to about 100%. I also read from Dr. Stiffler that sometimes a second cap needs to be placed in parallel to the C1, (C2) in order to bring the tuning cap into a adjustable frequency range, as it may simply just be out of range to work properly. I'll try that next.
    In any case the system does work as is, but I can't adjust anything even when moving the L3 around like you showed. Could be the ferrite core,that is allowing it to work. I'll disconnect the L1, and just run the L3 off the C.
    Adding a magnet to the ferrite core does help to bring the light intensity up slightly, and is the only way that I have of tuning, so far.
    Anyways, I'll try a couple things and see what happens.

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  • slayer007

    Thats Great news NickZ it sounds like your getting closer.
    I'm surprised you have it going without the var cap.
    Once mine is started I can remove the var cap and the lights will dim but it will stay running.Maybe a small 47pf will help you.

    If you don't have a bobin to wind your coil on you could try winding it on a small pipe then slide it off and bunch it togeather and tape it.
    Also your coil off the base might need a little top load to help it.

    Some Great looking pics
    @ 36v your exciter must be a beast.

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  • NickZ
    Another baby step, as I've got some wireless going on now. Still using a Jt bifilar wound ferrite coil with an L3 off of the transistor control, and a pot with a 4k resistor on the base, along with the outside earth ground. I tried the 1meg resistor but it seams it is too high a value, and the light is dimmer.
    With only 2.4 volts I started seeing wireless on an Av plug up to an inch away from the L3, so I raised the voltage to 4 volts, and it showed it lighting the led out a little further away. I put 12 volts on it, and the Av plugs led is registering light a foot away. The transistor is stone cold and toroid coil is not screaming away as it was the first day.
    Anyways, its a start, with no tuning done yet, as I've not gotten the tuning cap to work, for some reason, but the Leds are bright, and each added led is not dimming the first ones light output. If I remove the earth ground there is only about 1/2 or less of the light intensity. I'll upload some pics when I got more to show.
    I'm very happy with results, so far. Any ideas are welcome.
    Last edited by NickZ; 05-03-2012, 03:27 AM.

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  • NickZ
    Slayer, and All:
    Although I did not get the metal bobbins to work, I'm using a ferrite toroid core for now, until I can find the plastic bobbins. I'm using an L3 off of the transistor control, and until just now I'm finally beginning to see the effects that you are showing. Although not the wireless yet, as I'm only using 1.2 volts, to avoid burning another transistor, as well as a couple of leds which I lost yesterday. But, since I already fried the only 2n2222 that I had, I'm using the kn2222A, which is working well. I connected the outside earth ground to the base as you suggested which without it there was no light, as well as a virtual ground.

    I'm very very happy with the results of my first baby steps with this illusive brain racking circuit, so far, and will upload some pictures or a video or two when I get it all working as you are showing.

    All I can say is wow!!! This circuit is something else.
    Thanks to all for your help. I am hooked on this, now...

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  • shaan
    Lookie Lookie

    36volt @ 300mA Input from HP printer power supply. 15 turns primary. BJT - TIP3055. Ligting radius 1metre !!!!! Lights 4feet flourescents quite bright!!!
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  • totoalas
    JT Lighting Results = Memory lane 021011

    Hi to all
    just want to share the results of a year long tests with you guys



    JT Lighting Results - Memoriy lane 021011.avi - YouTube

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