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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • Lidmotor
    What is this???

    I thought about "this" over night and I am wondering now what kind of thing is it? It is not really a Tesla coil by definition and it has evolved away from a true SEC. What is it??? It is an oscillator with resonating coils that acts like a Tesla coil but----where is the spark gap?--where is the HV cap?---where is the primary HV transformer that drives a normal Tesla coil? On the flip side, a true SEC is not really like this either. This circuit is so simple I'm sure that the EEs around here should have an easy answer for this.

    Anyway on my last video here is the info on the setup. It still isn't right but it worked. My LC meter is broken so I couldn't help out there.

    L1--12" x 2 3/8"
    24ga copper wire
    9 ohms

    L2---3 turns 18ga aluminum bare wire 2 3/4" dia.
    Adjustable coil with clip lead
    Turns separated by 1"
    Plactic straws used to isolate it from L1

    The circuit is the one that Woopy is using

    The power source is a 12 volt battery with a 12v 500mA wall outlet transformer connected (that is a must to get the plasma).

    Amp draw is STILL 1.5 amps +. Way too high. Good heat sink on transistor a must and don't run this for more than a few seconds or expect loud pop and smoke.


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  • totoalas
    Multiple Output with 3 Parallel SEC Circuit

    Hi to All,
    Ive just tried 3 sec in parallel with one L1 and two wound coils 10 t each

    12 v 150 ma 4 8 w/ 1 20 w / 1 15 w fl lamps

    Plasma arc increased when touched by hand on all L1 L3 and L4 current jumped to 200ma

    L4 near L2 by 10cm when one line touched ground of the circuit board the led s in the three ckt are very bright and current jumped to 380 mamps

    I think this plasma arc can be used to ignite the HHO as in electronic ignition


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    Last edited by totoalas; 07-09-2010, 03:56 PM.

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  • TheCell
    Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
    I hope that this will draw alot of attention and some of the great builders on this forum will build a precision one. The basic circuit is what Woopy used but my coils are different. The "spinner" design is something that requires very light weight and almost no friction.
    It is a fun project.


    That is excellent!!!...
    1. What circuit did you use to power that?
    2. What are the coil specs. Very neat idea for the secondary coil.
    3. What wire did you use to wind the coil(s).

    With the above, we can make a new coil in about 10 min, and build a nice demo kit from our CNC.


    Last edited by TheCell; 12-19-2013, 08:39 PM.

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  • woopy
    Hi lidmotor


    and now if you want to get a really strong acceleration

    here some proposal

    i will try to make a video, but not used at all on it

    good day

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    Last edited by woopy; 08-13-2010, 10:04 PM.

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  • Lidmotor
    Plasma spinners

    Originally posted by xee2 View Post
    Very cool. I hope you will do a video showing the complete setup when you get everything working to your satisfaction.
    I hope that this will draw alot of attention and some of the great builders on this forum will build a precision one. The basic circuit is what Woopy used but my coils are different. The "spinner" design is something that requires very light weight and almost no friction.
    It is a fun project.


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  • xee2
    Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
    I was able to replicate Woopy's Plasma Jet Spinner today.

    Here is a video of it :

    YouTube - Plasma Jet Spinner.ASF


    Very cool. I hope you will do a video showing the complete setup when you get everything working to your satisfaction.

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  • Lidmotor
    Woopy's Plasma Jet Spinner---my replication

    I was able to replicate Woopy's Plasma Jet Spinner today.

    Here is a video of it :

    YouTube - Plasma Jet Spinner.ASF



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  • CosmicFarmer
    Yup you got it right, the third winding goes to a in4148 x4 bridge, then to the largest cap I could find, and then to a ladder filter, then to the oscillator cct. The large cap seems to brighten up the output by double at the cost of a infinitesimal amount of speed in the wheel.

    I noticed that when the collapse flies through the coil, it is like any amount of force, wants to find the path of least resistance. So if 2 winds have a resistance of ~600 and the third one is shorted, then all the juice goes through the shorted segment and no kick for the wheel. While if the 3rd is open, then the collapse pretty much ignores it. So the loads should be somewhat balanced.

    What I was trying to get was sustained motion, charging effect, and wireless fun in one device and it has taken much love but now I am satisfied with what I have done. I just don't like the epilepsy effect that a pulsemotor light has and am trying to smooth it out.

    The ladder filter allows me to connect loads to the oscillator and not have it reflect back to the trifiler coil, so I get to spam the lights. In case you were wondering a ladder filter smooths an input/output by using ferrite beads and capacitors, and seems to work pretty well.

    -F--F--F-- (+)
    c. c. c. c
    -F--F--F-- (-)

    To increase the brightness of LEDs I have tried many things, such as disconnecting the exciter for a moment to let the cap fill up, which works well but is dangerous! If the cap fills up too much then the genie comes out of the transistor when you reapply it. If its just enough, then the light is constant on and bright. maybe I need N/C tap open switch...

    Also I have tried a SEC18 in place of the slayer cct. The SEC drew less power for more on time, but the LEDs still flash, and the SEC is really picky! You have to tune it just right and then you cant even get near it once its working. Also the SEC would not work with my ugly coil, while the slayer one did. I just feel the oscillations are stronger in the slayer version. Maybe not ultra - wideband... but for what I'm using it for the slayer is stronger. In other applications, the SEC would win.
    Last edited by CosmicFarmer; 07-08-2010, 10:42 PM. Reason: :)

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  • TanTric
    i missed your point, sory! My setup was just bifilar... and i powered the sec from the bedini output!

    that is very interesting, so you are taking the power from the third winding, you use some bridge rectifyer before powering the Exciter? or it takes AC?

    if you dont notice any drag with the SEC connected, that's very good news cause you putted uncle lenz to sleep! Just one more question, have you tryed loading the bedini output, at the same time that 3d winding is powering the sec to see if you loose power?

    im just in doubt if your exiter is being powered by the rotor magnets, or by the collapsing field!

    you rock

    Originally posted by CosmicFarmer View Post

    @Tantric - The exciter is powered from one winding of the trifilar coil. you said you tried this setup, you mean trifilar? or just bifilar?
    I do notice that if I weigh my circuit heavy in the exciter portion (huge caps, ground connections, or alot of mass) then power gets drawn from the bedini side and the wheel doesn't accelerate as fast or even slows down, so there has to be a happy medium. Right now I have it lighting 50 LEDs which don't seem to add any drag to anything, but if I increase the cap size that will. Maybe I'll just stud it with LEDs and call it a day.

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  • Zooty
    Regarding Slayer type SEC tuning.

    Hi Jonny, i will try what you suggested tonight and see if its any better. I have a feeling it isn't and it may be just altering the frequency of operation, getting a better result. I did notice that if i put my L2 coil exactly 1/4 of the way up the L1 coil, this is the best place for lowest input/highest output. In this position i am able to light a 3.3v LED to near full brightness and have a neon lit connected in parallel with a 100v 100uf cap.. from a 1.2v cell@22ma. I am working on a feedback mechanism to charge the primary battery.

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  • jonnydavro
    Slayer exciter-wireless neon at 2m

    HiI have been experimenting with two rectangle coils and Slayers exciter over the past couple of weeks and trying to settle on the best way of tuning the coils to the transmitter and each other and i have settled on a capasitive coupling between a small pan and the towers.You can use a ferrite rod but i noticed that when my hand was close to the rectangle coils,the AV plug detector would go blazingingly bright and and this has prooved the simplest method of tuning along with jiggling the wire's.
    Using these rectangle coil repeaters,i think it would be possible to move energy a fair distance from the transmitter so i may try and make a third one to see.
    Individualy,the recievers will work at 1.5m and i have had a faint neon at 2.4m with two.Here is a vid at a distance of 2m.Jonny
    YouTube - Slayer exciter -Wireless neon at 2m
    @Woopy.That plasma motor is pure geniousI would love to see a vid of that spinning.It reminds me of a steam powered motor from way back but using plasma.
    Your experiment prooves that this could be used as a propulsive force so i would like to know how much thrust a nasa ion drive motor puts out.I was under the impression that it was about the weight of a piece of paper but it is a constant thrust over a long period of time allowing for high speeds to be reached so if this is the case,you may have a higher power to weight ratio right in front of you Keep up the great work Laurent.Jonny
    Originally posted by Zooty View Post
    I don't know if anyone has tried this.. probably, but if you make a bridge rectifier out of 4 1n4148's, put 2 bits of wire, 1 on each side of the ac input and your output on the DC side, you get double the output for no extra input. Also, if you connect one of the AC to ground its even better. I also have the led/diode in the base of the circuit connected to ground and the led lights up slightly when the battery is disconnected, just like cosmicfarmers setup.
    Hi Zooty.No one has tried this to my knowledge so thanks for sharing .
    If you connect a bank of leds,do they light up brighter than with a standard av plug so is the higher voltage giving a higher light output?If so,this could be very useful.Jonny
    @Lidmotor Hi Woopy and Juju sure have the plasma side dialled in.I think you are right about the L1 coil and wire size must also be a big factor.Not too sure which size is best yet or which transistor.The mpsa06 gives good plasma but they blow for fun at the 220mA my setup needs for plasma so i will try the tip 31c and see how that fairs.Jonny
    @CosmicFarmer.Hi .Great couple of vids cosmic and you have given us plenty too think about.
    I would class your torroid slayer exciter as a self runner as like you say,it is running for free,without batteries and that led gets really bright when you touch it so you may be able to put a virtual ground at that point and get the same bright light for free.This has uses and who knows,it may be scaleable by having two or three or..........
    Your Bedini experiment is also very interesting and i don't get negative amp draw readings often so you are having whats known in the trade as a good week
    I would try the one ohm resistor and you will get a better picture of what is happening but i would look into it further and maybe try running the Bedini in self oscillation mode too.Nice work.Jonny

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  • CosmicFarmer
    I Took my toy outside with the help of my lovely helper...

    I found that my earthground 1 foot magnesium rod preforms the same as my 1 foot carbon rod, which is slightly less impressive as the house ground, which is a standard 8 feet in the earth. I feel I have tread on this discovery again. I believe that if you want to power something from a single earth connection, that connection must be DEEP in the earth to get a great effect. I was able to light a LED with an 8 ft copper pole in almost the same blinky fashion earlier in my alt.e career... But the slayer oscillator does add some spunk that a simple av plug doesn't. I would make a video but you can imagine a dim single green dot in a black backdrop without downloading anything.

    Maybe the next step is to try an excited stubblefield coil to power the oscillator...

    @Tantric - The exciter is powered from one winding of the trifilar coil. you said you tried this setup, you mean trifilar? or just bifilar?
    I do notice that if I weigh my circuit heavy in the exciter portion (huge caps, ground connections, or alot of mass) then power gets drawn from the bedini side and the wheel doesn't accelerate as fast or even slows down, so there has to be a happy medium. Right now I have it lighting 50 LEDs which don't seem to add any drag to anything, but if I increase the cap size that will. Maybe I'll just stud it with LEDs and call it a day.

    @JohnnyDavro - Thanks for crossposting my vid! Hmm I dont think its a self runner that can do anything useful yet, but anything ground powered is self running by definition! "power your devices from the ambient medium" is one of my goals... Your coil is much more impressive then mine, just try adding a good ground anywhere to the indicator led and see how it works without an input.
    Last edited by CosmicFarmer; 07-08-2010, 05:11 AM. Reason: :)

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  • TanTric
    @cosmic, hi!

    you r powering the Bedini and the exiter in parallel or powering the exiter with the bedini output?

    you probably would like to test an analogic ampmeter, i allready experimented with that setup and nothing anusual happened... but maybe you could have ther somekind of magic trick?

    anyways cool video, cool song!

    @lidmotor, you need a big heat think, if you have some old pc energy supply they have some more reliables, its the only way to control this beasts!! i suggest TIP3055 or TIP31C, they will handle 12V at 0.5A with big plasma output!

    the diode idea of jonny and woopy is a must!! it doubles the plasma!

    thank u

    Originally posted by CosmicFarmer View Post
    I have made a trifilar Bedini Slayer that gives me a negative amp draw reading...
    The meter is surely fooled...

    YouTube - BediniSlayerMeterReadings.wmv

    Please watch and give me your opinion?

    The next step is to test this with an outside ground instead of house ground. Will do that later today.

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  • Lidmotor
    Plasma at last

    @Jonny, Slayer, and Woopy
    I finally got my Slayer exciter to spit out plasma. I have been trying to get it to do it for weeks. I decided that I have the wrong coil but I was still able to get a brief blast of the purple stuff by using Woopy's circuit. Thanks.

    Here is the video of it:
    YouTube - Plasma at last!!.ASF

    I would really like to make one of those plasma spinners like you made Woopy. That is a very interesting device.


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  • Zooty
    Cosmic, that is fascinating. Could you try measuring the voltage across a 1 ohm resistor connected to your run battery positive going to the circuit and compare results to your amp meter?

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