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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • TheCell
    Originally posted by Farrah Day View Post
    Thank you Doc, oh I mean Farrah Day for answering my earlier question. As I am slow in finally getting The circuit done and working, (had the Bloody 4KV trigger transformer backwards), uploaded video U-Tube, hope the wife doesn't find it...she will see I brought the work home...and to HER kitchen oops!
    How much gas for what qty of ma / volts. One question that has popped up...are their any health hazards for this "field" that anyone has come up with? Then the next test that I will have done is to build a cell with the flow through and build the "ionizing plates into the top and bottom of our cell, then pulse a high voltage through the SS plates to see what effect we have. Our material that we make the cell with has CU powder impregnated into it for heat distribution / elimination. This also allows for a "field" to be generated around it. I will keep you posted...

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  • Farrah Day
    Additional Electrolysis Info:

    Imageshack - avplug1.jpg - Uploaded by FarrahDay

    I did the tests posted in the link above with Slayer's basic exciter cct, without the LED indicator set up, L3 or the 1 Mohm resistor.

    I used a tower coil I had at hand, 170mm high on a 40mm diameter former, which read as 1.2 ohms dc resistance and 360uH. A small pancake coil placed near the bottom consisting of 7 turns of multistrand telephone wire which read 0.1 ohm dc resistance and just 1uH.

    The set up worked, but the transistor didn't half get hot. I tried various transistors, BC184, 2N2222A, 2N3053 and various others (unmarked) that I had knocking about. Most worked, but obviously my set up is drawing too much current through the transistors.
    Last edited by Farrah Day; 07-04-2010, 05:52 PM.

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  • totoalas
    Sec@12 Volts WITH L3 ON L1(1 1/2 IN DIA)

    hI TO ALL,

    Ive just replicated the Slayer latest video but with additional L3 on both coils 1 1/2 dia 12 and 18 inches tall......

    Positive or Negative terminal will provide strong plasma and strong led indication

    attached are pix of my set up

    cheers totoalas


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  • slayer007
    This video is to show how you can use two diodes and one LED for a indicator light for your exiter.
    It helps with tunning and hepls protect the transistor.

    Dr Stiffler uses it in his SEC 18 series and it also works very good with this circuit.

    In the video the 1M resistor is disconnected.It is no longer needed if using over 1v.
    And I also have one coil connected to the negative battery post.

    Here is the video.

    YouTube - Exiter with indicator light

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  • teslaproject
    Capacitance of coil?

    @JohnnyDavro, Dr Stiffler, Slayer or Lidmotor.

    Firstly....great work on the high voltage stuff guys. I scrolled back however can't seem to find which post is the most recent circuit (@Lidmotor - is it the one you are using for your pulse motor and if so where is that posted?).

    Secondly, have any of you experienced what I can only descibe as coil/circuit saturation? (More power in less power out). No components heat ONLY the battery IF you go over a certain input power threshold therefore the feedback is somehow to battery.



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  • slayer007
    Originally posted by totoalas View Post
    lidmotor great video

    your led indicator finally sealed a complete circuit
    Your circuit of sec 12 v dc 100 ma with 4 8w load has performed well
    16 hours daily operation for 1 week now without any change in transistor temperature 29 deg C/ output

    Hope you can give a simple photocell or control circuit as an option ........
    I will install a calculator solar cell to your JT design again to power up my circuit
    with hope of less human intervention

    Im now on Peltier ckt and w ill try to operate with your sec

    Thank you Totoalas

    The diode led combination idea I got from Dr Stiffler he uses it in his sec 18 series.
    For tuning and to save the degrading of the transistor hfe over time.

    Also if you have another coil connect it to one of the battery post and watch the plasma fly.

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  • totoalas
    Sec Slayer Performance

    lidmotor great video

    your led indicator finally sealed a complete circuit
    Your circuit of sec 12 v dc 100 ma with 4 8w load has performed well
    16 hours daily operation for 1 week now without any change in transistor temperature 29 deg C/ output

    Hope you can give a simple photocell or control circuit as an option ........
    I will install a calculator solar cell to your JT design again to power up my circuit
    with hope of less human intervention

    Im now on Peltier ckt and w ill try to operate with your sec


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  • slayer007
    @ Lidmotor.. Great video, It looks like your getting good results with your HHO production.

    @ All

    Here is just a small mod that will help with tunning your exiter.
    The led will light when L2 is tuned to the right spot.

    There should be two or three good hot spots on your L1 coil.

    This idea was taken from Dr Stifflers sec 18 to help with tunning.

    The 1m resistor is just an option also it's not needed if using higher voltages.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by slayer007; 07-02-2010, 09:49 PM.

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  • Lidmotor
    The submerged diode electrolysis using the Slayer Exciter

    @Jonny, Slayer, and All
    I replicated the doide in the water electrolysis experiment using the Slayer Exciter. It is just like what you showed Jonny. It worked really well and I even got it to work off one 9 volt battery. I also ran my dried out Stubblefield coil / motor wirelessly at the same time. Dr. Stiffler has come up with something very very interesting.

    Here is the video of it working:

    YouTube - Diode electrolysis using the Slayer Exciter.ASF


    Last edited by Lidmotor; 07-01-2010, 11:54 PM.

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  • totoalas
    Sec@12 Volts WITH L3 ON L1 hho

    [IMG][IMG=][/IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]

    Hi to all
    thia is my set up of L3/L1 electrolisys

    Woopy great connection on L1 outside the tube

    Has anyone tried to light a Uv lamp for water disinfection. i cannot light my 1 meter UV lamp ??????
    After water electrolysis what happens next to the electrolyte for what purpose
    hope to heaR from you guys
    Is it for drinking or can function aS safe straW the one membrANE FOR filtering wATER FROM aNY SOURCE Used by the US militaRY IN afghAnistAN


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  • totoalas
    Sec - Let There Be Light

    [IMG][IMG=][/IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]
    Hi Jonny and to all

    attached pics for my set up


    [IMG][IMG=][/IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]
    [IMG][IMG=][/IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]
    [IMG][IMG=][/IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]

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  • jonnydavro
    @rave 154.Hi David.I have an L1 coil which is very close to what you are using but wound with 26swg wire.It is the same former,a cardboard tube from some tinfoil, so i set that up to see how that worked with Dr Stifflers single diode electrlolysis and it made a few bubbles but not a lot but i could get a constant stream out of it when i used the increased gas output mod i posted recently so try that with your setup.I don't think it will work like my pop bottle coil as like xeno says,frequency plays a big part in this but at least you will see somthing. Jonny
    @totalas Hi.I would love to see some pics of your setup.You can use a program called irfanview to resize your pics.I usually resize mine to 30% and then on imageshack,press the link for get code for forums and copy/paste it into your post.Jonny.

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  • Farrah Day
    Originally posted by rave154 View Post
    farrah, if that is true..then that settles increase gas production...

    we need to enlarge the cathode surface area, and get it as close as possible to the edge of the glass with a little water inbetween.
    Depending on the energy of the EMR, there will be lots of ionisation occurring throughout the water, but unless there are electrodes therein to allow charge exchanging, the H+ and OH- ions will quickly recombine to water.

    We need to take advantage of as much of the ionisation occurring throughout the water as possible.

    So yes surface area is important, but unlike a brute force current dependent electrolyser, electrode placement and design might be far more important. We have to be very careful that we don't end up actually screening the water from the required EMR with the electrodes. Take a look at my electrolyser concept on my Closed-Loop Electrolyser thread.

    Incidentally I would lean toward similar areas of cathode and anode otherwise you might effectively create an unnecessary resistance to current flow.

    At least that's how I see it, but there are still many details to work out. One being an optimum frequency for efficient ionisation. We need the frequency that delivers a photon of correct energy.

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  • rave154
    farrah, if that is true..then that settles increase gas production...

    we need to enlarge the cathode surface area, and get it as close as possible to the edge of the glass with a little water inbetween.

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  • Farrah Day
    Originally Posted by rave154
    i guess 1 question would be, would the gas production increase if the surface area ( or even total mass ) of the anode was increased?

    also..increasing the size of the cathode such that the outside diameter of the cathode puts it closer to the inside edge of the glass tube such that there is only a thin layer of water between the two... and see if this increases or decreases the gas.
    p.s an idea just occured ot me as well, how about adding parts onto both the anode and cathode to make it into the form of those "Stan Meyer" cells where concentric rings of alternating cathode - anode - cathode - anode... are formed?:

    Hi David.I certainly think minimising the distance between the diode and the testube would increase gas output.This might be why i am getting a good flow as my testubes are really small but they could be smaller and experimenting with the size of the cathode and anode would narrow it down further.
    The strength of the radiated energy will certainly come into play. If the water is being induced to ionise it will be absorbing photon energy from the electromagnetic radiation. Hence the energy levels will reduce the farther the EMR has to penetrate into the water.

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