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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • Xenomorph
    Originally posted by woopy View Post
    And of course i will try to trigger a powerfull mosfet with a small 2N2222a or other transistor.

    As the frequency seems to stay around 600 khz perhaps somebody could propose a cct.
    The frequency is dependent on your coil specs partially.

    May i ask why you intend to use powerful MOSFETs? The currents are usually below an amp here, we talk about a few watts only.
    The resonance in the circuit is mainly attributed to it´s simplicity of the transistors as they are current-controlled, MOSFETs are voltage controlled components and probably require a MOSFET driver other than just a 2N2222.
    It needs to be tested by you if you can actually achieve resonance with MOSFETs in this circuit.

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  • Farrah Day
    Originally posted by woopy View Post


    The circuit i use is the Slayer 007 cct. The capacitor is not absolutely necessary but it reduces the current when tuned correctly. Slayer 007 recommend a variable capacitor to fine tune L2 with L1. As i have no variable capacitor i try different capacity . But this is not the best way to get the best result. So i would recommend you a variable cap .Relative question where can i find a big variable capacitor (from 5 to 600 pf) in europe ?
    Ah, a variable cap - I thought something should be variable.

    But I'm puzzled Woopy, by you saying that the capacitor is not absolutely necessary - perhaps someone can help me here. I thought I'd figured out how the cct worked, but it doesn't hold up without that capacitor. How can this cct possibly resonate without the capacitor??


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  • woopy
    Thanks Xenomorph

    i will go to sleep now and probably the night will add some new ideas to go ahead.

    If any suggestion to wound a 1 meter 10 cm diameter (or more) coil perhaps with 0.4 or 0.5 mm copper ??

    And of course i will try to trigger a powerfull mosfet with a small 2N2222a or other transistor.

    As the frequency seems to stay around 600 khz perhaps somebody could propose a cct.

    good night


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  • Xenomorph
    Originally posted by woopy View Post
    waooow Xenomorph

    very nice big coil in the center of your pix.

    I will wound something like this as soon as possible.

    If i see right you use a PVC pipe which diameter, and what copper wire.?

    Have you measure the inductance and resistance?

    And i can see in the background the Slayer 007 cct , but in the front there is another circuit with it seems to be Mosfet. So my question do you use a mosfet cct to drive the big coil ?

    Thanks for sharing, i would be glad to replicate your big coil and cct.

    good luck

    the coil in the middle is the standard coil as advised by Slayer.
    I did not have the same wire gauge as he described, i think i used 0.4mm diameter wire. The PVC former has 8cm diameter.

    No LCR meter at the moment to measure the inductance.

    I don´t use MOSFETs for the circuit i talked about, but 2 parallel 2N2222s and 2 parallel MPSA06s. The circuit boards in the background are experimental sine wave inverter circuits for my Kapanadze research and what you interpreted to be MOSFETs are the power transistors.

    Good luck with what you wanna build

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  • woopy
    waooow Xenomorph

    very nice big coil in the center of your pix.

    I will wound something like this as soon as possible.

    If i see right you use a PVC pipe which diameter, and what copper wire.?

    Have you measure the inductance and resistance?

    And i can see in the background the Slayer 007 cct , but in the front there is another circuit with it seems to be Mosfet. So my question do you use a mosfet cct to drive the big coil ?

    Thanks for sharing, i would be glad to replicate your big coil and cct.

    good luck


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  • Xenomorph
    Little kacher for additional charging

    I connected a little coil, that i used in some kacher experiments via a diode to a 1.5V rechargable battery and it charged up from 0.95V to 1.15 Volts in like 5 minutes.
    As long as it´s in the near field it is probably acting as a load on the exciter circuit just as the CFL lamps do, but it is comfortable to be able to charge many batteries of different voltage rating at the same time.

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  • woopy
    Hi Totoalas

    it seems that you have a good circuit , but could you please send a shematic how you connect the MPSA06 to the parallel 2N2222



    The circuit i use is the Slayer 007 cct. The capacitor is not absolutely necessary but it reduces the current when tuned correctly. Slayer 007 recommend a variable capacitor to fine tune L2 with L1. As i have no variable capacitor i try different capacity . But this is not the best way to get the best result. So i would recommend you a variable cap .Relative question where can i find a big variable capacitor (from 5 to 600 pf) in europe ?

    At all
    yesterday afternoon i spent all the time to test the electroliser with the
    outer glass-coil grounded in my house plug, than my wife came back home and ask me what i did , because all the house smelled ionised air .Not only my lab , So is it possible that by grounding the electroliser , all the house electric system is also ionised ?

    good luck


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  • Farrah Day
    Sorry to keep butting in guys, but because of recent observations made by Woopy, I'm going to attempt today to replicate his experiment first.

    Can I just confirm the operation of the cct.

    Is it simply that on power up, the capacitor is charged through the resistor, (the resistor determining the rate of charge) and once charged enough - which is very quickly - the voltage on the base of the transistor is then enough to switch it on allowing current to flow through the collector to the coil. However as soon as this happens, the capacitor starts to discharge, thereby turning off the transistor base voltage and hence the current through the collector. So the cycle repeats, Would that be a fairly accurate description of how the cct is resonating?

    Sorry if I'm covering old ground... I'm a newbie at this! I'll try not to become annoying

    Incidentally, I've just taken a failed FL bulb apart for the little toroid, and was quite amazed by the amount of components therein.

    1 toroid
    2 transistors
    5 non-electrolytic caps
    1 large and useful 1.5mF 400V electrolytic
    6 diodes
    6 resistors
    1 3mH inductor
    and a small signal transformer.

    Blimey you guys could save these manufacturers a fortune on components alone!


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  • totoalas
    Sec Hho

    Dear All
    please check in the S cell HHO and HHO @5 Volts . Can add two s cell shaped 316 stainless mesh screen to the ends of Avrenko diode plus lye to increase production of hydrogen ..... wihtout heating up the solution

    Ive ran out of transistors as well as the store so endurance test is on my list for the week end for the SEC lighting @12 volts
    2 paralllel 2n2222 plus one MPSA06 C to B and base to E of the prallel circuit
    Current draw without and with MPSA06 128 and 56 mA ,,,,,,,,that solve my problem of overheating
    Had been running for 8 hours now and the circuit still the same warm LOL
    the circuit affects my wireless mouse in my deskstop

    Last edited by totoalas; 06-05-2010, 08:39 PM.

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  • Farrah Day
    Originally posted by woopy View Post
    What about a 1 meter high and 20 cm diameter L1.
    That should do it, lol.

    Seriously though, I'll try to reproduce your experiment in the next few days so I can get a feel first hand of what's happening, because I'm already having second thoughts on my explanation in the previous post. I just feel I'm overlooking something.

    All the best

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  • woopy
    Hi Farrah
    i just repeated the experiment to be sure, and i can confirm that when i move the outer coil from water level to the bottom of the glas , and further more when i completely remove the coil away from the glass, the electrolisis seems to stay at the same level. No dramatic change in the bubles quantity or form . Only the current goes up ?
    But of course we need to make a much bigger experience to be able to measure that fact precisely. That's why we need a cct which can excite a much bigger Slayer exciter and produce more power electrolisis.
    Any idea ?
    What about a 1 meter high and 20 cm diameter L1. what copper wire diameter for the winding and what would be the cct ?

    good night


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  • Farrah Day
    Originally posted by woopy View Post
    Hi all
    Salted water get yellow and smell not so good.
    That will be the chlorine at the anode, which at least goes to show that it is indeed proper electrolysis that is occuring.

    Did the dramatic reduction in current consumption come at the expense of a dramatic reduction in gas evolution? I would expect this to be the case.

    I would suggest that this is occuring: You are causing the water to ionise as in your first experiment, the diodes are acting as a charge exchange bridge as before and gas evolves from each leg. However, by putting an earthed wire around the container, you now effectively have added another ground source to attract the H3O+ away from the wire cathode. Hence, as you have pulled some of the charges away, less current will flow through your diode bridge. At least that's my take on it.

    Try using stainless steel instead of carbon rods.

    This is great stuff, Woopy.


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  • Farrah Day
    Data on the specs of some transistors, can be a little confusing because from my experience some info only provides the continuous ratings, whilst other info only shows the absolute maximum ratings.

    As far as I can tell, the 2N2222A is rated at as 800mA absolute maximum collector current, with the peak collector current also set at 800mA. Maximum power dissipation between 500mW and 1.2W depending on the ambient air temp.

    The MPSA06 is rated at 500mA absolute maximum collector current, but also allows a peak current of 1 Amp, so make of that what you will. Maximum power dissipation is 625mW.

    One transistor I have at my disposal and which I’ll be giving a try is the 2N3053. It is rated as 700mA absolute maximum collector current and similar voltages to the MPSA06, but its maximum power dissipation is 5W (it’s a physically larger transistor than the other two). One of its applications is power oscillators, so it might fit the bill nicely… if it works that is.

    Other transistors that might be of interest are the BC537 and BC538s. Again similar voltage specs to the MPSA06, but with an absolute maximum collector current of 1 Amp (peak 1.5 Amp). They also have a maximum power dissipation ratings of 625mW.

    I’ve built up quite an arsenal of components over the years, so I’ve got quite a few transistors at hand to experiment with. However, I daresay some are no longer available to buy due to being superseded.

    Anyway, I hope to get around to trying different transistors in my JT variants so I’ll report my finding as and when.

    Ironically, the one transistor I don’t have is the MPSA06!!


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  • woopy
    Hi all
    Thanks to all of you for the important info and very intersting videos.

    Just a little report of today's work.

    I tried different water. plain tap water than salted water than baking soda water and pure distilled water.
    the best result is plain tap water. with the baking soda both electrode are producing gas ? With distilled water it seems to need far more current for less electrolisis. Salted water get yellow and smell not so good.

    Than i tried the MPSA 06 which work well and also the 2N3904 which is very good too.

    The frequency around the glass is between 550 up to 670 khz (measured with the green loop on the probe of my scope)

    Than something very INTERESTING i made a coil of some turns (0.8 copper insulated see pix) around the glas , one end of the coil is connected to a long wire and than to the house ground, the other end is free.This have a dramatic improvement on the current consumption.
    For instance if the voltage is 9 volt and the current with the coil at the upper water level,is at 10 ma , if i simply let the coil fall at the bottom of the glass, the current goes to near 60 ma and if i put the coil away from the glass , the current goes to 120 ma ?? any explanation ?

    Than i got problem with the carbon electrode. Some time ,not always , the non producing rod get black and than the whole electrolisis strongly diminish ?

    OK that all for today Ho! i forget to mention that this experience is a real transistor frying machine

    Good luck at all

    Last edited by woopy; 08-29-2010, 06:15 PM.

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  • Xenomorph
    Originally posted by Jules Tresor View Post
    Good morning everyone,
    Does this is a Slayer's exciter ??
    It looks same, but power is huge x 240).flv

    Comes from here: Index of /zpe/Gruz
    That video is an admitted fake. Stefan should actually take it down from youtube.
    Too many people take it for real. And it has really nothing in common with Slayer´s Exciter (except that two coils are being used if you wanna find a similarity).

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