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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • Coils

    @ Marxist
    You were right about the coil winding direction. I tried several coils today and it a polarity thing. A clockwise or counterclockwise will work.

    @ Slayer
    I'm going to have nightmares tonight about these crazy coils. I worked with all kinds of shapes and sizes today and finally fiddled with one that would light up 12 leds on 5.5 volts at 6mA. That is about what Doc's NILS circuit runs at. My final thought was that it depends on what you want that determines the coil design. One coil design won't do it all.
    Your latest finding that you can get BEMF charging off this is great.



    • understanding

      thanks for your confirmation that any combination of winding directions of the two coils will work.
      edit/addition @ all,
      regarding coil polarity see also jonnydavro's posting
      posting 260

      Re: exciters in general
      Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
      ....My final thought was that it depends on what you want that determines the coil design. ...
      I agree, and I find this important. If I am not mistaken, kazm observed a similar phenomenon and put it like this:
      Originally posted by kazm View Post
      Both this and jonny's simple sec let you choose how much stays in the circuit and how much gets broadcast wirelessly based on how you configure it.
      I guess that means that "you can't get it all" from one unit. If we want to maximize all effects, we will probably have to use a daisy chain of 2 or more exciters as Dr Stiffler shows in one of his videos.

      Thanks for the video YouTube - Exiter BEMF
      Yes, you mentioned the importance of "capturing the BEMF' before, but I did not understand and still have difficulties to get it

      Do you do it like this in your video:

      Connect anode of a diode to collector of transistor
      connect cathode of diode to capacitor
      and connect the other side of that cap to the minus of the battery to make the cap fill up?

      Is this the way? Please confirm.

      And I also don't understand this:
      Originally posted by slayer007 View Post
      ....use the positive source for your negative charge.

      edit: also want to report that I can light (not fully) a 18W fluorescent tube from my little setup by maintaining a supply voltage above 5 V. The 9 V block I had used initially was just too depleted to accomplish that.
      I have also upgraded my arsenal by building a Dr. S. field strength meter using 3 diodes per branch, according to his video:
      YouTube - DIY Coherence Field Strength Meter
      I only deviated from the design he shows insofar as I did not put any metal object to the tip of the probe. The tip of my field strength meter is just constituted by the two joined leads of the first pair of diodes.

      That field strength meter makes it easy to see, that when the fluorescent tube comes on, the remaining strength of the field goes down, as if the field was sucked into the fluorescent tube ...
      Last edited by marxist; 02-15-2010, 05:57 AM.


      • Hi folks, heres a pic of slayer's replication so others can see, also the heat doesnt seem to be as evident today, seems the heat shows up if tuned improperly and i disconnected the base resistor after start so that may be helping.
        peace love light
        Attached Files


        • Hi folks, had an idea to take slayers simple exciter setup and build a large table top coil a foot in diameter by a foot or so tall using something like sonotube concrete formers. I have enough 24 gauge wire for this and will be testing this idea. Maybe a large diameter will yield greater results. just a thought.
          peace love light


          • Hi. Today was the first chance i have had to build slayers circuit and a mighty fine circuit it isI used 26swg enamel wire about 560 turns on a cardboard roll wound anticlockwise and 13 turns of bellwire for L2 wound clockwise.
            The circuit fired up first time which is always a good sign and will light neons and fluorecents and lots of leds.
            I seem to be able to get quite a broad range of current draw from 20mA up to 200mA but anyone who has experimented with these sec circuits will atest that high amp draw does not necessarily mean bright lights as it is all about tuning anyway i found fluorecents would light at 140mA AND leds were blazing from 20mA but there is not much point going past 60mA as they can't get any brighter although you may be able to light more.
            I see marxist and Lidmotor have been experimenting with the polarity and winding directions of the coils.The setup i have will work with the outer coil connected either way and same with L1 but the interesting thing is with the two possible combinations of the outer coil.In position 1 i get amp draw from 50mA TO 200mA and in position 2 i get amp draw of 20mA TO 90mA.
            I am quite pleased with this first coil but what i like about this design is that there is always a performance increase to be found with some clever coil designs.Great work everyone and skywatcher,build that coil as it sounds like a great idea to me .Jonny


            • Great work guys. Kazm,Marxist,Lidmotor,SkyWatcher,Jonnydavro.
              This is great seeing everyone replicate this.
              And it looks like your all having very good results also.

              Here is the circuit I have been using.
              Notice I also have a diode going from the negative side of the capacitor back to the positive side of the batery.
              It's not really needed but the capacitor also has a big field around it.And I was just trying to send it back to the source battery thru the negative side of the capacitor.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by slayer007; 02-15-2010, 02:23 AM.


              • Great light output !

                Very impressive new circuit Slayer !!!
                You can light a 40 W tube so easily

                Seeing the bright red light from the cellphone charger, you might be using few hundreds mA.

                What if you add a joultief and capacitor to bring the voltage IN to 20 Volts ?!?
                You will light 2 or 3 tube of 40W at full brightness I am sure

                speculation : IN = 20V x 250 mA = 5W
                OUT = 3 x 40 W of light ...

                I think you just found a new amazing circuit !!
                You guys are inventing the future

                PS: It looks that it will be the cheapest/easiest circuit to produce for poor population.
                Here, in Cambodia and neighboring countries, millions people are using 12V car batteries to get some light in their houses, few hours in the evening.
                A kit (cable + clips + transformer/oscillator + 15W CFL) costs 2 USD, made in Vietnam. Yes I know it seems incredibly cheap. I will soon get a picture of such kit.
                Lighting such a 15W CFL or tube from 1 or 2 AA batteries would be a important improvement. Actually they have to carry the 12V car batteries, and charge them every other day at the shop.
                If we could get the same power/duration from small AA, it would be the invention of the decade !!!


                • Replication of Gbluer / Lidmotor JT Exciter

                  Cheers to you guys,
                  I have replicated the coil and with combination of ferrite rod from Lid motor I was successful with the cell phone charger pwer supply
                  It lasted for four hours with the following load
                  one 8 watts Osram fluorescent light
                  one Led with 6 in series
                  7 leads in series each with 6 parallel ( tnx to jeannacav)

                  29 ga 500T CW using a bamboo flute 40 cm long and 1,2 mm dia
                  18 ga 18 T CCW using the case of lamp starter
                  1 1k resistor
                  1 MPSA 06 or 2N2222 or 2N 3094
                  dIODES 4148
                  using the battery charger of Dodoshlodo JT 06 to charge my alkaline batteries
                  I will try the capacitor installed by Gbluer
                  In the Philippines 95% of fires are caused by unattended lit candles
                  Poor students still use candles or oil lamps for night studies
                  Hope to bring this to them thru all your efforts
                  Mabuhay Lon live ViVA A Million thanks


                  • Hi folks, was running some more tests with slayers simple exciter setup and noticed as did Dr. Stiffler in regard to battery charging that after i attached another lead to feedback coil output to a large painted metal christmas container, i am getting capacitive coupling to the input battery and it is charging it. If i set the battery right on it the voltage in the battery sky rockets but setting it a certain distance shows the -symbol on volt meter meaning its being back fed more more voltage than is going into circuit, at least thats what im seeing.
                    peace love light


                    • "A Million thanks"---to the replicators---all of us

                      I'm very glad that you made this latest circuit like you did. It sounds like where you live a light like this would really help.
                      Someone awhile back told me of a scifi story he was picturing where in the future the dominant tribe that survived after a giant global disaster, was the one that had a bunch of small hardy efficient lights that allowed them to read at night. That gave them an edge. They became more educated than the other tribes.

                      Cambodia sounds like it really needs this kind of light also. If this could be mass produced and sold cheap enough, think of the thousands if not millions of people it could benefit. An inexpensive high efficiency solar charger to charge the AAs is another project we should work on.

                      @All replicators
                      Well done. Now make it better.



                      • an other replication

                        Hi all
                        here is my replication of the Slayer007 sec exciter
                        I used a tip3055 and 12 volt gel cell, tryed smaller transisters but this one works better for my setup.
                        Attached Files


                        • Great work people!

                          Most of us wouldn't give a thought to having light at night. We get upset when the power is off for a few hours. This could truly be of great significance to the very poor of the world. True it isn't a black box that can supply them with the amount of power we are used to, but it is a great start. Like Lid I agree that recharging batteries with solar should be an important part of it. Save them having to buy automobile battery, then paying to have it recharged or having to buy so many 1.5v batteries. Plus the safety matter of not having an open flame.

                          I really hope that someone can make this available to all those around the world that need this. Makes you wonder why something like this wasn't developed years ago. No money in it maybe? Or did it just need you guys?

                          Way to go. What a great gift.
                          Last edited by sodpa; 02-15-2010, 07:47 PM.


                          • Originally posted by kazm View Post
                            @All - I've found one thing I'm able to do that I couldn't with jonny's circuit, I'm able to light a small filament bulb by connecting it's positive to the L1 output and it's negative to the aluminum tape on the cellphone charger casing. I tried it with a larger filament bulb but couldn't get that one to light (both bulbs are shown in the attached image). Not sure how significant this is, the bulb lights to the same brightness when connected directly to the charger output so this is sort of a round-about way of doing the same thing. I was surprised it would work this way though and would be interested to hear any thoughts or comments.
                            Quick update, I've managed to get the larger filament bulb working, it needs a ferrite core and a base resistance of 6k. this is a bit more interesting since i'm not able to light this bulb directly from the battery as with the smaller filament. i'm doing this with slayer style coil, but also got it going with jenna's toroid using a .65H/2.6MH L1/L2 ratio, continuing to experiment with that.



                            • Hi.I tried a few experiments with Slayers new circuit today and made a quick vid.
                              I used a piece of ferrite rod with some 26swg mag wire wrapped around for the L2 coil and this would allow the circuit to run on low current using the phone charger.The range was 4mA up to about 30mA and light leds great.
                              This left the original L2 free to use as a pick up coil and produced 12v from one leg of the coil,rectified through a bridge.This may have some use regarding battery charging etc.
                              Also,Do you think its a good idea if i move all the circuit diagrams to the first post on the first page so people can find them easier?Jonny
                              YouTube - slayer sec experiments


                              • Local Light Kit

                                Hi, as promised, pics of the local south-east asian light kits.

                                Both are sold 2 USD each (two dollars only !!)

                                - one is for a 10W fluo tube, from 12V battery. It has 2 transistors in //
                                the cap is 50V

                                - the other is a 15W compact fluo, from 12V. It has only 1 transistor
                                the cap is 16V only

                                There are many different models, made in thailand, or vietnam or china ...
                                Thai is the best local quality.

                                I don't have car battery nor meter to test them, but I might buy some next week and give you some data to compare with super-efficient circuits that you are investigating here

                                Thanks and good luck,
                                david G.
                                Attached Files

