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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • Slider2732
    @Slayer - A Hartley oscillator type coil would work here on your new one ? The twin vari caps is something I want to try and have had better recent success when using the AM radio ones than earlier.
    In fact, i'll work out the way I have one circuit built here because it seems it's similar, but replaces a vari cap with an inductor. The second is a '104' ceramic
    Range is vastly improved if the free end of the Hartley coil connects to a bigger coil. But, I was after making it as small as possible.

    Here's that one on 3V, called 'Sprog' because it's a baby of a size. Coin is a USA 1 cent.

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  • sergdo
    well voltage !

    high well voltage
    Attached Files

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  • rfnreynders
    Electrolyses with sec - exiter - diode

    @ Dr Stiffler, Slayer, MrDavro and all other brilliant minds here.

    About the sec and the ability to perform electrolyses with a diode.

    How about increasing the surface area of the diode lead, by soldering a piece of copper plate to it. Does it increase the output of the gas.

    As it seems to draw energy from the ambient doing the electrolyses.
    So bigger surface, should collect more "free" energy to convert water to gas.

    Learning about the sec and the exiter. Brilliant work.
    I think you are onto what Tesla intended to bring to the world.
    Free radiant energy.
    By exiting the vacuum (or ether) pumping electrons towards an collector.
    Like opening the flood gates to allow the water to flow.

    Thx. for sharing this.

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  • kcarring
    Thanks jonny! I initially thought it was only a milliamp of current, which had me pretty excited LOL, but I think it was closer to 8 or 9. My low end scale on the meter is not working well. Interesting though; I am now playing with the same setup with a 16v 14,000 uF electrolytic, which when used in this circuit, acts like a cap-dump, seems to charge AA's quite nicely. Indoors. It raises to over 2v, then dumps, even though the input shows the voltage dropped down to about .8v I'm going to keep playing with it, but it looks like the makings of a decent "indoor charger" or "cloudy day charger". It's taught me alot, really. I'm beginning to think 2 things: 1. Light @ different frequencies and duties cycles can be perceived as useful/high power... using a lot less energy. 2. ***Possibly***, pulse charging batteries with inductive spikes, has very little to do with the "aether" or "free energy"; rather, in the same sense as the latter mentioned effect, the battery chemistry is given fractional moments for inertia and momentum to take place. Nobody ever claimed that direct current was efficient charging.
    Last edited by kcarring; 11-23-2011, 08:04 PM.

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  • jonnydavro
    Hi Kyle.Really interesting vid especially the last configuration with the removal of the joulethief leds and the 2nd oscillator running a steady led of the pulsed output of the joulethief.Very interesting.

    @All Here is a video by lyudkavsk of a giant slayer exciter.The output looks amazing.Jonny.
    Huge Slayer Exciter Wireless Energy - YouTube

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  • kcarring
    Solar Joule Thief 2.25v / 10mA / Base Diode / Dual Oscillators

    I really got messing around with the addition of diodes, capacitors, and even an additional oscillator to the basic joule thief / toroid circuit today, employing some ideas derived from lasersaber / Lidmotor / Magneticitist and Slider2732. Lot's of fun, and some interesting results. Thanks.

    Solar Joule Thief / 2.25v ~10mA / lasersaber diode / Cap Tank / Slider2732 Multiple Oscillators


    * correction: I think it's closer to 10 mA, not 1 mA
    Last edited by kcarring; 11-23-2011, 08:48 AM. Reason: * correction

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  • totoalas
    Solar Selfsustain CFL lighting

    Quest for OU XIV -- TROS solar "selfsustain" - YouTube

    This can be done with Slayer Circuit

    Any replicators please

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  • Farmhand
    Originally posted by Kokomoj0 View Post
    what about meyl who claims in his presentations they got from 100% to 1000% at the receiver using teslas transmitter which was presumed to operat in the the 1/4 wave mode with the domes operating as a split capacitor of a single tank.

    Meyl shows Tesla longitudinal waves for wireless energy transmission - YouTube

    here he is powering boats using water as a ground plane.

    Exploring Tesla's Wireless Power Transmission Sys - YouTube

    well that wasnt meyl but sane demo by someone else

    that boat is being powered by the tesla mag transmitter
    Hi Kokomojo,

    How does Meyl mean by 100% to 1000%, I think he is talking about the
    voltage only. I don't think he says exactly what he means by that and to me
    it means nothing unless he says 1000% of what, if energy then he should say
    we put in 1 joule and used 100 joules at the receiver load. or power he should
    say 1 watt to 100 watts but an increase in voltage while it is good does not
    mean an actual increase in energy or power as you well know. He talks only
    of volts from what I seen of the video, which can be deceiving.

    To get a 1000% increase in voltage is very easy even though the coils step
    up then down I still see 1000% increase in voltage at the receiver as
    compared to input. In fact I have charged a capacitor to 800 volts from the
    receiver while powering the transmitter from a 12 volt source I think that is 6666.66% isn't it.

    The system works, but they throw out unclear statements and let people make
    assumptions. That way he gets the best of both worlds because people think
    and say it is OU, but if pressed he can just say that he didn't say that, And if
    no one asks then he is not forced to say 1000% of what.

    I believe the 1000% increase but I think it is only an increase in voltage.


    P.S. Also he was using only one LED for a load and with such tiny power,
    voltage and current values it would be very easy to make a small mistake in
    measurement which would make a very big difference in % terms. 1000% of
    2 volts is only 20 volts and it's probably stored in a very small capacitor that
    the LED runs from using and using incredibly small amount of power. If the LED
    is using less than the input power then voltage will build in a small capacitor
    powering the LED.

    Last edited by Farmhand; 11-04-2011, 11:26 PM.

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  • Kokomoj0
    Originally posted by lamare View Post
    You may be right that there are posiblities to transmit power trough the air, but you would somehow need to create a beam or something between transmitter/receiver, which I don't see happening with spheres used as antenna. Of course, there is one exception, invented by Tesla, which is to lift the spheres up into the higher atmosphere...

    Did post some stuff on bifilar wound coils before:

    As far as I remember, Tesla did not wind his coils oppositely (in the case of the pancake coil), but bifilar, where he put the two strains in series.

    what about meyl who claims in his presentations they got from 100% to 1000% at the receiver using teslas transmitter which was presumed to operat in the the 1/4 wave mode with the domes operating as a split capacitor of a single tank.

    Meyl shows Tesla longitudinal waves for wireless energy transmission - YouTube

    here he is powering boats using water as a ground plane.

    Exploring Tesla's Wireless Power Transmission Sys - YouTube

    well that wasnt meyl but sane demo by someone else

    that boat is being powered by the tesla mag transmitter

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  • Slider2732
    Where's the right smiley ...ah here we go

    Great to see you back and posting

    The DC motor cracked me up
    Fantastic new direction and something that kcarring is working on in his thread about Ron's work.
    A replication will be built up tomorrow !

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  • jonnydavro
    Hi.This experiment is based on Dr Stifflers SEC exciter.
    I wanted to see if i could increase the rf field of the docs exciter by combining it with a large slayer type coil and it works quite well and it will light fluorecent tubes wirelessly.The coil is also energised with HV for its full lengh.
    I used a 620 turn coil,26swg from my first slayer exciter as an L3 coil which is the output coil on the docs sec.
    The L1 coil was not as critical as i thought and i could use a multitude of different coils ranging from inductors from a tv,an electric motor and an air cored coil of steel garden wire but what was important was the L2 coil which was a 22uh axial inductor in series with a 0.82nf (821)capasitor.
    Here is a vid and circuit diagram.
    SEC Exciter with large rf field - YouTube

    @Slayer.Nice new exciter.Can you post a circuit diagram?
    @Slider.Nice vid but i don't have a clue whats going on but it did look like it was synced to the music.Very Strange and interesting.If you get to the bottom of it,let us know .Jonny.
    @Flux4energiser.I watched your vid and liked the way you have arranged the charge batteries.Gave me an idea for using a rechargeable battery instead of a resistor on the front end of a circuit so thanks for sharing your findings here .Jonny

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  • Flux4Energizer
    Joule Thief Battery Charger

    Hello guys,

    I just uploaded my latest project.
    A Joule Thief Battery Charger don't know if this is the topic to post this but it's a JT variant so i'll give it a go.
    I hope you guys can give me tips and maybe some ideas on how to further improve the circuit.
    My last joule thief project was over a year ago and this circuit is an improvement of the circuit i posted 2 years ago.

    The video is on youtube (here's the link): Joule Thief Battery Charger (Revisited) - YouTube

    The circuit is very simple, but working very good.
    Well hope to hear your replies and ideas and/or tips.


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  • Slider2732
    OK, could somebody work this one out ?

    I was all set to do a demo of the L3 coil addition and then had something most bizarre occur. When adding an inductor based blocking oscillator to the return steel plate under the main plate, the LED of the oscillator began to a low powered battery may do.
    That was at 3V.
    Turned the DC/DC converter up to 4.5V and after a second or so everything started to flash !!!!

    Well, I figured it looked a bit like a sound to light effect and so randomly clicked a tune on YouTube. In the vid, I switch between the 3V and 4.5V a couple of times to show the effect.
    Any ideas on what sort of feedback is going on ?

    ? - Flashing Oscillator - YouTube

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  • Slider2732
    Now now dear fellow, nothing you post is ever 'just' another exciter variant

    Intriguing too, because i've been using an L3, in a similar way. Spent quite a while last night watching vids with Dr. Stiffler's L3 coils in action and then emulated one. Got a cotton thread tube for sewing and took the puke green thread off it (figured if my wife needs to use that colour for fixing something then the something can go in the trash!). it was then wound with a couple of hundred turns of approx 30 gauge wire (red of course).
    A trigger coil was repaired and used with a TIP116 transistor. The trigger coil hair thin wire had broken.
    The difference is really good, sliding a ferrite core from an AM radio through it it will greatly affect output.
    Using the L3, the circuit auto starts up, but, as yet the total output power is what needs to be worked on.

    Here's the original circuit, for displaying models or anything else that concentrates on low down energy dissipation. Good enough to run 15W fluoro's on 3.6V
    Wireless energy projects - display idea - YouTube

    The L3 now runs between the collection plate and the Base of the transistor and I hope to have a vid of it running tonight

    In about a week, I hope to have improved the power output and have a trackway made to run little cars around by wireless electricity.
    Anyone got tricks for amperage boosting on such a setup ?

    Here's the L3 in action:

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  • slayer007
    This is just another Exciter Variant.

    The L2 coil is separate from tha L1 coil.
    The Exciter can be adjusted by moving the coil off the collector around.

    Exciter Variant - YouTube

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