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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • mikrovolt
    I find a pattern in common with some exciters and mixing. I believe it is both space and time related.
    I refer to two examples both spec analyzer and scope. ( frequency and time domain)

    Has anyone seen the even nicely spaced protruding spikes in any circuit other than over modulation ?

    You can review the visual patterns on an oscilloscope which can be organised over frequency on the spectrum analyzer.
    Live integration of both in 3D is the spatial coherent field.
    AM Modulation / Overmodulation / Splatter demo using Signal Generator, MVI8740 - YouTube

    I am beginning to concider this as a vacuum conversion mechanism. It appears to be a behavior in space time wave devices.
    A simular phenomena is mechanism of envelopes in solitons and dirac comb which parallels sec mixing phenomena.
    could it also facilitate sync in the voltage current lag allowing vacuum energy portals ?

    In the next video demo of overmodulation, notice the pinch off and the ennvelopes that form

    Flex 5000A - Scoping it on AM - W1AEX - YouTube

    A quantitative relation might be derived from a group velocity approach.
    Last edited by mikrovolt; 10-24-2011, 09:42 PM.

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  • lamare
    Hi all,

    I was just theorizing a bit and got a crazy idea. Let's take a look at this schematic:

    I don't have much time now, but some time ago I theorized about the importance of the DC component in the phenomena observed:

    I wonder what would happen if you would put a diode in reverse across your battery and/or across L2 such that you allow a DC current to build up in L2, assuming the coil somehow picks up DC energy from the medium.

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  • slayer007
    I showed this setup a few video's back but I just wanted to reshow it.

    It is running off one AA battery.The leds will stay that bright for around 24 hours off the AA battery.

    Slayer Exciter & Second Pancake Coil - YouTube

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  • kcarring
    3V Slayer - 18" Fluorescent <50mA

    I'm about 2/3's done winding my new 34" tower on a 11cm core, and I've been playing around with it at it's current height of 21". It's gonna be a biggie

    It is still not in resonance, per say, because I do not know HOW to bring it into resonance, but it is doing better.

    Tonight I got it drive an 18" fluorescent at 3v (2 AAA's) at less than 50mA.

    Check it out if you like! Thanks to GBluer, jiffycoil, jonnydavro, Lidmotor, The Magneticitist, Slider et all.

    Slayer Exciter - 3v - (1) 18" Fluorescent Bulb - Under 50mA - YouTube

    Last edited by kcarring; 09-19-2011, 05:37 AM.

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  • lamare
    Hi all,

    During my vacation, I studied some material and took a fresh look at Gray's patent, as I posted here:

    It looks like Gray used a negative resistance device, a spark gap, to steer his coil. This is very interesting, because practical negative resistance devices such as spark gaps and lambda diodes have a DC (current) offset, such that the current going trough the device is always positive. It appears that this makes it possible to create an oscillation in a coil such that the magnetic component is always pointing in the same direction. This suggests you can magnetize a core using HF oscillations *if* you use a proper (current) offset, such that there is never a reverse current anywhere in the coil.

    Interestingly, Meyer used a diode in his coil arangement and talks about a UNIPOLAR Magnetic field coupling:

    This suggests that it may be worthwhile to experiment with setups whereby you:
    1. Take measures to make sure the current trough your coil can only go in one direction, either by using an offset in your steering circuitry (negative resistance device such as lambda diode or spark gap) or by introducing a diode somewhere.
    2. Use pulses (or a modulator) to steer the oscillator. I.e. switch it "on" and "off".

    The idea is that when you have a DC offset current going trough your coil, on top of which you have a HF AC wave traveling in one direction and the HF wave travels a lot faster than your DC (offset) current, these "unipolar" waves create a very strong (DC) magnetization of your core very rapidly, which you can harnass once you allow the field to collapse. You can do that using a diode, much like the way Bedini does this with his (schoolgirl) motors.

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  • jimboot
    Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
    Great vid Jim
    If you swap to something like 450V @150uF, then you can get literally more bang for the buck. I ran half a dozen of that type all in parallel and did similar to your setup there. However, I just used a AV plug that connected the caps to the second tower.

    As to uses....don't suppose you own sheep or cattle or anything ? this sort of thing could extend the life of the batteries of an electric fence. The circuit would run from mini-volts compared.
    Want to scare unwelcome visitors to your front door ?, I think you know the thoughts there hehe
    Another thought, use it for fireworks displays. Light the area with the fluoro tubes and also be able to ignite a rocket with the cap discharge.
    Or, if you enjoy building model scenes, like a railway or wartime scene. You could have these fire off like battlefield explosions
    heheh bloody clown I saw your posts about your experiments with caps, one of my inspirations . I do have a portable electric fence unit but I don't use it anymore. Think I'll move it outside away from the slayer, build a pyramid around it and see what happens.

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  • Slider2732
    Great vid Jim
    If you swap to something like 450V @150uF, then you can get literally more bang for the buck. I ran half a dozen of that type all in parallel and did similar to your setup there. However, I just used a AV plug that connected the caps to the second tower.

    As to uses....don't suppose you own sheep or cattle or anything ? this sort of thing could extend the life of the batteries of an electric fence. The circuit would run from mini-volts compared.
    Want to scare unwelcome visitors to your front door ?, I think you know the thoughts there hehe
    Another thought, use it for fireworks displays. Light the area with the fluoro tubes and also be able to ignite a rocket with the cap discharge.
    Or, if you enjoy building model scenes, like a railway or wartime scene. You could have these fire off like battlefield explosions

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  • jimboot
    Things that go flash bang

    Got my little wireless receiver running. Charging up some caps and getting some decent spark wirelessly can you actually use this for anything? Slayer exciter wireless charging of caps - YouTube

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  • totoalas
    Bare Led Lightng by Skywatcher

    Hi to all
    one 50 ohms 10 w R plus 12 v dc battery - 8 groups in parallel each group 4 in series led

    so jimboot s 1818 fluoro plus SW leds can lit our homes
    thats great



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  • jimboot
    @slider Looks like I'll have to build me a hartley I'll see if I can replicate the effect on another meter and I'll whack the scope on it tonight to see what is going on when I extinguish the slayer. I snuff the plasma as I would a candle's flame to switch it off

    @Seth the coil is 0.25mm wound over a plastic base port for a speaker. So it is about 38mm dia and 100mm high. The L2 is simply 2 winds of hook up wire at the base. I'm just using a 7vdc wall charger.

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  • seth
    Originally posted by jimboot View Post
    Hi gang,
    Apologies for my absence. Been quite busy with work. I have 16 employees now so it keeps me on my toes. I've still been playing with thenexciter. I don't know whether to call it slayer or stiffer or what ever lol. I posted thisnvid a week or so ago which shows the setup ‪Stiffler exciter‬‏ - YouTube

    In that vid I'm using a 1818 transistor. I don't use any resistor or diodes and start the oscillations using an av plug. What has me perplexed ATM is that I have been playing with the circuit on page 7-9 of Patrick kellys book, which is a "cosmic energy receiver" (my term) to test if my circuit could actually receive energy I decided to use my exciter as a transmitter. I'm using a piece of aluminum as the antenna. When it is about 1' from my exciter it charges the caps up. However when I stop the oscillations on the exciter (switch it off) the voltage on the caps jumps and climbs steadily for 10 secs doubling the voltage in the caps. WTF is going on there? Apologies if I have not provided enough info with my limited knowledge.

    Forgive my ignorance!

    That is a really great output on 7V. What do you use? I got the transistor, but what kind of coil are you using there? Is it just thin wires and lots of turns?

    Whats a Hartley oscillator?

    Great stuff anyway guys - i still follow this thread very closely (as closely as free time will allow) and I only dont post because I have no new experiments to report. That is going to change.......

    Keep up the good work!

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  • Slider2732
    Great video Jim...especially the strength of the 4ft flouro lighting
    Soooo, nothing but the tranny, hmm, got to try that one out !
    The cap voltage rising is a perplexer. One might imagine that the cap energy of itself is slowly charging itself how else could it rise with no extra energy being transmitted. Unless something is bouncing around the room and it's soaking all that too over time. Very wild situation. Presumably there's nothing in the room like 2 copper plates to form a capacitance field or something.

    The Hartley oscillators are proving to be invaluable for learning about low volts and amps. I'm picturing a ramping situation that may be of worth down the line sometime. The bigger the coil, the stronger any effect fed through it. I have 3 Hartleys on the worktable at the moment. They behave linearly in terms of strength of output, regarding RF field output distance to a radio and strength of LED lighting (one leg to Positive of supply, other leg to Negative of capacitor). Bigger the coil, bigger the output.
    One is of 90 winds one way, 45 the other
    Another is 300 winds one way and 150 the other
    Last is 600 winds one way, 300 the other.
    All are on thin diameter drinking straws and wound with approx 34 gauge wire from old DC motors.
    Flash rate is controlled chiefly by the variable pot as in Lidmotor's videos. I have no idea of current used as my meter won't read anything and it's rubbish anyway for low power readings. But, what i'm seeing is the possibility to use these coils as chokes and to fine tune Lamare's type of work for negating emissions through their use in such circuits. Always to ramp up one side, rather than depress or limit another side.
    (the analogy being an aircraft modelling one of never adding weight, always reducing from the heavy area)
    The tuning, without an oscilloscope could get as troublesome as the Muller generators...but the inductance is of huge interest. Exactly the same circuit but with 3 different Hartley style coils does give very different effects.

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  • totoalas
    Originally posted by jimboot View Post
    Hi gang,
    Apologies for my absence. Been quite busy with work. I have 16 employees now so it keeps me on my toes. I've still been playing with thenexciter. I don't know whether to call it slayer or stiffer or what ever lol. I posted thisnvid a week or so ago which shows the setup ‪Stiffler exciter‬‏ - YouTube

    In that vid I'm using a 1818 transistor. I don't use any resistor or diodes and start the oscillations using an av plug. What has me perplexed ATM is that I have been playing with the circuit on page 7-9 of Patrick kellys book, which is a "cosmic energy receiver" (my term) to test if my circuit could actually receive energy I decided to use my exciter as a transmitter. I'm using a piece of aluminum as the antenna. When it is about 1' from my exciter it charges the caps up. However when I stop the oscillations on the exciter (switch it off) the voltage on the caps jumps and climbs steadily for 10 secs doubling the voltage in the caps. WTF is going on there? Apologies if I have not provided enough info with my limited knowledge.
    Another Slayer switch thats great



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  • jimboot
    Hi gang,
    Apologies for my absence. Been quite busy with work. I have 16 employees now so it keeps me on my toes. I've still been playing with thenexciter. I don't know whether to call it slayer or stiffer or what ever lol. I posted thisnvid a week or so ago which shows the setup ‪Stiffler exciter‬‏ - YouTube

    In that vid I'm using a 1818 transistor. I don't use any resistor or diodes and start the oscillations using an av plug. What has me perplexed ATM is that I have been playing with the circuit on page 7-9 of Patrick kellys book, which is a "cosmic energy receiver" (my term) to test if my circuit could actually receive energy I decided to use my exciter as a transmitter. I'm using a piece of aluminum as the antenna. When it is about 1' from my exciter it charges the caps up. However when I stop the oscillations on the exciter (switch it off) the voltage on the caps jumps and climbs steadily for 10 secs doubling the voltage in the caps. WTF is going on there? Apologies if I have not provided enough info with my limited knowledge.

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  • Farmhand
    Originally posted by dragon View Post
    Farmhand, the magnification of current in the primary he is talking about refers to the discharge of a capacitor into an inductor. When you charge a cap and dump it into a low inductance it gets converted to amperage. The formula is V(C/L)^.5 = current at 1/4 cycle.

    For instance say we charge a .005 uf cap to 6500 volts and discharge it into an inductance of 3uh. You would have a discharge equivalent to 265 amps flowing through the inductor. ( 6500*(.005/3)^.5 = 265.36 ). Typically the primary coil is very large and extremely low resistance.

    Tesla also reports that placing a foil near the primary coil will explode the foil in a flash which would indicate a huge inductive heating effect of a resonant circuit caused from the high amperage flowing in the coil.

    The hammer that rings the bell...
    Yes that's right, lots of current for a big thump. I hopeless with figure's but i'll try to work it out, thanks for the formula, it doesn't look too difficult. My fluro's turn black on the ends in a short time, a few hours use and they get hot on the end too. I just used 25 volts for the input voltage and could get 800 Ma through the primary thats 20 watts, the voltage at the receiver was 63 volts in a 200 uf cap while powering 4x5mm LED's through a 1k resistor the resistor started smoking and turned black. So I backed off. This was while experimenting with the aluminium plate elevated near the toroid but grounded like one side of a cap. If it is tuned properly I cannot make any sparks with it because that de-tunes it.

    I changed out the diode's at the receiver to FR307's the 1N4007's were getting hot, as lamare said they cannot handle anywhere near the frequency we use. And I don't think 1n4148's would have lasted long.

    Really a lot of fun. I can adjust now so the voltage at the receiver is variable and the input go's to very little less than 100Ma at 24 volts though and still have 20 volts at the receiver cap with the LED's lit. And when adjusted like that with the cap plate the radiations from the wire are reduced dramatically aswell.

    I'm goung to try 160 volts from some caps filled by an inverter tomorrow. That should get some watts through that primary.


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