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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • Some guidance needed

    Hi guys,

    Not sure how well this is working but it seems to be doing something. It's drawing around 18-20ma, the neon is lit mainly on one leg, not really bright but its lit ok.. where do i go from here and is this working as it should? I found a few resonance points, this one is the lowest for the amount of light. Transistor is not hot.
    Last edited by Zooty; 04-11-2010, 01:25 AM.


    • 52 Led's

      52 Led's 12v 25ma I think it works
      Last edited by Zooty; 06-17-2010, 02:57 AM.


      • Ambient energy reciever

        Hi .Synchro has recently posted about a circuit by Joe Tate called an ambient power module which captures rf energy from the air and allows it to be stored and used in a circuit.Details can be found here.Joe Tate: Ambient Power Module
        I had ordered some germanium diodes to try this circuit and have built it but my ceramic caps were from a previous experiment and have been abused and i didn't have much luck so i went to get some new caps today and the shop didn't have any so i came up with another simpler way of collecting rf energy which seems to work.This circuit being a half wave rectifier will produce half the voltage of the Joe Tate circuit which could be a very good wireless reciever in our sec experiments due to the 0.258v forward voltage drop .
        Using an Avramenko plug using germanium 1N34a diodes,100uf cap,a long ariel and the house wireing ground it ran slayers exciter in what Lidmotor calls Blinkmode but my slayer exciter is not running as economically as Slayers or Lidmotors so theirs may light leds constantly.
        using the house ground is not ideal as it may also allow bleedover but in the uk it is earthed but a good earth ground like a pole sunk in the ground would be better.
        Here is the circuit.

        @Zooty.Yep.I would say thats working.How much fun is this Jonny
        Last edited by jonnydavro; 04-10-2010, 07:32 AM.


        • Jonny, now that you are online, how can i get a tube lit with the SEC 15-3 i built? I tried but it wont work although it lights all those led's


          • @Zooty.I would change the capasitor.You need to increase the output of the sec so that lucky bag of caps from maplins is invaluble as you can swap them in and out to find a range of caps to use.I have about 5 different caps which allow current draw from near enough nothing up to say 150mA but i usually run my sec15 between 40mA and 60Ma where it will light fluorecents for fun so i would change the cap as you are using 12v so no problem with the voltage and i would come straight off the 22uh choke and not through an av plug for a tube and when you get it running of the choke,excite a metal object like an foil tray and try it wireless.Hope this helps.Jonny.


            • Would that be the cap on the base of the transistor? Thanks


              • Originally posted by Zooty View Post
                Would that be the cap on the base of the transistor? Thanks
                @Zooty.Yep thats the beastie.Also the reason why your neon is lighting on just one side is you probably have it on an AV plug.Try it straight of the 22uh choke but you may have to add a croc lead to the other leg as you will find that virtual grounds are probably the most important thing when it comes to maximising output Jonny


                • Thanks for the info .. i just cooked the transistor. Before it died i noticed that other caps (bigger ones) just put the input up and the led's didn't get any brighter. I'll try the virtual ground stuff


                  • @Zooty.You could also try changing the turns on L3 and upping the voltage as i think Dr Stiffler runs his at a higher voltage.Also,the mpsa06 transistor seems to be the transistor to use with this circuit.Jonny .


                    • Ok, very very strange! I got a tube and the 52 led's lit on less current than before without changing anything but the ferrite rod tuning thing. I am amazed at this thing. Thanks for the help Jonny
                      Attached Files


                      • @Zooty.Way to go. Dr Stiffler says that tuning is the key with his circuits and also with the variant circuits on this thread which i hope you will try once you have a bit of free time but this whole sec topic is probably the most interesting thing that i have experimented with and i am sure you will feel the same once you see the wireless and other neat stuff.Well done.Jonny.


                        • 33 Xmas tree Led's on a tuned circuit.

                          Hi guy's just another image and update. I managed to tune the circuit properly, i think 33 Led's very bright, 35ma input current, pretty sure it's accurate, 18v and 7.64mhz. The transistor is a low power job but it is barley warm at the sweet spot. Very happy with it If i tune to the next sweet spot, it cooks the transistor eventually and there is no real gain in light.
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by Zooty; 04-11-2010, 02:13 AM.


                          • Now the real fun begins

                            Congratulations. From here on in this "thing" that you have just discovered gets more and more fun and interesting. Like Slayer said ---wait until you start doing wireless stuff and experiment with the various circuits. It is a facinating study.

                            Well done.



                            • @all - had a chance to try some of the great stuff that's been going on here and in the earth battery thread:

                              YouTube - Power Plant JT & Big Coil Exciter

                              @power-planters: i got my mg ribbon today and compared against the mg firestarter block - the block hovers around 1.25-1.3, the ribbon (5ft length) around 1.58-1.6, possibly due to a larger exposed surface area (i'm attaching a multimeter shot of the mg ribbon battery).

                              @jonny - i replicated your Joe Tate modification and have better results with it than with the original Joe Tate circuit. i tried with 2 diodes at first but the cap fills up much faster with 4. so far i've seen it fill to 48v (stopped it there since my cap limit is 50v), my guess is it will climb much higher if left to accumulate with a bigger capacitor, the antennae is a long 26g wire strung along the side of the house. it will run my exciter enough to faintly blink a LED wirelessly, and is more visible with a 480pf cap across the emitter and collector and a 10uf cap across the positive and negative rails. No luck with my JTs yet, they don't seem to like it
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by kazm; 04-12-2010, 06:51 AM.


                              • SEC 15-3 36 Led's and Battery Charging

                                A quick video of my latest SEC Projects, a 15-3 with 36led's and battery charging. Interesting thing is, without the large coil, there is hardly any energy around the primary battery.

                                YouTube - SEC 15-3 Replication

