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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • Slider2732
    It's a very interesting video totoalas. He's having much better success than I ever have with aluminium sheets. Seems that the energy dissipates much more readily than in his demo. Mind you, I haven't seen the voltage or transistor he uses. I'm wanting to make a sort of racetrack, with an energised trackway and so will definitely look into the sheet idea again

    Jim, I laughed so much when I saw that video !!!!

    Slayer, great vids again. Particularly how the Primary wire was of a finer diameter than expected for such a good output. Mind you, 'you da man' with this stuff

    electrOn, that's one very nice CRT amplifier you have there lol. Crazy what these were intended for sometimes eh. 500mA so it says on the datasheet and very low saturation voltages...niiiice.

    Here we have a couple of perhaps interesting vids from myself too.
    First, how about >2ft wireless range to light a neon and by using a dinky Walgreen tower on the Nokia cellphone charger ?
    The Walgreen CS (as it looks somewhat like Nikola Tesla's Colorado Springs rig)
    YouTube - Walgreen CS - big range wireless exciter about audio from one of those dinky Walgreen towers, on 6V ?
    Transistor used is a KN2222A, audio connections are easy enough, one line to Ground, the other to the Base of the transistor.
    It's not too good yet, so work needs doing on it all, but the voice at the start says:
    Hi, I am a Walgreen audio tower, created by Slider2732.
    My name is Jennifer and this is my voice.
    Plasma is how I talk to you.
    Can you hear me ok ?
    Do I need to adjust the feedback or the transistor for you ?
    YouTube - Audio from a tiny Tesla tower - Walgreen AT
    Last edited by Slider2732; 04-28-2011, 01:40 AM.

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  • totoalas
    Originally posted by 7imix View Post
    Are there any more details available to replicators? Component values? A better schematic?

    I think Mopozco has a way of teaching replicators
    that is to check his previous vids / comments to pick up on the parts and learn from it
    Tros air core reload and TROS TT supercap
    From the video
    Tesla coil L2 10 t 1/8 inch solid cu wire????
    L1 ???? 3 inches dia????
    5v 9.5 or 0.95 Amps ????
    2N3055 check
    Cap 600f ?????
    Others can fill in the ???? parts / power supply amps



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  • 7imix
    Originally posted by totoalas View Post
    YouTube - radiant-energy

    Replicators please

    Are there any more details available to replicators? Component values? A better schematic?


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  • slayer007
    Slider2732 and Jim thanks for showing your Great videos.

    Slider2732 thanks for showing your transistor results.That really helps everyone a lot.

    For this test I wanted to see how small of a L1 coil I could use.

    Depending on the size of the coil of the collector this setup will run very fast.

    YouTube - Six Turn L1 Coil

    This is a test using a variable inductor off the collector.

    YouTube - Six Turn L1 Exciter Coil Test 2
    Last edited by slayer007; 04-27-2011, 10:06 PM.

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  • xee2
    Originally posted by jimboot View Post
    wow i feel dumb! amazing stuff. need to watch it a lot more.
    Most likely a metal plate under white cardboard connected to exciter. Adding copper plate on top of cardboard makes capacitor which is like direct connection to exciter at RF frequencies. So it is probably just like touching bulbs to the HV coming from an exciter. But, he does have a powerful exciter.

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  • jimboot
    Originally posted by totoalas View Post
    YouTube - radiant-energy

    Replicators please

    wow i feel dumb! amazing stuff. need to watch it a lot more.

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  • jimboot

    bit of fun YouTube - festering

    btw the T05 2n3053 works as well

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  • totoalas
    Nice summary of results
    MPsa06 works many wonders
    keep posting them

    Dont know if slayer is also high frequecy oscillatoor???? that will fit on this circuit by farmhand

    Wishful thinking or w/o thinking anmore lol


    Last edited by totoalas; 04-27-2011, 09:23 AM.

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  • totoalas
    Mopozco's How To Radiant energy

    YouTube - radiant-energy

    Replicators please


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  • electr0n
    transistor C4821 works ok, bit bigger than a to-92 and heatsinkable-ish.
    tests considerably better for me than the 2222a on my replication, bigger bump on the speccy. Replication: an empty solder tube 17x95mm, with about 200-250t on L1/ slayer circuit.
    yet to get results like you guys , but the vids/info looks great

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  • xee2
    @ Slider2732

    Wow! Excellent post. Thanks. I have MPSA06 and 2N3904. I will give them a try.

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  • Slider2732
    Close up pic of tower attached, using C3242A transistor and an excellent but simple heatsink. The transistor fits tightly in between the prong areas of the metalwork sideways. You may have noted such smaller heatsinks on say an old PC monitor circuitboard


    27 small transistors have been tested, using the same tower and primary coil as in the attached pic in fact. 3 wires ran from the circuit to enable transistor change outs. A 150K variable pot replaced a fixed transistor. Same exciter circuit as Xee2 posted a few posts back.
    The Nokia phone charger was used for power, as well as a button cell 1.5V battery with which practically all will give a 2" LED field at least. I've found that after using the list i'm referencing it all the time simply for pin designations and output powers on test circuits
    Will do a PNP version if folks find use in such a list.
    Just found out that I can't attach a .txt file, so have copied and pasted the info here. Apologies in advance if things don't line up !

    Summary of common TO-92 and similar sized NPN transistors

    Test conditions -
    'Walgreen' tower of approx 400 turns.
    Slayer exciter circuit.
    2 turn primary (adjustable height and used to ascertain best results from each transistor).
    Adjustable pot of 150K size replaces resistor.
    3.7V Nokia phone charger, 340mA rated maximum output.
    All items static except transistor connection wires.
    ? denotes no found datasheet
    The lightbulb is an energy saver, rated at 13W 200mA
    Illumination of the lightbulb regards sections of the twirl lowly lit, rising to fuller brightness
    Neon tests were conducted using a hand held dipole antenna
    In datasheet searches, often '2S' preceeds the designation..such as 2SC1213 for a transistor physically marked as C1213

    All transistors salvaged from used equipment - use only as a guide.
    19C/66F ambient room temperature.

    T - Transistor numbering as commonly appears upon the casing
    Pin - Transistor connections left to right, looking at the flat front of a TO-92 case
    CC - Collector Current
    Notes - Observations made during testing. Brackets indicate stated grade tested

    Strongest to weakest

    T.............Pin...CC... Notes

    D471.......ECB 1A Strongest by 10% in all regards - case larger than TO-92
    2N7000 ...SGD 400mA MOSFET 2A pulsed, strong plasma, full bright bulb increasing with positioning, strong distance neon, large LED field
    C3242A...ECB 2A Strong air plasma, full bright lightbulb increasing with positioning, excellent wide field
    KN2222A.EBC 600mA Strong air plasma with wide coil vertical position possible, full bright lightbulb, excellent wide field
    C3198.....ECB 150mA Strong air plasma, full bright lightbulb increasing with positioning, excellent wide field
    C1213.....ECB 500mA (C) Air plasma, full bright lightbulb, excellent wide field
    MPSA06..EBC 500mA Air plasma, full lightbulb, excellent field
    C2120.....ECB 800mA Plasma, full bright lightbulb, lower LED field strong within
    C536N....ECB 150mA Plasma with body capacitance, full bright lightbulb, excellent LED field
    G3195.....ECB ? Plasma with body capacitance, full lightbulb, excellent LED field
    D667.......ECB 1A (C) Plasma with body capacitance, full lightbulb, excellent LED field - taller case
    30611.....EBC ? Plasma with body capacitance, 95% lightbulb, excellent LED field
    H945......ECB 150mA (P) Tiny plasma with body capacitance, 90% lightbulb, good neon, good LED field
    30613.....EBC ? Tiny plasma with body capacitance, 90% lightbulb, good neon, good LED field
    C1815....ECB 100mA No plasma, 90% lightbulb, good neon, very good LED field
    2N3904...EBC 100mA Slightly stronger in all aspects than the tested C9014
    C9014....EBC 100mA (C) 90% lightbulb, good neon, good LED field
    BC547....CBE 100mA (B) 60% lightbulb, low neon, bright LED field near to tower
    30612.....EBC ? 60% lightbulb, good LED field distance
    C2878....ECB 300mA (A) 30% lightbulb, good neon, good LED field
    C1854....ECB ? 30% lightbulbbulb, good neon, good LED field
    MPSA44.ECB 300mA 30% lightbulb, good neon, low end LED field
    C945......ECB 100mA 25% lightbulb, very low neon, good LED field
    C2229....ECB 20mA 20% lightbulb, very low neon, good LED field for other traits
    KSP13...EBC 500mA Very weak, partial neon, low LED field - it's a Darlington!
    S9018....EBC 50mA Very weak, partial neon, low LED field
    MPSA13.EBC 500mA This one was all but dead. 2" wireless LED field. No power for anything else.

    And, a couple of videos, to catch up with myself lol. Wireless transmission tests through coax cable through to a dish and perhaps my best range tests so far, using a T shaped collapsing antenna and dipole wire on the top.

    YouTube - Wireless energy dish transmitter test

    YouTube - Dipole wireless field !!!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Slider2732; 04-26-2011, 09:27 PM.

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  • Slider2732
    I'll get a good close up pic of one of the towers (wound 4 of them now) to show everything.
    L1 is approx 400 turns of mid 30's enamelled wire from 2x RF-300 or RF-310 Mabuchi motors.
    L2 can be either 2 turns or 3 turns of 'bell wire', which is, I believe, 22 guage. The spool the wire comes from does have a sticker on it, but someone in their wisdom decided to test a Sharpie over the label ! It appears to be of the same gauge as .032" Rosin Core solder from Radio Shack.
    The L2 coil placement does affect performance. Likewise, there is a massive difference depending upon transistor used, Known plasma producers include MPSA06, HN2222A, C3242A and C3198. Many others will produce good plasma if ones finger nears the output wire end.

    I'll be posting a .txt in a few minutes related to transistors, which also may be of use

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  • xee2
    @ Slider2732

    Do you know what size wire you are using for L1 coil?

    I tried several transistors with higher current gain. The following worked but did not produce plasma. All are plastic and thus hard to heat sink.


    It seems that the plasma secret is in the L2 coil design.

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  • Slider2732
    That seems a fair enough amount of field energy xee2, the major differences are normally within the transistors and then the primary coil placement..maybe the smaller the tower the more finicky. Strange effects have been noted in my own tests, where one will work best with the primary at the base of a coil, another with it part way up and some only giving plasma when the primary is right at the top. All is a Goldilocks situation eh

    Interesting video Jim. Always useful to have real world figures and an important step when extending the range. Loss figures from 1 wire transmission springs to mind, for selecting the best gauges to use.
    About the scope - I don't connect the leads anywhere ! They can sit a foot or so away from a tower and the waveform is seen. I saw a vid a short while back (forgotten who posted it unfortunately) where he said scopes may be damaged if directly connected to HV. If the probes are close to the tower then the waveform can be too large for the screen, if say 3ft away then too small. About a foot away, just placed together is how I use mine.

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