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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • Slider2732
    Incredible videos !
    I watched Slayer's and kept thinking 'yeah but where are the coils....'. Fantastic !

    Cheers Lidmotor, and very glad you too still post here and post such informative videos. I'm the new guy, in awe at how you chaps work through and continually extend the knowledge of others.
    Where will we be in another year ? - I see a group, a collaboration just like the posters here, who turn this technique and derivatives into at least common knowledge enjoyed by all.
    I would dearly like to be a resident of the USA and to come away from Food Stamps, which I personally don't even qualify for, just my wife does. Business idea ? am I barking up the wrong tree ?

    My own input for the day (which is how this goes eh lol) is a new and superior small device powering technique. Superior to what we see in common use in any case.
    Wireless charging without the constraints of a charger, a plug, anything...over an extended distance.
    Here's my vid of charging a cell phone

    YouTube - The future of cellphone charging

    and the short 'bonus' footage to show the range.

    YouTube - The future of phone charging - extra
    Last edited by Slider2732; 04-12-2011, 01:23 AM.

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  • Lidmotor
    Slayer Exciter running a "self-start" pulse motor wirelessly

    I am working on multiple projects right now but I was able to combine my "self-start" pulse motor project with a Slayer Exciter. I ran the pulse motor wirelessly off the field generated by the exciter. What I really wanted to see was if the two devices were compatible and would the self-start feature still work. The self start pulse motor circuit runs at a much lower frequency than an exciter circuit but for some reason the two got along great.

    YouTube - Self start pulse motor run wirelessly off Slayer Exciter.ASF

    I really like what you are doing and the wireless laser pointer that you showed us is another example of what I found out----an exciter can run a completely different circuit wirelessly.

    @Slayer & Jonny
    I have also been watching your videos and this project just keeps getiing better and better. I wonder where we will be in another year?


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  • slayer007
    Worlds Smallest Slayer Exciter.

    Using a 22uh inductor with four turns for a primary.

    YouTube - Worlds Smallest Slayer Exciter

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  • Slider2732
    As in, you still get a pass through of high voltage where a diode ought to halt it ?
    If so, human detectable HV will jump distances quite well.
    The distance across a whole diodes internals is quite possible and to be what you are experiencing. The fix is a distance of at least a couple of inches between tower and diode. Or, all components can reside at the base of the tower, if you find your output strengthening from around midway up the tower.
    An upside down tower will show the reverse, field being strongest near the base, which somehow surprised me lol

    Coil size to field strength - others will know more and better than I.
    If we picture the electrostatic waves as ripples on a breezy day at a lake and we have a ripple measuring device at the shore side. Then throw a stone into the lake, you can see that the interactions of the original ripples and the new stone made ripples will be greatest where there is harmony in their amplitude. The interactions will also dissipate the further away from the shore that the stone is thrown. However, if we get the size of stone correct, the distance correct and the matching to the natural breeze based ripples correct, we can end up with a wash of many times the size reaching the shore. You can also visualise, that the size of the stone is important...relating to the primary coil, a Goldilocks effect of too many turns, too few or just right
    In my opinion, the 2" PVC pipe is closer to the field strength ideal than the pop bottle, for the gauge, voltages and transistors personally used.
    There are time honoured mathematical formulae for this however...which would make dimensions exacting, at the expense of knowledge of what doesn't practically work. That was what was so great about the pop bottle, everyone has them and the results can be readily replicated.
    Here's a related page that I bookmarked: The force produced by a magnetic field
    Last edited by Slider2732; 04-11-2011, 04:17 PM.

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  • jimboot
    I still don't understand why I can attach the coil to the cathode end of say a schotty diode the and the anode still burns my hand.
    Last edited by jimboot; 04-11-2011, 10:04 AM.

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  • jimboot
    Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
    Thinking about the similarity to the bare bones electromagnetic experiments of a couple of months ago, I wished to explore the effects with our usual Slayer type circuits and hopefully to assist Jim with exploring the circuit he now has.

    So, I built the 'Wensleydale' today
    Components are only the transistor and coil placement LED, beside the L1 and L2 tower.
    Transistor is a C3198 - which, has been found to be very strong and to self start oscillating 9 times out of 10.
    Datasheet here: 2SC3198L Datasheet pdf - SILICON NPN TRANSISTOR EPITAXIAL PLANAR TYPE(PCT PROCESS) - Korea Electronics (KEC)
    Primary is 3 turns, secondary is about 400 of mid 30's gauge wire, wrapped around a Radio Shack solder tube.
    Field strength is ok for a couple of volts (whatever that single cell from a laptop battery has in it).
    At the top, is a ferrite toroid, wound with wire...but only completes the look of a Tesla tower, rather than appreciably changes anything.

    The video does indeed have my pronunciation of Wensleydale too lol

    YouTube - Wensleydale bare bones micro SEC tower

    The removal of extra coils, capacitors and other refinements has also meant that the circuit fits on the small heatsink, that i've used as a base to put the tower on.
    Shown with a regular cigarette lighter for comparison in the second pic.
    Hahaha love the Wensleydale tower. How proportional is the coil size to the field strength do you think? Going to try and get some plasma tonight @Johnnydarvo bediniexciter style don,t have a bedini but plenty of rodins lying around so ill try one of those.

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  • Slider2732
    Please excuse the multiple posts..the pics above wouldn't make much sense if I butchered up the above post.

    This is a just uploaded video of the C5198 (2SC5198 for the full title). It's a NPN power transistor and found on a hi-fi today. Seems to be the big bad brother of the C3198.
    Shown running with a Nokia phone charger, at 3.7V and no more than 340mA.
    Interesting points perhaps, are that this one showed up a rare effect, completely unconnected running of neons, no wires no anything, just put the bulb near the tower while holding the glass ! Also shows the running of a keychain type red laser. I found later that the laser will run when placed around the outside of the tower - a 360 degree wireless laser...,miliitary thoughts anyone ?
    (If people have trouble getting noisy basic phone chargers to work, I got this one running by putting a 100uF capacitor across the +/- output power leads).

    YouTube - C5198 SEC wireless electricity demo

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  • Slider2732
    Thinking about the similarity to the bare bones electromagnetic experiments of a couple of months ago, I wished to explore the effects with our usual Slayer type circuits and hopefully to assist Jim with exploring the circuit he now has.

    So, I built the 'Wensleydale' today
    Components are only the transistor and coil placement LED, beside the L1 and L2 tower.
    Transistor is a C3198 - which, has been found to be very strong and to self start oscillating 9 times out of 10.
    Datasheet here: 2SC3198L Datasheet pdf - SILICON NPN TRANSISTOR EPITAXIAL PLANAR TYPE(PCT PROCESS) - Korea Electronics (KEC)
    Primary is 3 turns, secondary is about 400 of mid 30's gauge wire, wrapped around a Radio Shack solder tube.
    Field strength is ok for a couple of volts (whatever that single cell from a laptop battery has in it).
    At the top, is a ferrite toroid, wound with wire...but only completes the look of a Tesla tower, rather than appreciably changes anything.

    The video does indeed have my pronunciation of Wensleydale too lol

    YouTube - Wensleydale bare bones micro SEC tower

    The removal of extra coils, capacitors and other refinements has also meant that the circuit fits on the small heatsink, that i've used as a base to put the tower on.
    Shown with a regular cigarette lighter for comparison in the second pic.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Slider2732; 04-10-2011, 09:48 PM.

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  • Slider2732
    I really did 'lol' when I read that about Wensleydale !
    Similar to how confusing the pronunciation of a certain type of bottled sauce is for some people in Oklahoma. Worcestershire is pronounced Wustersher. BTW, this newbie here is from Cheshire, then moved to Lancashire in early adult life, now in Oklahoma for the last 4 years at age 41.
    I do believe my next tower will now be called Wensleydale, along the way to building a mini wooden framed Wardenclyffe....get the W theme going

    Thanks Kyle (and GBluer) for the vari cap information. Got a couple of those salvaged from radios and have never known how they go together.
    Last edited by Slider2732; 04-10-2011, 05:08 PM.

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  • jimboot
    @Johnnydarvo thanks for the tutorial on the bedini exciter. Really well put together. I think Liverpudlian rather than Manchester? @slider can you say Wensleydale on your next vid pls Apologies if this Melbourne boy has got your accents wrong

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  • kcarring
    4v (3.2v phone battery) Variable Capacitor 6" Tower driving 15w tube

    This is my (sort of) replication of Slayer007's usage of variable capacitance on the L2 coil, all based on the garden lamp parameters of creating evening light easily replenished by a days sun & cheap parts. The solar cell used to replenish the battery is $7 including delivery to your home in the mail, here.

    An conversation with Gbluer(Slayer007) on how to modify the variable capacitor:

    Re: variable capacitor details
    I have before me the cap, but I am having a tough time understanding how to use it. I have made a large picture of the cap on a slight angle to see it better, and the diagram that came with it, can u detail the photo a bit, then I'll post the results in the Energetic Forum thread for all.

    If you have a moment to do so,

    Please and Thanks


    ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

    They are two caps in one so you will have to wire then in series to make 5-522 pf.

    They also have trimmer screws on the bottom try to adjust the trimmer screws so it's 0-512pf.

    These caps make a big differents on low voltage but not so much on higher voltage.Unless you use one across the power source.

    I would also make one of the bigger towers like 3.25" x 18".

    The very big tower and the very small ones work good but I still like the 3.25 x 18 tower the best.

    This one works best running off 1.5v to 3v and will light the 40 leds for days making lots of light off one AA.

    I would also look into buying some of the bigger 10mm leds.Solder around 20 leds on a board and they should be very bright off one AA battery for days.

    MSG 2

    Hello Kyle

    After looking at the picture you will see what I mean.

    The T1 and T2 are for the cap trimmer.Solder T1 to A then T2 to B.Then solder a wire across A and B.
    This will be the positive side(A&B) the ground will be G2.

    All the other connection can be removed if you want to remove them.

    This works best on lower voltage.On higher voltage you will not see a big difference in light output but it will lower the current intake a little.

    Good luck

    Forgot to tell you the trimmer screws are on the botton of the capacitor.

    I adjusted mine till my meter said 0-512 pf.(using an LCR meter)

    Without adjusting it was 5-522pf

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  • jimboot
    Hey slider I haven't built a receive coil yet, just running off the trans so you are prolly right,
    YouTube - Slayer exciter test
    I have no idea what I'm doing the deets are in the desc, no commentary as my wife is wTching telly in the sMe room . Still burn
    My hand off this little monster

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  • Slider2732
    I just love this type of line - "connect another 9 LED's and the current draw is still 27mA"

    (in fact, if you are around Manchester from your accent Jonny and if I don't get my immigration sorted, i'll buy ya a pint no problem !)

    Yep totoalas, should be no problems with charging cellphones. My setup right now is only producing about 100mA, but it's only on a 1.5V battery. I'll try it soon on the big rig with the 2SC2625 and see how things go. All in all for a solution, it'd probably need a a 7805 voltage regulator (or LM317 or similar). Original chargers put out about 300-500mAh at between 3.7V and 5.5V, so it's not far distant.

    Looking forward to your vid Jim...I may be completely wrong, but if your field is only a couple of inches at best, then it ought to be electromagnetic induction, coil to coil. If so, the wire size on the receive seems to have no affect, diameter is not really an issue, coils need to be orientated approximately level with each other else the field drops right off quickly. We're used to a size of wire for a size of job. But, in the wireless helicopter video on my YouTube thing, the heli is pulling all that power through a 12 wind coil of gauge 40 or similar wire and the bridge rectifier is simply signal diodes !

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  • jimboot
    Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
    Yes, all you need is the transistor in many cases, certainly all else helps, but the matching of caps isn't needed for the effect.
    Here's the magnetic induction circuit I based own experiments on...then removed bits to see what would happen:
    I'll put a vid up later. With just the transistor in the circuit I start it up by touching the av plug to it. I'll post a vid later.

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  • jonnydavro
    Air Feedback exciter

    Hi Here is an exciter circuit anyone who already has a Slayer exciter can easily try.
    I am calling it the Air feedback exciter as the signal for the base is recieved through the air by an ariel.The large L1 coil is not directly connected to the circuit and is left open for a large RF field which lights tubes etc or alternatively,each end of the L1 coil can be connected to an led string via an AV plug.The current draw for this circuit does not change under load.
    Here is a vid and i will upload and circuit diagram.Jonny.
    YouTube - Air feedback exciter

    @Slayer.Great update on your nils experiments.I really need to try thatJonny
    @Slider.Great info on the ac to useable dc.Many people will find that useful i am sure Jonny
    Last edited by jonnydavro; 04-15-2011, 09:22 PM.

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