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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • Lidmotor
    Pancake coils

    I replicated your two flattened pancake coil design and got good results. It works.

    @ Jiffycoil
    Your bifilar coil looks like another winner and I'll try that next. There is so much information on packcake coil design that it is kinda hard to filter through it all. Tesla sure did like these things.



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  • lamare
    Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
    So if I read this right the cores of the two xformers are not mutually connected?

    It is basically the same thing as what you/others do with the wireless towers. Only in this case, you connect them directly or trough couple capacitors. See attachment.
    Attached Files

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  • Ecoman11
    I'm not really a spatial effects guy but this coil might interest you exciter bugs. All you need is a small hex rod or cut allen key and a drill. It's tedious work but should produce some unique results with a spiral core.


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  • Jiffycoil
    Merci Beaucoup.

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  • woopy
    Hehe Jiffycoil

    I am not so wise but i am able to detect the good and practical advices in this forum

    thanks very much for your great contribution in general and especially for this really simple trick how to wind easily a pancake coil with a single scotch tape.

    And tomorrow will bring other results good or not good but for sure a lot of fun


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  • Jiffycoil
    Ah that's how it goes. You are very wise Woopy.

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  • woopy
    the red tesla bifilar coil ready to go

    Thanks Jiffycoil

    i made one of those coils

    the two winding separated are each 4.8 ohms and 0.47 mh. and than connected in serie as per Tesla coil
    9.4 ohm and 1.84 mh.
    I do not know the turn numbers but it the same diameter as my previous single wire pancake.

    Pix 3 is the L2 exciting pancake coil with 6 turns

    will test tomorrow

    good night at all

    Last edited by woopy; 01-26-2011, 10:47 AM.

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  • Jiffycoil
    Originally posted by woopy View Post
    Hi all

    I have tried all my small transistors. the best is the 2N3904 for small voltage range and low current.

    But to go much higher 24 volt and probably higher i used the TIP 31 C. With 300 ma i can light my 60 led ramp brightly, plus at full brightness the led across B and E of the transistor (see on the right of the pix), and i can light wirelessly a CFL . Very good for a so compact config.

    I could not get a FET working (have to test more)

    The same TIP 31 C and my Slayer exciter is stronger, but get much hotter and draw much more current for less volts (10 volts and 650 ma).

    So very different output and very interesting stuff.

    What do you think of winding a bifilar Tesla pancake of 100 turns in 0.3 mm copper. Actually my coil is 70 turns with o.4 mm copper.?

    Nice work Woopy. I wound a Bifilar pancake coil yesterday.

    YouTube - Bifilar Pancake Coil driven by Bedini circuit

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  • DrStiffler
    Originally posted by Goldfinder View Post
    I have scoured the net and still haven't found anyone describing how to build the Stiffler towers. If someone would please provide me the specs. Lidmotor has demoed lost and so has Stiffer himself. but no specs. I could guess but would prefer actual specs so I can do a decent duplication.

    PVC pipe length
    Coil - number of turns
    Coil - Wire size.

    Thanks in advance!
    I even think you sent us an email stating you searched the earth for this info, yet a simple click to my web site or to Scribd for the Wireless-OneWire-Energy-Transmission-Construction-Guide posted there in July 2009 would have answered you question. Crazy on such effort......
    Last edited by DrStiffler; 11-02-2010, 05:44 PM.

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  • Goldfinder
    Help with Stiffler towers

    I have scoured the net and still haven't found anyone describing how to build the Stiffler towers. If someone would please provide me the specs. Lidmotor has demoed lost and so has Stiffer himself. but no specs. I could guess but would prefer actual specs so I can do a decent duplication.

    PVC pipe length
    Coil - number of turns
    Coil - Wire size.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • lamare
    Originally posted by woopy View Post
    I have tried all my small transistors. the best is the 2N3904 for small voltage range and low current.
    Interesting. That is exactly the one showing the largest bandwidth in the Spice simulator, comparable to the MPSA06 in that sense.... (see: )

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  • woopy
    pancake results

    Hi all

    I have tried all my small transistors. the best is the 2N3904 for small voltage range and low current.

    But to go much higher 24 volt and probably higher i used the TIP 31 C. With 300 ma i can light my 60 led ramp brightly, plus at full brightness the led across B and E of the transistor (see on the right of the pix), and i can light wirelessly a CFL . Very good for a so compact config.

    I could not get a FET working (have to test more)

    The same TIP 31 C and my Slayer exciter is stronger, but get much hotter and draw much more current for less volts (10 volts and 650 ma).

    So very different output and very interesting stuff.

    What do you think of winding a bifilar Tesla pancake of 100 turns in 0.3 mm copper. Actually my coil is 70 turns with o.4 mm copper.?

    Last edited by woopy; 01-26-2011, 10:47 AM.

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  • lamare
    Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
    I fail to understand ow you are accounting for the negative resistance effect of the MPSA06? As seen in an authentic SEC Exciter the Vce breakdown is playing a significant part in the operation. In an authentic SEC Exciter the utilization of the two 1N4148's and the White LED serve a purpose of limiting the negative spike to ~0.7+0.7+3.6. Whereas in the slayer circuits it is used to prevent blowing the transistor from excessive feedback. Where a double set of diodes are used in reverse configuration in a slayer exciter, the operational bandwidth is greatly reduced and the diode in the same polarity as the BE junction serve little practical purpose as the Vbe is the controlling breakdown potential, they do although not shown in any sim act as a small varicap when reverse biased, yet this is very small and only of value at UWB frequencies.
    To be honest, I don't understand the part with negative resistance effect, so I can't comment on that. I did see significant differences in the spectra of different transistors in the simulator, so I just wanted to mention that. These may or may not show this negative resistance effect. I don't know. All I know is that these two show similar results in the FFT on the simulator as the MPSA06, so if you/someone need a replacement, these might be the first ones to try.

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  • lamare
    Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
    The feedback coil is way to big and much energy is pumped into the environmental capacity as a result, this is why replicators of slayer are seeing action from both L2 and L3, yet the sole purpose should be the load coil and not the feedback coil. Additionally the small base resistors in the slayer exciter are a total waste of energy and I see in your circuit that you use an acceptable value. Similar to (Vbb-Vbe)/Rb
    It has to be this size, otherwise you won't get a 180 degree phase shift in the feedback loop, which is required to keep the oscillation going at the right frequency.

    Now might I ask the question of what the difference is in taking the energy from the ground rail as opposed to the collector coil, same thing is it not (unless this is actual an earth ground) ?

    What you are trying to do can not be simulated, sadly it don't work the way the results show.

    Anyway good luck to all, BTW the 2013 SEC Circuit has passed Beta with flying colors.

    According to a.o. Eric Dollard, it is the electric field that induces currents inside your wires or your coils, which is not a static force, as we usually consider it to be. Since the electric field actually resides outside your coil wires (since conductors oppose an electric field) and the electric field is an energy source, as shown by Prof. Turtur, you can pick up oscillations of the electric field for free, as far as I understand.

    If that is correct and it is also correct that the dominant coupling mechanism in coils resonating at higher harmonics is the electric field, then you could use a strong electric field to bring a coil into resonance, while the magnetic coupling would play a less significant role.

    Given that with an oscillator with a tickler coil, the driving and tickler coil together act as a half wave resonator, you can drive another half wave resonator using high voltage, zero current by means of coupling trough the electric field.

    I changed the schematic a bit (see attachment), so that the top coil is twice the amount of windings as the individual driver/ticker coils, and the upper terminal is connected to ground.

    Since there is high voltage at the long, resonating coil, that should do to drive the upper coil into resonance, only using a much stronger electric field compared to the fields that are present at the bottom part.

    And if all this is correct, that should give interesting results...
    Attached Files
    Last edited by lamare; 11-02-2010, 06:40 PM. Reason: Corrected an error: no electric field inside conductors.

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  • DrStiffler
    Originally posted by lamare View Post
    Those were some remnants of the simulator version. It is handy to do it like that in the simulator, because then you can easily "measure" the DC current being drawn. Here's an updated picture:

    That is an interesting question. How important is the magnetic coupling anyway when you are using higher harmonic resonance in your coil? And, does a core actually help when using higher harmonic resonance?

    I have done some analysis on resonating coils some time ago, considering both the longitudinal and transverse components of the waves traveling along the coils:

    Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki

    When you have multiple nodes of a standing wave in your coil, there are distinct areas where the magnetic components are out of phase, so I suspect the (longitudinal) electric component becomes dominant pretty quickly and that the actual coupling between the coils/sections is much more electro"static" than magnetic in nature.

    So, normal power transformers where you have two separate coils which are magnetically coupled trough the core probably won't fly when using higher harmonic resonances. A toroid which has the coils wound on top of one another may work. However, HF air core coils, as in the exciter circuits, are the most promising ones.

    I am beginning to think that all we need is just one more winding at the top of the coil, with either the same number of turns as the driving coil, or a multiple thereof. Since you have a strong electric field at the top of the resonating coil, and the dominant energy transfer mechanism would be the electric field, then you should be able to excite a pickup coil at the top of the long coil easily, so you can tap the power there:

    It should be easy to use a bridge rectifier as load to charge a capacitor...

    Update: note that the values for the coils are just guesstimates and that you probably want to go for the MPSA06 as the transistor. I used the 2N2222 in the simulator, cause the MPSA06 is not standard included with LTSpice.

    @Doc: Coming to think of it, IIRC, the 2N2309 gives comparable results in terms of bandwidth as the MPSA06 in the simulator, so that may be a possible alternative to the MPSA06 should that one become unavailable, even though it can only handle 200 milliAmp. You can see the difference in the spectra from the simulation of with the 2N2222 and the 2N2309 in the attached image. Unfortunately, at this PC I don't have a Spice model for the MPSA06 for comparison.

    Found one: - simply add the contents of this file to the "standard.bjt" file in lib\cmp. See the comparison of the spectra for the MPSA06, the 2N3904 and the 2N2222 in the second attached file. Some further simulations suggest the bc337-40 ( may also be a possible alternative for the MPSA06. This one can handle 800 milliAmps.
    That is an interesting question. How important is the magnetic coupling anyway when you are using higher harmonic resonance in your coil? And, does a core actually help when using higher harmonic resonance?
    Depending on the frequency the core can defeat the desired goal, of course. Now for a simulation and what value to use for Mu when using an air core. Mu is not a fixed value in air cores and has a substantial range. One finds that in moving from one extreme to the next that it is not practical to assume a fixed value.

    @Doc: Coming to think of it, IIRC, the 2N2309 gives comparable results in terms of bandwidth as the MPSA06 in the simulator
    I would heavily dispute the result, look at it with an SA and you would see the difference between sims and actual circuits.

    I fail to understand ow you are accounting for the negative resistance effect of the MPSA06? As seen in an authentic SEC Exciter the Vce breakdown is playing a significant part in the operation. In an authentic SEC Exciter the utilization of the two 1N4148's and the White LED serve a purpose of limiting the negative spike to ~0.7+0.7+3.6. Whereas in the slayer circuits it is used to prevent blowing the transistor from excessive feedback. Where a double set of diodes are used in reverse configuration in a slayer exciter, the operational bandwidth is greatly reduced and the diode in the same polarity as the BE junction serve little practical purpose as the Vbe is the controlling breakdown potential, they do although not shown in any sim act as a small varicap when reverse biased, yet this is very small and only of value at UWB frequencies.

    The feedback coil is way to big and much energy is pumped into the environmental capacity as a result, this is why replicators of slayer are seeing action from both L2 and L3, yet the sole purpose should be the load coil and not the feedback coil. Additionally the small base resistors in the slayer exciter are a total waste of energy and I see in your circuit that you use an acceptable value. Similar to (Vbb-Vbe)/Rb

    Now might I ask the question of what the difference is in taking the energy from the ground rail as opposed to the collector coil, same thing is it not (unless this is actual an earth ground) ?

    What you are trying to do can not be simulated, sadly it don't work the way the results show.

    Anyway good luck to all, BTW the 2013 SEC Circuit has passed Beta with flying colors.

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