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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • Jiffycoil
    The 4 Towers

    The towers are ready and the top loads are attached. I tested primaries today and will wind each towers optimal coil tonight.

    The 4 Towers by jiffycoil, on Flickr

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  • lamare
    Spice simulation

    Hi all,

    I made some progress on my idea how to combine Puharich's stuff with an exciter circuit in the simulator. The idea is to modulate the exciter with the resonance frequency of the coils you want to drive, and to drive them trough an AV plug.

    In the attached schematic, you see the basic principle, even though the actual modulator is still missing. That could be made along the lines Puharich did it, as can be found in my article at Pes.

    The spice file for LTSpice is here:


    The circuit as it is now works in the simulator. I used a sine source for what should become the output of the modulator. I set the frequency of the voltage source to match the resonance frequency of the load coils. It is still a bit off, which causes some beat in the simulator.

    I first had the idea of using an AV plug to drive the load coils into resonance, which doesn't work. It does work to "charge" the load coils, or better, the capacitances which can be either the self capacitance of the coil or external capacitors, but then the coils will shortcut across the diodes in the second half of the oscillation. After some puzzling, I found a solution for that: adding capacitors in series with the load coils. These will also get charged, so you get a DC voltage across the AV plugs which prevents them shorting out the coils. So, that problem is solved.

    What still needs to be done is to implement the actual modulator. As you can see, the output at the collector of Q2 gives a voltage in phase with the voltage source, so that can be used to modulate the exciter. Basically, this means replacing the sine voltage source with an amplifier steered from the pickup coil, which shouldn't be too difficult, because the modulator circuit published by Puharich does exactly that. You can find that one in my article at Pes:

    The resistor values, etc. Puharich used are mentioned in his patent, which is linked from my Pes article. So, Q2 should become transistor 58 in this circuit and the positive terminal of the sine voltage source should become the output at point 55 in this circuit. And then, finally, there will be a need for some RF decoupling here and there, using choke coils, decoupling caps, etc.

    Also see my post here:
    There is a link there where to get the simulator and the model I used for the exciter.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by lamare; 10-29-2010, 08:19 AM. Reason: addes some more info

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  • Jiffycoil
    That was fast! Thanks so much.

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  • totoalas
    Slayer SEC/ JT Charger

    [IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]

    Hi to all
    Jiffy here is the drawing
    the Jt using bifilar snap on 1 in height toroid


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  • seth
    Originally posted by jonnydavro View Post
    @Seth and Sniky.I have experimented with av plugs with gremanium diodes and ariels when I did not have much luck with a Joe Tate power module.Details can be found here.Kazm improoved on the design and ended up charging a cap to 48V.You can get an exciter to run of the collected energy.
    I can also confirm that height increases voltage as i did this experiment in my loft at the top of the house and it worked much better than when I tried it at ground level.Jonny
    Thanks Jonny Confirmation means a lot to me, especially from your good self. The great news is im moving into a block of flats in about 2-3 weeks. Already been to see the place....6th floor. The whole block is 12 floors, and ill be able to test up there also, as the stairs are communal. I wanna get my super LED super bright off just the height of the AV plug.....but we'll see how well it works. Cheers for the links to jim tate! I appreciate it.

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  • Jiffycoil
    @Jonnydavro and all
    ST the transistor manufacturer got back with me on the failing transistors and this is their response:

    the answers to the ctms questions are:
    - the TIP31A 6K01Q WV CHN 935 is made with a different die than TIP31A CCO5P MAR 535 , because in 2006 we change the silicon line of TIP31A.
    - there is no way to supply the old TIP31A because we have closed the old line.
    - To replace the old TIP31A I suggest to test the TIP41A

    So it seems there was a structural change to the transistor. I have ordered some TIP41A's will be here tomorrow. I'll let you know how they fair.

    Very interesting setup you have going. I look froward to your next post. Could you post a schematic when you get a chance.

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  • totoalas
    Slayer SEC/ JT Charger

    Uploaded with
    Hi To All
    Finally run a Dodoshlodo Jt 06 ckt using the spiral coil in a pop bottle

    DC from wall outlet 8 to 16 v dc lights up one 8 w fl lamp
    0.45 ac rectified to dc from spiral coil to JT
    21 v dc output from Jt charging 6,7,,nd 8 vdc square batteries in series

    Spiral coil voltage did not change when we change supply voltage
    Also the pvc pipe coil L2 pancake one end connected to collector
    L1coil not connected
    Basic slayer ckt forthe pop bottle with additional MPSA06 c to b and b to e of the circuit
    Tomorrow againto try to connet to input using sla battery


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  • jonnydavro
    @7imix.Hi and welcome.There are a few things you can do to increase the output of your Slayer exciter.One of the most important thing is getting a well matched L2 and you will probably end up with quite a selection of different types,spiral,pancake,lash rap so spend a bit of time experimenting with L2 coils.
    Also try a 4148 diode from emitter to base.
    Try using a large variable resistor instead of a fixed value.
    A good test is to run your exciter of a single 1.5v battery and see if you can light a flo tube.Here is a pic of an experimental L2 I am trying.Quite an interesting design as it varies the distance from the L1 coil and uses more copper per turn.Just got to get some Tip 31c's to test for plasma.

    I also see from the stingo thread that you are trying to run a slayer exciter with the stingo circuit.I think this should work and you may even get coronal plasma.I hope to try this also but keep us posted on how you get on as that Stingo looks great..Jonny
    @Seth and Sniky.I have experimented with av plugs with gremanium diodes and ariels when I did not have much luck with a Joe Tate power module.Details can be found here.Kazm improoved on the design and ended up charging a cap to 48V.You can get an exciter to run of the collected energy.
    I can also confirm that height increases voltage as i did this experiment in my loft at the top of the house and it worked much better than when I tried it at ground level.Jonny
    @totoalas.Hi.Its sounds like a neat experiment that you are proposing and can't wait to see how you get on.Happy experimenting.Jonny
    Last edited by jonnydavro; 10-27-2010, 08:14 AM.

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  • totoalas
    Sayer/ Jonny Davro Pop bottle SEC

    Hi to all
    Using a pop bottle 23 awg and one 3 in dia 14 in high pipe
    SEC run charge 4 set up
    Wrapped in spiral 8 turns speaker wire fine stranded 4 mm plastic insulated wire around pop botlle as L1 ac output max 9 v ac wth 6 v dc input source

    Just like a transformer the spiral coil ac to dc and to joule thief charging the input.......will try tomorrow niht

    Hope you can try this also

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  • sniky
    Originally posted by seth View Post
    Did you notice that the LED worked better the higher above ground it was?....everything on my second floor seems to get the LED brighter. And the ground rod alone WOULDNT work for me. I left Brokenman a message in regard to this, and he also said he needed plenty of wire as well asthe ground rod.

    Food for thought.
    I used on first floor, and used my heat pipe as the ground.
    I tried to use one of the pols in my yard as a ground connection and touch the av plug but it seems outside it doesn't work, only inside the house works, so it has to do with the electric lines.(I have to say that my electric line inside the house, are going through some metal pipes, i think is iron)

    Now after watching Dr. Stiffler S-Gate experiments on youtube

    I used one double copper board set on my PC case and instead of using my body as the second link, I connected the AV plug to the top of the board and it is as bright as I would touch that wire.
    If I just use only the copper board it lights dimly, only when I put it on the PC metal top it lights brighter.
    Edited: here is a short clip YouTube - Light a WhiteLed from a ground connection
    Last edited by sniky; 10-26-2010, 07:35 PM.

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  • seth
    Originally posted by sniky View Post
    Yes it works in my house as well if I ground a leg of the led and touch the bottom of the AV plug it lights
    Did you notice that the LED worked better the higher above ground it was?....everything on my second floor seems to get the LED brighter. And the ground rod alone WOULDNT work for me. I left Brokenman a message in regard to this, and he also said he needed plenty of wire as well asthe ground rod.

    Food for thought.

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  • sniky
    Originally posted by seth View Post
    Sorry if this has lready been discussed, but is this guy lighting an LED on an AV plug with NO EXCITER but just a ground connection??? Last minute of video:

    YouTube - Light circuit - Big light from small battery

    I am truly shocked...its only a little light, but with just an AV plug and a ground rod.....Well, it certainly needs to be confirmed - i'll try after ive been to a birthday party.

    Is this just stealing energy from the mains, or telluric currents, or something else?
    Yes it works in my house as well if I ground a leg of the led and touch the bottom of the AV plug it lights

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  • 7imix
    Originally posted by Jiffycoil View Post
    You have made a great point. In Tesla's Colorado experiments he speaks of the voltage increase he experienced when the self capacitance of the secondary windings was reduced. He did this by increasing the winding height of the secondary and increasing the spacing between each turn. He then adjusted the differences between the primary to secondary coupling by redesigning the primary. I think that would be a good thing to try and experiment with. Nice work. Also Eric Dollard's work with his Tesla magnification transformer show similar ideas. Eric's work in this area is a great learning tool. Please read this when you get a chance.

    Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers - Eric Dollard
    Yes, I have studied all of Eric dollard's work. Great stuff. I am going to build a pancake coil like the one dollard demonstrates in one of his videos. I have the frame built, I just need to decide on the gauge and the number of turns.

    Thanks for mentioning tesla's Colorado springs notes. I will go back and read them again to see what he says about coil capacitance.

    Does anyone have any reference material or suggestions on how to increase a cylindrical coil's inductance?

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  • 7imix
    Originally posted by xee2 View Post
    PS - Nice little scope. Who makes it?
    it is open source hardware, so several companies make it. It is called the dso nano. Mine is made by seeed studios, and I got it from sparkfun.

    There are new models in development which will have higher sampling rates, but only a few MHz, not into the 100s of MHz that I need. But, for many tasks it is great, especially since it is only $80. It works until I can come up with the thousands of dollars needed for a 300mhz scope.

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  • citfta
    RF burns

    Hi Jiffycoil, When you are running the exciter you are producing a RF field all around it. Any metal in the area can become energized by that field. Ham radio operators make sure all their equipment is properly grounded to keep from getting zapped. You have to remember we sometimes run power as high as 2000 watts. Now that will really get you if you don't have everything grounded. So I would suggest you try and run a ground wire from the metal cabinet of your power supply to an earth ground if possible or to the screw on your wall plate of the electrical outlet. Hopefully if the wiring in your house is fairly new that screw will be tied to ground through the wiring.

    Good luck, Carroll

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