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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • Now that's cooking some pancake.


    • hih all

      just my 2 cents

      YouTube - fantastic mixture of great idea .wmv

      good night



      • Woopy this is great. I think you have taken the best of each and made a "Air Show" wireless electricity and a motor with a propeller.


        • Originally posted by lamare View Post
          This idea of bifilar wound coils by Tesla, which appears to have been taken a step further in the Kapagen device appears to offer interesting possibilities.

          If indeed you can create pure electric, longitudinal oscillations without magnetic fields in coils which are wound in opposit directions on top of one another and indeed this gives a voltage gain, then it is probably possible to make an amplifying transformer like this:

          I'm going all out on making a flat bifilar coil. Rig is in place to wind a set of 28 AWG magnet wires between two plates of glass. Shooting for 1,200 turns. Space between the glass will be sealed along the edges and brought to a hard vacuum (at least 1 atmosphere, hoping for 2). Wire should show up tomorrow and the fun starts this weekend! Yes, I understand the dangers. I have a theory that many projects fail not because the idea is unsound, but at a small-scale any minor deviations can ruin the results.

          Please correct me if I'm wrong, but based on this design, the harmonic resonance is inherently controlled by the coils. Is there a need to get my hands on a signal generator and spectrum analyzer to get the optimal harmonic resonance? From my understanding the answer is no, although exactly how many turns "n" represents will change the ratio.

          I'm all for KISS!


          - Mike


          • Jiffy Coil a la Plasma Ball

            Originally posted by Jiffycoil View Post
            Now that's cooking some pancake.

            Uploaded with


            Uploaded with


            Uploaded with

            Uploaded with

            Merry Xmas to everybody here in the forum

            Jiffy hope you can make another show from this
            Last edited by totoalas; 11-11-2010, 02:38 PM.


            • @ totoalas

              Good work. I tried a plasma ball on my coil and nothing happened.


              • Originally posted by xee2 View Post
                @ totoalas

                Good work. I tried a plasma ball on my coil and nothing happened.

                Uploaded with
                L2 12 T 2,5 mm insulated coil on a cd 12 cm dia
                L1 29 awg 3mm thick 10 cm dia on a cd case coiler
                TIP 42c 1 M resistor Slayer circuiy 12 v
                Plasma ball sits on L1 andL1 on top of L2


                • Yah! Wire arrived today. Now if only I can get the glass place squared away...they thought I was crazy...untill I said it wasn't for a "table top."


                  • Hi Mike and welcome,
                    You are taking on a very ambitious project. I look forward to your future posts. You should also post this at a Thread that 7imix started just for Bifilar Coils:


                    Good luck and welcome to the forum.


                    • Totoalas

                      Totoalas you have really run with this pancake coil. You are getting some hot arcs from your coil exciter setup.



                      • Originally posted by Jiffycoil View Post
                        Hi Mike and welcome,
                        You are taking on a very ambitious project.
                        Thank you for the welcome! I know I kind of just barged in here with a grandiose plan.

                        The saying I like to live by: it's either full-as-is or no-as-is, but NO half-as-is!
                        (self censored)


                        • Originally posted by woopy View Post
                          hih all

                          just my 2 cents

                          YouTube - fantastic mixture of great idea .wmv

                          good night


                          Great display of combination's of circuits and idea's. I must assume you have seem the ESEG web page I have up, otherwise I don't know where you saw the diodes to ground. If not please see it in the contents list of my site 'ESEG'

                          You will see a strange coincidence and similarity to what is going on in the Captret thread here. Regretful they fail to understand what I am telling them, yet my work will interest you greater if you look at placing a battery across the cap (with diodes to ground of course) and add an isolation filter of say 4 beads and 4 0.01uf caps back to the exciter. You will have a closed loop, exciter running off the battery and battery ... well try it. After you do (if you do) I will tell you about something called 'cross coils' for L2 and L3, this will not apply to the 'Slayer' circuit. But with my exciter configuration and what I just told you, you should have a great bit of interest.


                          • Thanks for your post Dr. Stiffler. I started reading you ESEG paper this morning and want to thank you for posting this valuable insight into your work with passive coherence circuits.


                            • Hi guys!

                              Sorry for the double post, but i thought you guys would be interested - this exciter can work on very low inputs. A captret (see other thread) is running these LEDs and CFL wirelessly on 10V @ 10 mA and less.

                              YouTube - exciter on captret

                              Doesnt last long with my battery unfortunately, but fun nonetheless.

                              PS sorry for not being on here recently - had a really stressful move. Im high up now on the 5th floor. Looks very interesting what you're all doing here with various coils, but its gonna take me a few days to get to grips with it.

                              GOOD LUCK!!!!
                              Last edited by seth; 11-12-2010, 07:17 PM.


                              • Hey Seth,
                                Glad your move is over. (Are they really ever over, unpacking blah blah) I will give that a try. I have 2 Captret experiments that have been going for three days now. Hmmmm very interesting circuit. I'll post soon.

