Coo Power
Hi Woopy
2 cents more and youll be a King lol
Fantastic idea
Power Light Fan
How about using pan cake only to connect L1 output to cap ground???
or another pancake L3 to the cap?????
My pan cake is a wild plasma
Cannot touch or hold and puts a burn mark on anything conductive such as cd top and plastic lamp diffuser and burn s its own coil if the wire is loose
I think i will put a varnish to insulate and fix the loose end touching the coil
Originally posted by woopy
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2 cents more and youll be a King lol
Fantastic idea
Power Light Fan
How about using pan cake only to connect L1 output to cap ground???
or another pancake L3 to the cap?????
My pan cake is a wild plasma
Cannot touch or hold and puts a burn mark on anything conductive such as cd top and plastic lamp diffuser and burn s its own coil if the wire is loose
I think i will put a varnish to insulate and fix the loose end touching the coil
