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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • xee2
    Originally posted by wonderful View Post
    @ all

    can someone post some information about the spectrum generated by these coils with the slayer setup? My coil rings around 12MHz...

    My 1" diameter coil is 1.5 MHz and my 3" diameter coil is about 0.5 MHz.

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  • wonderful

    @ all

    can someone post some information about the spectrum generated by these coils with the slayer setup? My coil rings around 12MHz...


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  • CosmicFarmer
    jiffy please be careful of the non-ionizing radiation. Its like having a gigantic cell phone . I think one difference from the slayer and the stiffler oscillators is that I don't notice that headache effect from the stiffler ones. Could just be me... who knows.

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  • totoalas
    Mini Slayer Run Charge

    Hi to all
    Ive reduced the coil size 11/2in dia by 8 in tall 29 ga
    L2 21 ga 9 turn L3 same as L1 but used only as ground(instead of body ground)to one leg of neon lamp 110 v ac sitting on top of L1

    a 9 volts dc source with one aa charging
    No measurements yet but only a brief check 1,1 v go up to 1.4 in one minute

    This set up i tested inside the cars driver seat and radiant energy is detected in ignition key cigarette lighter and all other metals in the front seat

    Attached also is a 220 v ac coil automatic duty relay when one duty pump iis off the other duty pump starts... maybe this can be used for voltage swap



    Update run 9 volts charge 2 aa in series 2,2
    after 6 hours ru 1.2 charge 2.6
    after 12 hours run 1.17 charge 2.59 with brightly lit leds 40 pcs in parallel

    [IMG][IMG=][/IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]

    [IMG][IMG=][/IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]
    Last edited by totoalas; 09-23-2010, 04:02 AM.

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  • Jiffycoil
    On this recent change of setup I had to adjust the primary up and down in slight increments until the coil started to work. Once that was done its been running. I think this current setup is having a few physiological effects on me. After running it my eyes burn and I have a slight headache. I don't normally get head aches and there is no noticeable ozone to cause my eyes to burn.

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  • xee2
    @ Jiffycoil

    Your coils work so good. I have about the same size coil as you (900 turns on 3" diameter tube) and I am only getting 1/4 inch plasma arcs. I know you have a tuning capacitor (I don't), how are you tuning your coils?

    Thanks for another great video.

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  • Jiffycoil
    Ok, I have a few of those. I'll try with a lower ohm resistor.

    Check this out. This is the large coil across the room with a ground attached to the bottom wire.

    YouTube - Wireless Energy to grounded coil

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  • seth
    @ jiffycoil

    what resistor are you using? My FETs NEVER work on large resistances. TIP 31C does, but all my FETs prefer around 100 ohms. They draw current on larger resistances but fail to light any lights. Heres an updated list on working FETs

    IRF 530, 630, 730, 830
    BUZ 11

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  • Jiffycoil
    Thanks for posting that JonnyD.
    Been off the back today. I have a son in his first year of college and I've been handling some car issues for him. I did play with a new primary and top load yesterday and I'll post some images and results. I will hint that this setup stopped computers, caused flickered lights and other issues.

    @ Woopy
    Sent you a PM, do you have a place I can go to see your plasma videos?

    @Xee2 and Seth
    I'm dead in the water using FET's. Ive tried my setup with every FET I have in stock (none-that you guys are using) and NOTHING. Just hot FETs. I wonder if its the size of my secondary and the fact that I use a pancake primary? I'm at a loss.
    Last edited by Jiffycoil; 09-21-2010, 12:12 AM.

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  • jonnydavro
    Hi folks.Jiffycoil kindly posted a vid yesterday in response to a question i asked him and i will take the liberty to post it here as it shows some amazing wireless performance.Here is his vid.
    YouTube - Slayer Exciter Question by JonnyDavro
    @jiffycoil.Many thanks for taking the time make that vid From my own experiments with my rectangle reciever coils I found that energy can be passed from one coil to another so if you were to place a similar coil in between the exciter tower and reciever coil,more energy should be available to light the flo tube and i agree with cosmic on adding capasitance,this can be something as simple as a metal bowl placed in close proximity to the reciever and a alu tray on the ground connected to the bowl.The two reciever towers have to be tuned to each other for maximum energy transfer and i used the metal bowls i mention above and an av plug detector to verify when they are tuned.Also any coils in very close proximity to the exciter will increase current draw and dilute the radiated field so it may be an idea to move all unused near by coils away and see if your already amazing results can get even better.
    Please could you measure the distance from the exciter tower to your reciever as i think you have set a new record Jonny

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  • slayer007
    In this video I just added one more AA battery to the setup.

    I have three batteries is series charging three batteries in parallel.
    The three charge batteries are in series with the negative side of the source battery.

    The led's are not connected directly, But there is a small antenna going inside the L1 coil and one side of the AV plug is connected to the source battery.

    YouTube - continuous run and charge 3

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  • woopy
    fet plasmajet

    this thread is more and more interesting

    Thanks to all participants

    and for tonight my last testing

    First when i decided to inctrease the voltage over 6 volts, the current went up also and a gentle smoke went out of the board. But it was not the fet but the tiny 0.25 watt 100 ohm resistor. Itwas gently but surely burning.

    As i have some 0.6 watt 100 ohm resistor, i mounted 1 of them to see what happens. And the result is good but some smelling get out. So i double in parallel another one of those 100 ohm resistor. So i double the wattage but also divided the Ohmage at 50. Good result but always smelling. Going on to 4 x 100 ohm in parallel and always stronger result.

    So far the BUZ 11 works with 25 ohm 2.4 watt resistor.

    And i can get a very nice plasmajet on 8 volts and about 1 A, probably as good as my previuos test with 24 volts on a TIP 31 C and 650 ma and a lot of heating. But need confirmation-

    very happy of this first day of working with fet

    good night at all

    Last edited by woopy; 01-26-2011, 10:48 AM.

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  • xee2
    Hi Woopy,

    Originally posted by woopy View Post
    but anyway the Slayer exciter seems to behave differently
    Your plasma videos are what got me started on this. I wanted to find a way to get plasma without using a blower to cool the transistor. Using a FET seems like a good solution. I have not used power supplies with more amps available than the FET will handle, so that may be why I have not seen a problem.

    I do not have much experience with the Slayer exciter circuit, but the FET circuits seem to be much harder to tune than the circuits I was making with the 2N2219 transistors. Also, the location of the L2 coil seems to effect performance much more and seems to want to be closer to the middle of L1. I think there is much to be learned about using FETs in this circuit. Thanks for sharing your results.

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  • Jiffycoil
    Thank you Dr. Stiffler. It's always a pleasure when you share your work with us.

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  • DrStiffler
    MosFET SEC Driver

    I see some of you are working with FET drivers for your Tesla Coils. You may obtain some information from some of my early work in which I used FET's. One of the pages can be found at SEC Driver Circuits

    Edit: Forgot this old one, the first self sustaining circuit.

    Spatial Energy Conversion
    Last edited by DrStiffler; 09-19-2010, 06:39 PM.

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