Hi Kazm.Thanks for posting your experiment and shareing your results
I find the way you have set it up interesting with your bulbs placed between output and base.I will try it to.How do your led bulbs perform when hooked up to avramenko plugs like i show in the vid and the halo bulb on the output?If you set it up like this you will get strong wireless so it may proove an interesting experiment to compare the two.
I see you also have a 1.5v charger.Arn't these neat little power sorces for running these circuits and thanks for posting my vid.Just after i made it i wrote my car off with a bit of help from a third party so it slipped my mind.Many thanks jonny.
@ All.Here are the still pics from the vid and also Xee2 from overunity did a real nice circuit drawing of my superjoule thief sec.I wonder if he could make one of your circuit slayer as there will be plenty who want to try it and he does such nice circuit diagrams.Regards jonny.
YouTube - Simple SEC step by step build

I find the way you have set it up interesting with your bulbs placed between output and base.I will try it to.How do your led bulbs perform when hooked up to avramenko plugs like i show in the vid and the halo bulb on the output?If you set it up like this you will get strong wireless so it may proove an interesting experiment to compare the two.

@ All.Here are the still pics from the vid and also Xee2 from overunity did a real nice circuit drawing of my superjoule thief sec.I wonder if he could make one of your circuit slayer as there will be plenty who want to try it and he does such nice circuit diagrams.Regards jonny.
YouTube - Simple SEC step by step build
