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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • #46
    @ Cosmicfarmer.Hi.interesting experiment you have going on there.
    With regards to your joulethief.Jeanna who championed the secondary on a joule thief idea has done extensive tests and found like you that an led in the oscillator circuit is detrimental and better to place them in the secondary circuit but i would try leaving the secondary open like you suggest with an avramenko plug on each end.Put you Leds here and on the last led negative lead,have a croc lead going to an aluminium tray as a virtual ground.i have had good results with such a setup.Thanks for posting.Regards jonny.


    • #47
      Hi.Here is an update on my Simple SEC circuit.I have now got this circuit running on low voltage with low current draw and retaining good wireless performance.Amp draw is related to the size of tray connected to the base and the position of the tray in relation to the output tray.
      I have also added a trigger transformer to the wireless circuit and am running this backwards with the negative leg of the led connected to a metal pot,closest to the output pot.This trigger transformer increases the brightness of the leds and i think it may be acting similar to the coil on Dr Stifflers towers.
      Here is a vid.Regards jonny.
      YouTube - Simple SEC 2


      • #48
        Energy Transmitter

        Well I worked and worked with this idea and got several different things to run but this one was the most interesting so I drew up a circuit diagram and made a video of it. It uses one MPSA06 transistor and a trigger coil out of a disposable flash camera. I hooked up the output to a long thin wire then attached a Stiffler tower with 27 Leds in series. It is the cohesion of energy all around this thing that really has me interested. It looks like this circuit goes into an automatic high frequency resonance that does what a SEC does.
        What do you think Jonny???
        Here is the video--

        YouTube - Energy Transmitter.ASF




        • #49
          Great job Lidmotor , as always. By the way, this schematic resembles too much the Ukrainian solid State Tesla coil (Kacer) i have replicated.


          Base of transistor in my case is the one lead of the high voltage secondary. This way, not much tuning is necessary since the system auto-syncronizes by having the pulse-propagetion in the wire and reflect-back to base of transistor, hence auto-resonance point.

          Last edited by baroutologos; 12-19-2009, 09:05 AM.


          • #50
            Triggering the transistor

            Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
            Great job Lidmotor , as always. By the way, this schematic resembles too much the Ukrainian solid State Tesla coil (Kacer) i have replicated.


            Base of transistor in my case is the one lead of the high voltage secondary. This way, not much tuning is necessary since the system auto-syncronizes by having the pulse-propagetion in the wire and reflect-back to base of transistor, hence auto-resonance point.

            Thanks for the link to your circuit. I see what you did to feed the transistor base. If a variable resistor were placed there then that might add tuning capability. It would be a way to control the feed back.



            • #51
              @Lidmotor.I am so pleased you got it going.That is some serious cohesion you have got going on there.Nice.I think the addition of Dr Stifflers towers has boosted output and this is starting to look like its got the makings of a usable wireless power system.
              The trigger transformer from the fuji was a great idea and may be just the right component for this as my trigger transformer was made for 4kv with 170v on the primary and the fuji may require less than this so great idea.
              Regarding tuning.I think if you tie the base to a resistor you may lose oscillation and the autotune feature which is the key to this simple design and it is easily tunable by the size of ariel on the base and position relative to the output tray/wire.You could try putting a 50 or 100k pot in series with your croc lead and leave one end free and You can even make a board up with different lengh's of wire and skip from one to the other but i am sure you will figure out something,You always do
              One other thing.Have you tried putting a 10uh and a 22uh inductor in front of the avramenko plug.I find this increases the brightness of the LEDS.
              Great work Lidmotor and thanks for sticking with it.I will try a fuji TT and let you know how it compares with mine.Many thanks jonny.
              Last edited by jonnydavro; 12-19-2009, 11:12 PM.


              • #52
                Tuning---but keeping it simple

                I tried different ways to pick up the base signal encluding different loop antenna sizes and shapes. You can obviously get the job done great with a big aluminum tray but I found that there was a limit to how small you can go. I am still working on that. My SEC tower didn't work at all and I don't know why because it should have. The coil that is wrapped on it may be the problem. The tower did work good on the output end though.
                I will try different inductors prior to the AV plug and see what happens. On a SEC the size of the L3 coil makes a big difference. I have a bunch of them that I wound up along with a few store bought chokes to try.
                This could turn into a regular SEC if too many parts are added and then it is just a reinvention. As it stands now (especially the one with the 3 aluminum trays, one transistor, and one trigger coil) it is ultra simple and unique.



                • #53
                  Finally! My true replication of the one transistor / one 4kv trigger coil circuit

                  @ Jonny
                  I finally got my 4 kv trigger coil and made the circuit that you showed weeks ago. It is just the one MPSA06 and the coil ---two parts just like yours. I used a couple of aluminum trays just like you showed and got it to run on one AA. It puts out more 'FUN' with more voltage but it will run on 1.5 volts.
                  I think that this is an amazing thing that you have come up with.
                  Here is a short video of it running.

                  YouTube - Jonnydavro's aluminmun pan oscillator.ASF




                  • #54
                    @Lidmotor.Nice vid I am glad you have tried the 4kv xformer as it will be interesting to know how it compares to your little fuji xformer.I hope to try a fuji one later this week.
                    I have just seen you can get a 10kv xformer so i am thinking about getting one of those to see if there is a correlation between higher voltage rating and actual output of the Simple sec.
                    This whole Dr Stiffler SEC project has been one of the most interesting things i have dabbled with and i am glad you brought SEC to my attention through your great vids.I can spend litterally hours messing about with this and enjoy every minute.Many thanks and Merry christmas.Regards jonny.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                      @ Jonny
                      I finally got my 4 kv trigger coil and made the circuit that you showed weeks ago. It is just the one MPSA06 and the coil ---two parts just like yours. I used a couple of aluminum trays just like you showed and got it to run on one AA. It puts out more 'FUN' with more voltage but it will run on 1.5 volts.
                      I think that this is an amazing thing that you have come up with.
                      Here is a short video of it running.

                      YouTube - Jonnydavro's aluminmun pan oscillator.ASF


                      WOW.. Guys that is Amazing.

                      I need to find one of them trigger coils.

                      Great work guys.

                      EDIT: Mouser Electronics sells them I ordered a 4kv and also a 10kv.
                      Last edited by slayer007; 12-22-2009, 12:37 PM.


                      • #56
                        Wavefront SEC with 2 transistors

                        Hi Wavefront ,
                        You show a SEC with 2 transistors, and it has a much stronger Coherence field !!!!

                        YouTube - SEC 15-3 HV2

                        You say it's 18V less than 100 mA but the 4W Fluo is very bright and even the longer one tube seems to give lots of light !!

                        So the question is : do you think the efficiency input current/output light is better with 2 transistors ? Is it a linear improvement line ?

                        Did anyone else make tests with 2 transistors on the SEC ?

                        Sorry not being able to test it by myself, but I just moved again and have no material anymore. Need to buy everything new again each time because I move countries and can not carry stuff with me



                        • #57

                          That's simple enough for me to build successfully

                          I wonder if, if indeed it is cohering (anybody check for temperature drop? Broadband RF?), it could be repeated in daisy chain formation..

                          I'll keep an eye out for disposable camera or strobe light trigger coil.

                          Thankyou guys
                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • #58
                            Wavefront a genius!

                            Originally posted by stephenafreter View Post
                            Hi Wavefront ,
                            You show a SEC with 2 transistors, and it has a much stronger Coherence field !!!!

                            YouTube - SEC 15-3 HV2

                            You say it's 18V less than 100 mA but the 4W Fluo is very bright and even the longer one tube seems to give lots of light !!

                            So the question is : do you think the efficiency input current/output light is better with 2 transistors ? Is it a linear improvement line ?

                            Did anyone else make tests with 2 transistors on the SEC ?

                            Sorry not being able to test it by myself, but I just moved again and have no material anymore. Need to buy everything new again each time because I move countries and can not carry stuff with me


                            Only one other person every figured out what the extra space was for on the 15-2's and that was Loki, of course it was never released so one needed to gain the knowledge, the 15-3's had the print but also no documentation on what it was for.

                            Great display of the electrostatic field and it has to be in coherence to light the Xenon.

                            Great work and Merry Xmas if your into that.
                            Last edited by DrStiffler; 12-22-2009, 02:36 PM. Reason: spelling


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by stephenafreter View Post
                              Hi Wavefront ,
                              You show a SEC with 2 transistors, and it has a much stronger Coherence field !!!!

                              YouTube - SEC 15-3 HV2

                              You say it's 18V less than 100 mA but the 4W Fluo is very bright and even the longer one tube seems to give lots of light !!

                              So the question is : do you think the efficiency input current/output light is better with 2 transistors ? Is it a linear improvement line ?

                              Did anyone else make tests with 2 transistors on the SEC ?

                              Sorry not being able to test it by myself, but I just moved again and have no material anymore. Need to buy everything new again each time because I move countries and can not carry stuff with me

                              I'm not sure of the efficiency, but I can say the field grows quite large. Strange thing is that unloaded it can draw over 100mA, yet when I bring the fluorescent bulbs in the vicinity, or directly connect the xenon, it will only draw around 30-50mA's. I think this is an indication that I don't quite have it correct.

                              Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

                              Only one other person every figured out what the extra space was for on the 15-2's and that was Loki, of course it was never released so one needed to gain the knowledge, the 15-3's had the print but also no documentation on what it was for.

                              Great display of the electrostatic field and it has to be in coherence to light the Xenon.

                              Great work and Merry Xmas if your into that.
                              Thanks for the comment, I do notice 1 of the transistors heating more than the other which says it's out of balance, and I've been trying to fix that. I will try the resistance values you gave, so I guess that should do it. Merry Xmas to you, and all. Btw the wireless video you posted is very interesting, and the fact you can light the neon off that coil even with it loaded down with the leds, is amazing.


                              • #60
                                Jonny's aluminum pan oscillator running a 110v/20 LED bulb

                                @ Jonny & All
                                I tried a standard (unmodified) 110 volt/20 LED screw in bulb on the pan oscillator and it worked. I added a second transistor in parallel to see if that helped. It didn't seem to increase the output as I had hoped but it did help carry the load and prevent over heating.
                                Here is the video of it:

                                YouTube - Pan oscillator running 110 volt LED light.ASF



