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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
    I posted that quote and it was by Walter Russell. Conduction dissipates, induction duplicates. I also dont have it word for word, but very powerful statement.

    here is the post it was from.
    Hi Andrew,

    I have been following those two threads of yours with much interest. Not that I get everything you are saying but I can see there are powerful specifics being discussed.

    I particularly like that simple quote from Walter. I especially like how it doesnt involve the words "create" or "use" or any other similar word which implies that the energy is created or destroyed.

    Keep it up people.

    "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


    • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
      ...I am finding all kinds of uses for the cell phone charger. If you use a 1.2v rechargeable, it will run three battery LED flashlights great.

      +1 on that, there's almost justification for "1 AA Emergency Cell Phone Charger as Power Supply" thread at this point!

      Today it occurred to me that I could run a 555 timer on it:

      YouTube - 555 timer circuit running on 1 AA battery

      This video demonstrates how a 555 timer circuit can be run on 1 AA battery using an emergency cell phone charger to boosts the voltage up to 5.6v.

      And of course I had to see if it would work with the SEC exciter...guess what?

      YouTube - SEC exciter running a 555 timer LED flasher, LED bulb and (wirelessly) 1w power LED

      This video demonstrates how a SEC exciter can run a 555 timer LED flasher circuit on 1 AA battery using an emergency cell phone charger. This is done by connecting the transmitter tray to the positive input of the 555 timer circuit and the negative of the 555 timer circuit to the negative of the battery. When set up like this all energy from the transmitter is funnelled into the 555 timer circuit, I was unable to light the LED bulb (connected between the transmitter and the receiver) or wirelessly light my 1w-power-LED-on-AV-plug. This was solved by adding a trigger transformer in between the transmitter and the positive input of the 555 timer circuit.
      Last edited by kazm; 01-23-2010, 09:42 PM.


      • @Kazm.Hi.Great Vids and experiments.Funny thing is i have been playing with 555's today but approached it slightly different and just made an oscillator which triggered an mpso6 driving a trigger transformer and tested both the NE555 which is the 5v one and also the 555cn which runs at 2v or less and out off the two the 555cn made a far better oscillator but the wireless was not as strong as the simple sec and retuning was needed when changing the voltage but it is another way to see SEC effects and i am no 555 expert so the circuit would not be optimal.Jonny.
        @Tecstatic.Hi Eric.I took my globe apart,it was only 4 screws and the circuit board is easily removed and it is like you say,a small hv transformer but i will have to mess with this later this week as i spent today messing with 555's.
        Your idea's are very interesting on increasing cohearance and this is what i am trying to do really,find a way to open the flood gates and not just a trickle and i would love to help if i can and when you finish your circuit,i will try and rep it so we are on the same page as i am not to sure where you are now,all i know is it may be a bit over my head but im a quick learnerJonny.
        @All.Just a question.I have a circuit running on 4.24v which will light a neon very faintly and charge a cap or light some leds and my meter says 000.0mv on the dc mv scale and flicking between 0.000vand 0.001v on trms, read across a 1 ohm resistor.This seems really low to get a neon to glow or is this normal behavior?Many thanks.Jonny.
        Last edited by jonnydavro; 01-23-2010, 10:37 PM.


        • Cell phone charger---555 timer---LED light

          @Kazm & Jonny
          I put together a 555 timer circuit (powered by the cell phone charger) that runs a 110 volt Lights of America LED bulb. I named it the "KAZAM Light" ( It kinda named after you Kazm). This circuit puts out lots of light for the power used. On an earlier project (Skywatcher's) I used a 3.7 volt wall outlet transformer run backwards to run a modified CFL. I basically use the same circuit here.

          YouTube - KAZAM Light.ASF



          • Simple sec with some KICK

            YouTube - Video 89 quad simple sec

            Took the simple sec and added 3 more transistors in parallel. I am amazed at the kick out.

            P.S. the ballast bulb or some way of regulating the input current I consider mandatory for the longevity of your transistors.
            See my experiments here...

            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


            • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
              @Kazm & Jonny
              I put together a 555 timer circuit (powered by the cell phone charger) that runs a 110 volt Lights of America LED bulb. I named it the "KAZAM Light" ( It kinda named after you Kazm). This circuit puts out lots of light for the power used. On an earlier project (Skywatcher's) I used a 3.7 volt wall outlet transformer run backwards to run a modified CFL. I basically use the same circuit here.

              YouTube - KAZAM Light.ASF

              50ma? nice job lidmotor! thanks for the nod, this is something that i knew was already in the minds of many on this forum...collective unconcious anyone?


              • Miscalculating power out of the one AA cell phone charger

                @ All
                The way that I was looking at the power consumption of the cell phone charger was wrong. I was looking at the amp draw and using 1.5 volts to calculate it instead of 5.5 volts. Then there is the 10% to 20% energy loss that goes on inside the charger step-up circuit. Just putting four AAs together in series might be a better way to go if we are looking for eficiency. Or----just go back to our old friend the Joule Thief.



                • That s good already !

                  @ Lidmotor:
                  Thanks for this new demonstration Lidmotor
                  I think 50mA x 5.5V = 0.275 W is good already

                  When you use the maximum of 85mA it's around 1/2 Watt of power used;
                  The question is, do you think that you have more than 1/2 Watt of light ?

                  I love to follow your videos Lidmotor, and I store them all, watching them again and again, trying to understand what is important, preparing my mind for the day I will be able to experiment again ! You are a real source of inspiration !!
                  Waiting for your next "light in a box" family member

                  @ Inquorate
                  Thank you for the details on the number of diodes on the other thread

                  David G.


                  • "Kazam Light" efficiency

                    Originally posted by stephenafreter View Post
                    @ Lidmotor:
                    Thanks for this new demonstration Lidmotor
                    I think 50mA x 5.5V = 0.275 W is good already

                    When you use the maximum of 85mA it's around 1/2 Watt of power used;
                    The question is, do you think that you have more than 1/2 Watt of light ?

                    I love to follow your videos Lidmotor, and I store them all, watching them again and again, trying to understand what is important, preparing my mind for the day I will be able to experiment again ! You are a real source of inspiration !!
                    Waiting for your next "light in a box" family member

                    @ Inquorate
                    Thank you for the details on the number of diodes on the other thread

                    David G.
                    Well without a light meter it is hard to tell how many lumen I'm getting out for that 1/2 watt but it is good. Today I found out that I could grab the backspike off the transformer with a diode and charge a 12 volt battery. That was a nice find. I have been running it all day on a battery pack of four 1.2 volt rechargeable AAs and charging up another battery pack of 8 AAs.
                    The thing will run happily like this and puts out good light at less than half a watt.
                    If I can get this fine tuned then it IS going in a box mainly because I like the kind of light that it makes. It is not a cold bright white but a warm color that is easy on the eyes.

                    Sorry that I am drifting off topic here and this thread should stay on the SEC topic. I had this LED light bulb running on the simple SEC circuit and was about to box it like that until this 555 timer thing came along. I attached the trigger transformer and the transistor base right to the lightbulb socket plug and used a 1 meg resistor from the base to the (+) rail so it would start automatically. That worked great and I still may go back to that idea. More needs to be done with your amazing simple SEC circuit.




                    • @Lidmotor.Hi. No need to appologise as your latest circuit was inspired by kazm and it is sometimes hard to find somewhere to post about a circuit as they evolve so quickly and before you know it,you have got a completly different animal but it fits here fine.
                      Regarding your Kazam light.First of,nice work
                      .Were you using the low voltage 555 or the 5v standard one?and have you tried swapping the transformer for a trigger coil?
                      Regarding the phone charger.I think we need to find out how much it is actually using so i will try later in the week to run it of an external 1.5v battery so we can see what is going in and coming out.Regards jonny.


                      • External battery on the cell phone charger

                        Originally posted by jonnydavro View Post
                        @Lidmotor.Hi. No need to appologise as your latest circuit was inspired by kazm and it is sometimes hard to find somewhere to post about a circuit as they evolve so quickly and before you know it,you have got a completly different animal but it fits here fine.
                        Regarding your Kazam light.First of,nice work
                        .Were you using the low voltage 555 or the 5v standard one?and have you tried swapping the transformer for a trigger coil?
                        Regarding the phone charger.I think we need to find out how much it is actually using so i will try later in the week to run it of an external 1.5v battery so we can see what is going in and coming out.Regards jonny.
                        That is an excellent idea about trying an external battery on the cell phone charger. It will tell us just how much energy is actually being used and also would allow use of multiple batteries in parallel or even use of a "C" or "D" cell.
                        I will try the trigger coil on this 555 circuit and see what happens. The way that I am running it now as a light and a charger is working. It takes alot of rechargable batteries (four in series driving and eight in series charging) but the performance looks good. It is running at about 50 mA on the 5.5volts battery pack while recovering some of that with BEMF charging into the eight battery pack . I need to get a light meter to see just how much light I'm getting for the energy spent. Everything is staying stone cold so I don't think that I am losing too much as heat. It makes no noise.
                        I am using a standard CN555 timer chip. The low voltage one would be interesting to try also.

                        Last edited by Lidmotor; 01-26-2010, 03:22 PM.


                        • @Theremart.Hi Mart Just watched your vid and found it really interesting and i want to ask you what is the charge rate like on the cap at a reduced amp draw as i am wondering if the charge rate behave's similar to the way Leds behave ie i find that the leds are lit fully bright at a certain amp draw and then by increasing the amp draw,the leds don't go any brighter and can infact go dimmer so i am wondering is this the same for charging caps or is it a case of the more you put in,the more you get out?
                          Thanks for sharing your findings Mart. Jonny.
                          Last edited by jonnydavro; 01-27-2010, 08:41 AM. Reason: spelling


                          • Hi Jonny

                            Originally posted by jonnydavro View Post
                            @Theremart.Hi Mart Just watched your vid and found it really interesting and i want to ask you what is the charge rate like on the cap at a reduced amp draw as i am wondering if the charge rate behave's similar to the way Leds behave ie i find that the leds are lit fully bright at a certain amp draw and then by increasing the amp draw,the leds don't go any brighter and can infact go dimmer so i am wondering is this the same for charging caps or is it a case of the more you put in,the more you get out?
                            Thanks for sharing your findings Mart. Jonny.

                            Thanks Johnny,

                            I have not tried a reduced amp draw, but I have not played with this circuit much as I want to be fully awake when I do it :-)

                            I imagine I could use a different bulb instead of the 12V car battery bulb to lower the input current. The biggest hit is when I first start it I get over an amp of pull, I really don't like that.

                            I believe what I should do is to each base of the transistors, add a 50 ohm resistor just like Dr. Stiffler suggests for his setup, would probably help matters out alot.

                            The leds did go slowly dimmer as the voltage increased ( as memory recalls ) but they are dead now just too much for them, I am not sure of the condition of the diodes either as I did hit them with much voltage.
                            See my experiments here...

                            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                            • Low voltage flyback driver

                              Hi. I am posting my latest experiment here as i think it has good potential for SEC.I think that high voltage,high frequency ac are important to achieve SEC so i have been thinking about sources for this hv and i decided to try a flyback transformer from a tv and it is a great new thing to experiment with as it has hv in spades and if you are lucky enough to have an old black and white tv,the flyback may be unrectified so great for wireless,plasma globes etc.Most modern flybacks are rectified but still capable of amazing arcs but this is usually using quite high input voltage but i like using low voltage so i had a play today and have got it working great on 1.5v.It will light a flurecent tube on 5mA and you can charge caps of the collector/emitter and i am pretty sure it will light stacks of leds.It also will produce a continous arc and light neons al over the place and they are a violet orange colour..
                              It will even run a plasma globe i gutted but the streamers are very faint and you need the light off to see them but this is with dc and ac works best for these.
                              I used the internal coils of the flyback transformer for primary and feedback.They measured 1.4ohms and 0.6 ohms respectivly and once you have found these,it is a 5 min circuit.Once you have it built and it is squeeling.You use the hv output which is the big red lead and just touch it to the unused pins on the flyback to find the hv return.
                              Here is a vid and circuit diagram.Jonny
                              YouTube - Low voltage flyback driver

                              @The remart.Hi can reduce your current draw by either moving the base pan further away from the output and or reducing the size of the base pan as your amp draw does sound high.Just something to try.Jonny.


                              • Originally posted by jonnydavro View Post
                                Hi. I am posting my latest experiment here as i think it has good potential for SEC.I think that high voltage,high frequency ac are important to achieve SEC so i have been thinking about sources for this hv and i decided to try a flyback transformer from a tv and it is a great new thing to experiment with as it has hv in spades and if you are lucky enough to have an old black and white tv,the flyback may be unrectified so great for wireless,plasma globes etc.Most modern flybacks are rectified but still capable of amazing arcs but this is usually using quite high input voltage but i like using low voltage so i had a play today and have got it working great on 1.5v.It will light a flurecent tube on 5mA and you can charge caps of the collector/emitter and i am pretty sure it will light stacks of leds.It also will produce a continous arc and light neons al over the place and they are a violet orange colour..
                                It will even run a plasma globe i gutted but the streamers are very faint and you need the light off to see them but this is with dc and ac works best for these.
                                I used the internal coils of the flyback transformer for primary and feedback.They measured 1.4ohms and 0.6 ohms respectivly and once you have found these,it is a 5 min circuit.Once you have it built and it is squeeling.You use the hv output which is the big red lead and just touch it to the unused pins on the flyback to find the hv return.
                                Here is a vid and circuit diagram.Jonny
                                YouTube - Low voltage flyback driver

                                @The remart.Hi can reduce your current draw by either moving the base pan further away from the output and or reducing the size of the base pan as your amp draw does sound high.Just something to try.Jonny.
                                I just watched your video Great jod.
                                Very impressive all that on just one or two AA batteries.

