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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • @ Lidmotor Nice video.
    You should also try collecting your BEMF to charge other batteries.


    • Nice vid Lidmotor

      maybe you could add the two diodes and a tail to Maggy so she can do both modes.
      last night after changing a few things i powered the sec with a joule thief on two AA batteries and went back to the 12 volt and lit the flo tube at 10ma.
      I like the idea of the electrolysis, maybe we can make a wireless fuel cell.



      • @Lidmotor.Nice vid Lid .Quite a few people have been asking recently if these circuits will run motors so this answers that one.
        @All.i did an experiment with slayers circuit today but used a slinky spring as a variable L2 coil and i lit a fluorecent tube by wrapping a coil around the tube and fed the hv from L1 through that.Here is a vid.Jonny .
        YouTube - slayer sec with slinky L2 coil
        @Marxist.I will check that av test out and get back.jonny


        • Originally posted by jonnydavro View Post
          @Lidmotor.Nice vid Lid .Quite a few people have been asking recently if these circuits will run motors so this answers that one.
          @All.i did an experiment with slayers circuit today but used a slinky spring as a variable L2 coil and i lit a fluorecent tube by wrapping a coil around the tube and fed the hv from L1 through that.Here is a vid.Jonny .
          YouTube - slayer sec with slinky L2 coil
          @Marxist.I will check that av test out and get back.jonny
          Excellent idea with the slinky Jonny.

          Someone also asked me about a Rodin coil.I wounder how that would work for L2.


          • In this video I just wanted to show that size does matter. And also show how you can collect power from the cell phone charger. Also the importance of collecting the BEMF from the L2 coil. When collecting the BEMF the circuit will run more efficient.

            I'll upload the circuit I'm using later today with the coil specs.

            Here is the video.

            YouTube - Does size matter N Collect power from cell phone charger


            • Building BIGGER coil & ran out of wire

              Originally posted by slayer007 View Post
              In this video I just wanted to show that size does matter. And also show how you can collect power from the cell phone charger. Also the importance of collecting the BEMF from the L2 coil. When collecting the BEMF the circuit will run more efficient.

              I'll upload the circuit I'm using later today with the coil specs.

              Here is the video.

              YouTube - Does size matter N Collect power from cell phone charger
              I started building a bigger coil today and ran out of wire. I put 10 turns of 22ga on L2 and got it to work anyway.
              Here it is lighting up the big FL tubes. I used a pair of 2N3906s with a heat sink and ran it on 12 volts.
              YouTube - Slayer Exciter with BIGGER coil.ASF

              Last edited by Lidmotor; 02-19-2010, 03:29 AM.


              • good job on your latest videos Slayer Lidmotor and Jonny,


                • joule thief coupled to a 2s naudin generator

                  take a look at this. Is it possible to use a 555 circuit powered though a joule thief and connect up to this generator to get a zero drop in power to light up an led?
                  2SGen, an amazing tiny Solid State Generator by JL Naudin


                  • please confirm ground connection

                    At the moment my attempt to charge a 12 volt lead-acid battery is not going as I would wish for. There is voltage available, but I don't get a charging effect.
                    Will try to improve the setup.

                    thanks for your work and videos.
                    In the last circuit you published, which is the one here
                    posting #261
                    you drew the symbol for a ground connection on the minus side.

                    Do you really have the minus of the cell phone charger connected to ground or is the circuit "free floating"?
                    if you usually have a ground connection and then disconnect the ground - just as an additional test - does that make a difference regarding
                    a) cap charging ?
                    b) battery charging ?
                    c) and size and strength of field ?

                    @ serfer5,
                    thanks for showing your 12V setup with the tip3055:
                    do you run it with the base resistor in place or without a resistor at the transistor base?
                    Will it keep running if you pull the resistor?

                    (I generally run my 5V setup without a base resistor. I just touch the open end of the base resistor to jump start, if necessary.)

                    Sorry for being a nuisance.
                    Last edited by marxist; 02-19-2010, 11:17 AM.


                    • Originally posted by marxist View Post
                      At the moment my attempt to charge a 12 volt lead-acid battery is not going as I would wish for. There is voltage available, but I don't get a charging effect.
                      Will try to improve the setup.

                      thanks for your work and videos.
                      In the last circuit you published, which is the one here
                      posting #261
                      you drew the symbol for a ground connection on the minus side.

                      Do you really have the minus of the cell phone charger connected to ground or is the circuit "free floating"?
                      if you usually have a ground connection and then disconnect the ground - just as an additional test - does that make a difference regarding
                      a) cap charging ?
                      b) battery charging ?
                      c) and size and strength of field ?

                      @ serfer5,
                      thanks for showing your 12V setup with the tip3055:
                      do you run it with the base resistor in place or without a resistor at the transistor base?
                      Will it keep running if you pull the resistor?

                      (I generally run my 5V setup without a base resistor. I just touch the open end of the base resistor to jump start, if necessary.)

                      Sorry for being a nuisance.
                      Marxist the Ground in the circuit it just the negative on the cell phone charger.
                      It's not an Earth Ground.

                      Lidmotor I to ran out of wire I had just enought to finish the bigger coil.
                      When I get more wire I'd like to try even BIGGER size coils.
                      It's hard to believe that the bigger coil is using less current than the smaller one.
                      And putting out twice the power at the same time.And the transistors don't even get worm with all this going on.

                      I'll upload the circuit I'm using in the video later today.
                      Last edited by slayer007; 02-19-2010, 11:51 AM.


                      • Here is the circuit I used in my last video.
                        It will run with a 1.5v up to 6v with the coil configuration.

                        Next I'll try a 6" diameter coil and see if I get better results.
                        Attached Files


                        • Originally posted by marxist View Post

                          @ serfer5,
                          thanks for showing your 12V setup with the tip3055:
                          do you run it with the base resistor in place or without a resistor at the transistor base?
                          Will it keep running if you pull the resistor?

                          (I generally run my 5V setup without a base resistor. I just touch the open end of the base resistor to jump start, if necessary.)

                          Sorry for being a nuisance.
                          Hi Marxist
                          on my setup if L2 is all the way to the left of L1 you are drawing very low power and a resistor helps to keep the circuit on but if L2 is to the right of L1 then the circuit starts up with out base resistor. but this also depends on the number of turns on and maybe size of wire on L2. for instance, with 16 turns of 18ga wire you will need a resistor for start but an L2 with 10 turns of 18ga will not because the less turns you have the more power you draw. I used two 100k resistors for 200k on the base.

                          sorry for the run on sentence
                          Last edited by serfer5; 02-19-2010, 06:26 PM.


                          • This reverse diode thing is just the tip of the iceberg.
                            I have the big capacitor connected to 10 AA thru a diode.
                            The voltage in the cap under load is 14.4v.
                            But if you connect two more reverse diodes to that there is 39v comming from the diodes.
                            Also the same can be done with the 10 AA batteries charging.
                            By connecting the diodes in reverse polarity you can pull power from the batteries being charged.
                            You should be able to keep doing this.String battery pack after battery pack till finaly the fields runs out.
                            And still get light.


                            • Here is a short video to explain.
                              The voltage comming off the capacitor was 39v thru the reverse diodes.
                              After charging the 6v battery with the reverse diodes the voltage went up to over 50v thru the reverse diodes.
                              It seems the more you add the stonger the field gets.

                              Here is the video.

                              YouTube - Exiter With Reverse


                              • 2sn gen

                                Originally posted by braden View Post
                                take a look at this. Is it possible to use a 555 circuit powered though a joule thief and connect up to this generator to get a zero drop in power to light up an led?
                                2SGen, an amazing tiny Solid State Generator by JL Naudin
                                Looks like a jule theif. Jule theif has two wires three ends, and resonates at a very high frequency around a common iron ferrite toroid core. JLN's toroid is single wraped and pulsed at a mere 200 hz, close to the natural oscillating frequency of magnatisem around a special soft ferro magnetic toroid core. Power is generated from a propagated magnetic field flip in the nanocrystaline toroid. Even though close in appearance, it has nothing at all in common with jule thief.
                                Last edited by synchro; 02-19-2010, 09:40 PM.

