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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • Joe Tate Power Module.

    Joe Tate: Ambient Power Module


    The circuit in that guy's video is not Joe Tates. Apparently he could'nt get his to work. Mine came to life imediately with no problem at all. Joe only uses two .01 ceramic capacitors, this guy has four in his. Click on the Hyperlink above. It's a little tricky to follow in some of the schematics, but the layout is real simple. Just follow the figure 1 schematic, and attach the ground and antenna wire where indicated. Recheck the cap values.

    I'm wondering if the Spacial Energy Coherence field of Dr. Stiffler's is not acting as such a large antenna.
    Last edited by synchro; 03-30-2010, 06:47 PM.


    • A while ago, i tried to pickup energy off a similar circuit than Slayer´s Exciter.
      It was one of these Imhotep/Aromaz Ignition-coil oscillators running at 12 Volt and they had a pretty strong field around them as well. Lidmotor used this pie antenna back then too and inspired me to try it.
      Unfortunately the current you can achieve with Joe-Tate type of circuits is pretty small (~100 micro amps).
      Sure you can use a mega-huge antenna, but then most of the energy captured would not be coming from the circuit to be self-run, which is the actual idea behind it.

      YouTube - Hot Charging With Captured Energy
      Last edited by Xenomorph; 03-31-2010, 03:04 PM.


      • This video shows the effect an Earth Ground has when attached to the L1 coil.

        YouTube - Earth Ground On The L1 Coil


        • A Tesla experiment replication???

          Originally posted by slayer007 View Post
          This video shows the effect an Earth Ground has when attached to the L1 coil.

          YouTube - Earth Ground On The L1 Coil
          Slayer this reminds me of the Tesla experiment where he was lighting up light bulbs out of the ground. I will have to try this one. Dr. Stiffler said at one point that he could use the ground circuit of his lab to transmit the energy. It looks like you are right there.
          Well done. Now just get half a dozen "Jeanna's Power Plants" going and light up your garage. Just remember to water the plants once in awhile.



          • Thanks Lidmotor.

            I did make a Jeanna's Power Plant I don't have a victim for it yet but I will.

            It puts out around 1.6v @ 1to 2 mA.
            It's enought to run an Exiter right off the Earth battery and dimly light one led.
            I had it very dimly lighting the 20 led board I have in the video.
            But if you attach another tower to negative side of the AV plug they will light up a lot better.(I noticed it after I already made the video)

            Here is the video.
            YouTube - Jeanna's Power Plant Running Exiter

            EDIT. I just added a wireless tower to charge another capacitor.It puts out around 15.5v from the AV plug on the second tower.
            Last edited by slayer007; 04-01-2010, 06:59 PM.


            • Pot plant - Power Plant


              For those interested in the Magnesium/Copper pairing of Jeanna's 'Power Plant', and wondering IF the magnesium OR copper is being degraded, here are some findings.

              Magnesium is an annoying metal to work with in the first place and due to it's high alkalinity will almost immediately oxidize/tarnish (interesting point if you try to make a 'binding' electrical connection through galvanics or other) and this surface is then quite robust. For those whom have doubts as to the veracity of this claim, lightly sandpaper the magnesium rod (firesteel) (and I stress LIGHTLY as vigorous rubbing will lead to a build up of mag-dust and ignition with amusing results - small scale fireworks in your hands), Once the magnesium is shiny, run it under water and you will see it change color back to a dark grey almost in front of your eyes. This is the accelerated oxidization process due to the reactivity of the metal. Unfortunately, immersing this type of metal into a even higher acidic environment (soil, acid solution, whatever) will only excacerbate the process. As some at the OverUnity thread have attested to, the magnesium ribbon is snapping off a few weeks after running a cicuit (signs of corrosion). Sadly, no long term free lunch here.

              As regards the Copper, well things seem to be slower there but change in soil color definitely indicates some oxidizing.

              As Jeanna has stated previous though - How does it compare with a standard AA Cell or similar? I guess with the help of a JT circuit, the run time is superior (if the costs add up), therefore even though it doesnt last forever, it certainly is a greener alternative.


              Last edited by teslaproject; 04-02-2010, 03:38 AM.


              • Earth Ground connected to LI coil

                @ Slayer---I worked all day with your idea of connecting an earth ground straight to the SEC output at L1. I got the same results that you did but it got better and better the more that I played with it. My earth ground is a metal stake in the ground ouside my patio door. I found that the I could light an led off the stake so I wondered if it would also light off the ground point of the house AC circuit. IT DID!!! You already know what that means. The last thing that I did was just connect L1 to a screw on a wall switch plate that is ground. I could light an led on an AV plug on the wall plate scews all over the house. I have decided to not go any further with this as I don't want to damage any pluged in electronics in the house. When I started the circuit it would turn on a touch lamp that was in a back bedroom.
                Jeann's "Power Plant" is now powering a JT. I put a supercap in the circuit and when the base pot is turned way down the cap charges up during the day. I will try using this as a night light for awhile. It sounds like fast corrosion on the magnesium might be the problem with it.



                • still amazed from the sec.


                  • toriods toriods

                    Hey this has been a good week or two on the forum! I finally got my joule thief going and have wound four different versions and my best attempts have yielded a 200 volter charging a camera cap and driving a neon with 2 c batteries. 44 turns bifilar on the radio shack blue computer power supply toriods. there were two sizes in the package...they worked...just hope the toriods aren't impeding the performance like jeanna was talking about having bought chokes because i'm not sure the permeabilty is right yet.. TAF250 and TAF200 ??? Earth Battery wow... earth ground sec..double wow

                    by the way my JT lights the av superbrite red led at the same time as my I turn the variable resistor up does this mean thats where it starts oscillating or thats where the voltage is high enough...
                    the other thing that happened I thought was interesting was that my motorola walkie talkie lights my av tester up nicely when keying the mic...magnetic waves...thats what I always thought it was and not scaler waves somebody explain scaler waves in a easy to understand format...thank you and Happy Easter from Indy


                    • .just hope the toriods aren't impeding the performance like jeanna was talking about having bought chokes because i'm not sure the permeabilty is right yet.. ...

                      by the way my JT lights the av superbrite red led at the same time as my I turn the variable resistor up does this mean thats where it starts oscillating or thats where the voltage is high enough...
                      If the jt is lighting lights it works. Don't worry about the choke thing since it works.

                      As you turn the resistor at the base of the transistor UP you are getting a higher frequency. This causes the amps draw to go down, but oddly, it also causes the voltage to go down. So, sometimes you must have a higher amps draw (lower frequency) if you are wanting a higher voltage.
                      Sounds great.

                      The next refining you can do if you want to is to start removing turns to the base side of the coil and see if that makes more. then if that works, start removing turns to the collector side of the coil. (I am only saying this in case you did not already tune it.)

                      Good job,



                      • @ area46241

                        Originally posted by area46241 View Post
                        44 turns bifilar on the radio shack blue computer power supply toriods
                        200 volts from 44 turns bifilar is good performance. What is the size of the toroid you are using? What output voltage do you get with only one battery?
                        When I tried to find the part numbers on Radio Shack web site they were not there, only had a 10 pack of toroids. Is that what you bought?


                        • In this video I have two coils with the same specs as the L1 coil.
                          The top of each coil is connected to one side of a rectifier that goes to a capacitor.
                          The bottom of each coil has a small antenna.

                          Then I have my Exiter connected to the capacitor.
                          And it will dimly light the leds I have on a board.
                          But even with the Exiter disconnected the led's will still light off the coil or any part of the circuit.

                          Some how the two coils are resonating and exiting the environment around them.

                          Here is the video.
                          YouTube - GBluer's Channel


                          • @Slayer.Amazing experiments you are doingThe two coils,cap and rectifier acting like a sec is a great find.I wonder if you could try replacing one of your identical coils with another coil and see if it still works.
                            Could this work with just one coil and maybe use an av plug instead of the bridge or are both coils needed?
                            I wonder if you made a bridge out of germanium diodes,would this increase output and you may also be able to use your setup as a crystal radio.
                            Your experiments show that we are surrounded by energy and it is just a case of tapping into it.This is really exciting stuff Slayer.
                            I have been experimenting along similar lines as you,trying to extract energy from the enviroment and built a Joe Tate ambient power module but it did not pick up much but thats probably down to the size of ariel i used but i can light a led using an av plug of the field from the cathode ray tv set in my living room and when i use an av plug into a cap,it will run your exciter but this is not in the same league as what you are doing Jonny


                            • Originally posted by jonnydavro View Post
                              @Slayer.Amazing experiments you are doingThe two coils,cap and rectifier acting like a sec is a great find.I wonder if you could try replacing one of your identical coils with another coil and see if it still works.
                              Could this work with just one coil and maybe use an av plug instead of the bridge or are both coils needed?
                              I wonder if you made a bridge out of germanium diodes,would this increase output and you may also be able to use your setup as a crystal radio.
                              Your experiments show that we are surrounded by energy and it is just a case of tapping into it.This is really exciting stuff Slayer.
                              I have been experimenting along similar lines as you,trying to extract energy from the enviroment and built a Joe Tate ambient power module but it did not pick up much but thats probably down to the size of ariel i used but i can light a led using an av plug of the field from the cathode ray tv set in my living room and when i use an av plug into a cap,it will run your exciter but this is not in the same league as what you are doing Jonny
                              Thanks Jonny.

                              I will try some different coils today with it and see if it still works.

                              I have tried a few different setups so far but this one seems to work the best for now.

                              I think a rectifier made out of germanium diodes will help a lot.I ordered some last week maybe I'll get them today to try.

                              The voltage comming off the rectifier is only 1.3v.

                              Last night I disconnected the Exiter from the circuit.The positive side anyway I left the negative side connected.
                              I wanted to see how far it would charge the capacitor.


                              • @Slayer : Very nice work !
                                If the highly reactive magnesium is a problem and deteriorates too much, why not used galvanized steel instead? Would that be creating less current than magnesium? I mean there must have been a reason for the magnesium usage, probably its more efficient, that i don´t know.
                                Keep it up!

