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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • Originally posted by Farrah Day View Post
    I'm beginning to confuse myself here now.

    Woopy, I've cracked it as far as understanding the principle of operation of a basic Joule Thief, but this Slayer cct is not a JT is it, so how can it resonate without the capacitor in place? A basic JT relies on the bifilar wound inductor, but this Slayer cct has no such thing. Without the bifilar wound inductor and without a capacitor in place, how is this cct possibly resonating?? All I can see is the transistor being turn on - what happens in order to turn it off?

    Any ideas anybody? Someone please put me out of my misery.
    The turn off question in general is being discussed since the Bedini SSGs and there is various explanation attempts.
    Look at the exciter circuit as an oscillator, it goes back into these times :
    YouTube - Lidmotor's Channel
    YouTube - Lidmotor's Channel

    Slayer´s Exciter´s beauty lies in it´s simplicity, with the possible trade-off of frequency stability compared to other oscillators.

    Concerning capacitance, all inductors have parasitic parallel capacitance, and series resistance.
    Last edited by Xenomorph; 06-08-2010, 12:55 PM.


    • Sec Lighting / Charging

      Thanks Xeno for the circuit,
      60 vdc at the collector
      @120 mA 12. 40 V dc charged my dead battery 0.2 v to 12 v dc in 20 mintues 1.2AH
      With lighting and charging the current rose to 156 mA

      with 2 parallel 2n2222 and a MPSA06 c to B and B to E
      Lighting load 1 8 w and 1 20 w fl lamp 12.46 V dc car battery
      Consumption 10 millivolt( 0.01 V ) @90 milliamperes with warm transistors(finger can hold the transistors for more than i minute)
      ex 2 pm 12.46 V dc 3 pm 12.45 v dc so 0.01 v dc / hr with .09A just updated

      will try tip 3055 next

      Last edited by totoalas; 06-08-2010, 09:52 PM.


      • @totoalas:
        That sounds good

        I have tried it with another battery that was as dead and when initially connecting it to the charging part,
        the voltage across the battery was something like 150 Volts probably due to the messed up internal impedance of the battery. Kept it connected for a day or two and the voltage has steadily dropped until it reached the region of normal battery voltages and then it would stay in that region charging normally.
        Last edited by Xenomorph; 06-08-2010, 01:03 PM.


        • Originally posted by Farrah Day View Post
          I'm beginning to confuse myself here now.

          All I can see is the transistor being turn on - what happens in order to turn it off?

          Any ideas anybody? Someone please put me out of my misery.
          Hi Farrah Day,
          This May help.
          RapidShare: What Turns The Transistor Off.pdf

          Regards Lee.


          • Excellent, that's what I needed.

            Many thanks SMW.



            • @ Totoalas

              Bravo man good job
              To understand you correctly the collector of the MPSA06 is connected to the base of the parallel 2n2222 , the emitter of the MPSA06 is connected to nothing, and the base of the MPSA06 is connected to the emitter of the 2N2222, that is to say to the ground, Is it OK so ?

              @ all

              This afternoon i wanted to beginn a big coil, but Juju is the right man for this courage Juju. And i decided to try something different which perhaps could help.
              I wound (not so good) a conical slayer L1 on a styrofoam cone i had .

              First i tried a little pancake with 10 turns 0.5mm copper on the top and it works.
              Than i made a big pancake on the bottom with also 10 turns (0.8 mm copper with plastic insulation) and it works too. But when i moved the L2 to the middle of L1 it was better than when it is on the bottom. Than i made some try and discovered that to use the whole length of L1 i had to diminish the number of turns
              So the last test with only 3 turns of 0.5 mm copper and it gives more than 400 volts at 860 khz at the end of the free L1 with the input of 4.5 volt and 30 ma. But when i go higher voltage the current goes also much higher.
              Will make more test but anyway interesting. what do you think ?

              good luck

              Last edited by woopy; 08-29-2010, 06:15 PM.


              • Sec cirxuit L1

                you are correct...
                I have also a cone same size as yours and will try to work on it
                How about a double layer L1 direction from bottom to top since the energy is stronger at the top when the bottom is connected to the base
                I tried an aluminum for L1 with no luck

                Have you tried the cone with fl tubes????


                • Hi Totoalas
                  now i understand your circuit i will try it as soon as i receive my wagoon of transistors , because as you know they fry as butter in the sun

                  OK here a pix of the Slayer conical at 4.5 volt (3 AA battery) the light is good.
                  I will have to make some comparisons with the straight Slayer coil.

                  For info my "normal" Slayer coil L1 is 4.4 mh and 22 Ohm and the conical same height coil is 2.2 mh for 16 ohm.

                  good night

                  Last edited by woopy; 08-29-2010, 06:15 PM.


                  • check this out, Kapandze JL Naudin he is already way up ahead with the replication
                    YouTube - The KAPAGEN v3.2 with 2100 Watts of Halogen lamps at the OUTPUT


                    • The joule thief

                      This may not be the thread to ask this. I have just finished reading all 20 pages of this thread. The original Joule thief, the one that is made to light an LED off a dead batt., is that circuit an exciter? Using a small toroid as a transformer. Does it produce a small SEC effect? Can you use an AV plug off the run battery of that circuit? Sorry if this is the wrong place.


                      • Originally posted by Xenomorph View Post
                        However if you use that thin of a wire that it could break, your coil impedance will be quite high. Will be interesting to see how that performs then.
                        hi xeno, my wire is not as thin as that... maybe 0.2mm i think..

                        the wire broke because i had an accident with my role of wire... i used the one that was in a fan exaust coil from a damaged microwave!

                        the wire here his very expensive... the last time i gave near 10 eur for a role of 30ohm... so i think 50 eur will not be enough to make this party!
                        Last edited by juju; 06-09-2010, 04:46 AM.


                        • Exiter

                          Originally posted by woopy View Post
                          @ all

                          This afternoon i wanted to beginn a big coil, but Juju is the right man for this courage Juju.

                          I wound (not so good) a conical slayer L1 on a styrofoam cone i had .
                          Will make more test but anyway interesting. what do you think ?

                          good idea laurent!


                          exiter is really a good name for this things, because one does really get exited near them!

                          i was in error, my core is only 50cm ... but is not tottaly covered because the wire run out...

                          the L2 is 150ohm resistance... but i think with my small exiter that have only 10ohm (L2) but more thicker wire, the CFL light more brighter, i have to make more testes, but im not shore if it really compensates all this work to make big ones.

                          if i touch the L2 output the plasma burns my skin, but does't hurts!

                          Originally posted by wrench76 View Post
                          one cool thing is if I hold the neon near the L2 the plasma forms at the tip of the neon just like the L2 does when it is just running (about a 5 mm long purple point)
                          wrench you were right about the transistors... i get plasma at 6 Volts with the MPSA06, but the TIP 31 C, works much better!

                          one question, hou much resistance does your L2 and L1 have?

                          im asking because i tryed the circuit at 12V and my plasma only shows when i aproach the neon to the coil output, when is just running nothing happens... my plasma is maybe 1 or 2 mm with the neon close... im using the TIP 31C...

                          can you help? i really woould like to have results similar to yours...

                          EDIT: and if you can tell me the thickness in mm of your coils wire will be a good help to!

                          Last edited by juju; 06-09-2010, 05:10 AM.


                          • SEC L1 Size does matter

                            Dear all
                            I just want to post my results on L1 dimensions and performance
                            Using 26 Awg for L1 and 9 Turns 21 Awg coated wire
                            13 V dc from ac dy power supply and one 8W flurescent lamp
                            1. 12 inches tall 1/2 inches dia 50 ma hot transistors w/ low energy

                            2. 12 icnhes 1/14 dia 30 mA strong energy but hot transistors

                            3. 10 inches cone 3/4 inch top 3 inches bottom 400 ma very hot transistors

                            5. 4 inches height 3 inches dia no reaction from circuit

                            6. 12 INCHES HEIGHT 3 INCHES DIA 90 MA WITH WARM TRANSISTORS

                            Winner - Slayers SIZE DOES MATTER LOL


                            • thanks Totoalas

                              good work with your many coil test, could you give us the inductance and resistance of the different coils you tested for info ?

                              I tried the MPSA06 between ground and base of the parallel or multi 2N2222 and it works very nice big current drop
                              But with my L2 at 3 turns i can not go above 10 volts and as i did not receive my transistors i am now very carefull with my last ones.

                              OK today i tried to couple the straight Slayer with the conical.
                              So i tried to connect the free L1 directly to one of the free conical end and it works
                              Than i tried to instal an Avramenko plug at the end of the free L1 and connect the L2 of the Conical on both side of the AV plug ( leaving both free ends of the L1 conical free) and it works I can light the FL easily without touching anything.
                              I dont know the electrical lost yet but what seems possible is to use the free L1 of the basis slayer coil to repower a second stage of slayer exciter
                              Perhaps we can couple more ? What do you think ?

                              By the Way Juju how about your your 50 cm coil any datas ? Because i intend to wound one , but as you said is it worth the big work? Thanks

                              good night

                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by woopy; 08-13-2010, 10:04 PM.


                              • @ juju, my L1 is only .1 ohm, 14g 1.628mm and L2 is 92 ohm 30g .245mm. L1 controls amp draw and plasma, less turns=higher amp draw,more plasma.more turns less amp draw less plasma. I have 3 turns now just to play around with the plasma, and lights are very bright, but amp draw is up around 500ma. The plasma is fun though.hope that helps

