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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • Hi Jonny and Lidmotor


    It is good to know that we have all tried to fire this gas at the and of the needle without succes.

    i tried with 10 X 4148 and got a lot of electrolisis but no flame out of the needle.

    Yes Jonny perhaps a confine chamber is the key

    Anyway bravo and thanks for sharing

    good luck at all

    Attached Files


    • johnny,

      great find, am keeping a close eye on this thread, even though my humble attempts at replication didnt quite make it( i did try the rodin coil with the slayer circuit btw, it seems the talents of the rodin coil lies in other areas)

      keep it up


      • No fire ----No fun---one more day gone

        @ Jonny, Woopy & All
        I worked all day trying to get something to burn and had no luck --again. There is something very strange going on here. Jonny you might be right about a "combustion chamber" being needed. Woopy my needle setup was about like yours and I got nothing to happen.
        This is the kinda thing that keeps me awake at night.



        • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
          @ Jonny, Woopy & All
          I worked all day trying to get something to burn and had no luck --again. There is something very strange going on here. Jonny you might be right about a "combustion chamber" being needed. Woopy my needle setup was about like yours and I got nothing to happen.
          This is the kinda thing that keeps me awake at night.


          As we work with HHO and Hydrogen in large qty (15 to 20 LPM) all day, might I suggest a few things....

          1. Put a bit of clay in the end of the needle to allow a "SMALL" bitt of pressure to build up....then pull it off and with LOTS of safety precautions, light it.
          2. Don't let the pressure build up past 15 PSI, just in case it has any oxygen in it. It WILL go BOOM!
          3. If you have any "air space" above the liquid, remember it has to displace or at the very least mix to a combustible level.
          4. One of the test we do to determine (crudely) if O2 is in the mix is to fill a ballon with the gas....if it poooofs, (yes that's is a lot of o's), then it is H2. If it has a sharp bang, it is HHO, I will see if I can put a vid together Monday to demo if needed....The point is, a ballon might be the better way to test, by letting the system fill one up, then light it. If you are getting only O2, or higher concentrations of O2, then it will simply light with a "bright" burn and ignite any surrounding plastic etc, i.e. the ballon.

          Once again, PLEASE be careful, and I am speaking from EXPERIENCE, wear ear protection as well as eye.... One day, when I want to review it again, I will release a vid (our internal cameras) of me pushing one of our systems to 20X past its limit...the blast threw me 8 feet in the air...Lost my hearing in my left ear....and when I woke get the idea, please take care.



          P.S. Didn't mean to sound like I was lecturing,...just , we need your ideas
          Last edited by TheCell; 12-19-2013, 09:02 PM.


          • Originally posted by jonnydavro View Post
            I checked with a neon, held close to the output wire and it lights noticeably more on one side than the other but add a croc lead to the other side and they both glow bright.Jonny
            Thanks. But I should have thought a bit more before I asked. The output of a transformer has to be AC because the current goes one way in the secondary when the magnetic field is increasing and the other way when the magnetic field is decreasing. However, it is only the electrons that leave the end of the high voltage wire (the positive charges are locked in the nucleus of the atoms). Thus the cloud around the high voltage wire tip is always negative electrons. Each time the wire tries to push out more electrons it is also pushed back by the repulsion from the negative charges in the cloud of electrons already pushed out. This is what propels the plasma jets.
            Last edited by xee2; 07-19-2010, 02:48 AM.


            • Doubts about hydrogen flame

              Hi.I may have leaped before i looked with flame experiment as i have been looking at it again this morning and it may be an arc from the needle which ignites the plastic as it is very flamable and burns with an orange flame and i can draw a 1cm arc of the needle although i think the gas contributes to the flame but i am pretty sure there must be an arc to the plastic.Sorry if i have misled anyone but i will keep trying.Jonny


              • Thanks Jonny

                Thank you sir !!!, I now have a running circuit , fun fun fun .

                Now how do I strip a peltier unit ? hmmmmmmmmm.

                Thanks heaps .



                • Gas shortage

                  @ Bob
                  Thanks for the excellent description on what we need to look for and the precautions required. I built a small HHO electrolyzer awhile back so I know a little about this already. That is what is so puzzeling with the "diode-in the-water electrolysis" setup. This isn't doing what it is supposed to do ---at least the way I'm doing it. I don't get the H "pop" OR an increase in burning as from O2. I don't get anything!! The only thing that I can attribute my failure to is inadequate gas production. I'm just not getting enough gas to see anything.



                  • Mini Tesla Coil --- finished

                    I took a break from the electrolysis experiments and finished up my Mini Tesla coil (which really isn't). It made a nice small test platform for these experiments that we are doing. I used the Slayer Exciter circuit and basically copied EM devices tower design. I decided to run it off one of those one AA battery cell phone chargers and it worked quite well.

                    Here is the video of it running:

                    YouTube - Mini Tesla Coil ---Finished.ASF



                    • Hi Lidmotor,

                      May I ask how many turns and what gauge on your L1 and L2 ( 6 turns ?) coils.

                      I am not having any luck in getting my setup to work.

                      Also, is your L2 just magnet wire and if I may also ask about the diameters of your winds?

                      I might add, I followed gbluer's circuit, though I fear I may not have enough turns on my L1. I used
                      one complete spool of 0.5mm enamel copper wire.

                      Bringing my hand near L1 greatly affects the waveform I am seeing on my scope reading from base of MPSA06.

                      Some times the voltage measured at the 6v battery pack drops but other times it is stable.

                      Any help greatly appreciated.

                      Kind Regards, Penno
                      Last edited by penno64; 07-21-2010, 06:17 AM.


                      • Coils

                        Originally posted by penno64 View Post
                        Hi Lidmotor,

                        May I ask how many turns and what gauge on your L1 and L2 ( 6 turns ?) coils.

                        I am not having any luck in getting my setup to work.

                        Also, is your L2 just magnet wire and if I may also ask about the diameters of your winds?

                        Kind Regards, Penno
                        I didn't count the turns on the long L1 coil but it is a thin wall clear plastic tube (candy came in it) that measures 1"x5". It is wrapped with 30 ga magnet wire. The primary is just 4 turns of 16 ga magnet wire. The trick on this setup is getting the L2 right. I just played around with turns, diameter, and spacing until I got good results. That is the tuning on Slayer's wonderful simple circuit. If you can't get yours to run try reversing the L2 connections. L1 is wound clockwise and L2 is wound counter clockwise on my setup. The circuit is pure Slayer. One MPSA06, one 1 meg resistor, two 1N4148 diodes, and one white LED.
                        I hope that this helps.

                        Here is a video of the lastest configuration:

                        YouTube - Mini Tesla coil with 110v LED bulb.ASF

                        Last edited by Lidmotor; 07-21-2010, 06:30 AM.


                        • Hi Lidmotor,

                          Thank you so much for the prompt reply and detailed information.

                          I will fiddle with the L2 coil as suggested.

                          Kind Regards, Penno


                          • Mini Tesla Self charging?????

                            Hi to all
                            Ive just replicated your mini tesla and run it at 12 v dc car battery 70ah
                            L1 29 awg 25 mm dia 140 mm tall L2 6 turns 21 awg 2 Mpsa06 2 IN4148 and one led Slayer circuit

                            voltage reading load( no charging done on the old battery)
                            12.59 9am 12.56 6pm 20 w fl lamp 20 Jul 90 ma
                            12,63 9 am 12,65 6pm 8 w fl lamp 21 Jul 40 ma

                            For an 8 w lamp there was voltage increase by 2 millivolt

                            The mini tesla sits on top of the used car battery

                            this must be overunity or something else

                            work in progress and will update later

                            Last edited by totoalas; 07-21-2010, 12:03 PM.


                            • ...

                              maybe something else, otherwise that OU effect was allready been found on the bigger ones, the small will not be any different...

                              Light, I Am!

                              You are Not a Body that has a Spirit, You are a Spirit that Has a Body! There is no Path to Peace, Peace is the Path!


                              • Originally posted by totoalas View Post
                                Hi to all
                                Ive just replicated your mini tesla and run it at 12 v dc car battery 70ah
                                L1 29 awg 25 mm dia 140 mm tall L2 6 turns 21 awg 2 Mpsa06 2 IN4148 and one led Slayer circuit

                                voltage reading load( no charging done on the old battery)
                                12.59 9am 12.56 6pm 20 w fl lamp 20 Jul 90 ma
                                12,63 9 am 12,65 6pm 8 w fl lamp 21 Jul 40 ma

                                For an 8 w lamp there was voltage increase by 2 millivolt

                                The mini tesla sits on top of the used car battery

                                this must be overunity or something else

                                work in progress and will update later

                                totoalas, check out the battery standing voltage without load at these same times, you'll notice a change between during day and on night
                                AlbertMunich talks about something similar on 10 coiler thread in his last post, especially during the change from day/night when it works better.

                                I notice the same on my battery on which i do experiments with the sun, i have variations from 12.50 to up to 12.55.

