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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • I have one of the cell phone chargers coming and I want to see how efficient at transferring energy I can make my setup using low voltage. From what Ive seen from the others guys they get great results.


    • Originally posted by Jiffycoil View Post
      I have one of the cell phone chargers coming and I want to see how efficient at transferring energy I can make my setup using low voltage. From what Ive seen from the others guys they get great results.
      I hear you mate!

      Looked at 2 mobile phone shops today and neither of them had the 1AA chargers...only car chargers. I figure if 1AA can light a 14W CFL wirelessly without the charger, perhaps with the charger we get OU - but im an optimist always have been.


      • @all
        have you folks check this place.. is this a good deal or bad..

        Emergency 8 in 1 Cell Phone/MP3 Charger-The Electronic Goldmine

        hope it helps



        • Hi folks, I have been a lurker in this thread. I have a question regarding these JT-based SEC devices. Is it possible to limit the input current down to 15 uA?


          • Originally posted by Jiffycoil View Post
            It must have something to do with the secondary coil size.
            You are correct. Changing L2 to 6 turns increased the current.


            • Heres my exciter working on 1AA with an emergency charger. Only seems to work a bit better than without the charger.

              YouTube - 1AA exciter with charger

              Still, all improvements are always welcome!


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                • Please explain what this has to do with the topic of this thread? Maybe I'm missing something.


                  • Hi folks...

                    I just finished my Joule Thief CFL circuit with good results and posted the info on the "Big Joule Theif" thread. Now I'm on to SEC land and I was so surprised with what I saw I had to throw a circuit together.

                    I made a video and posted it:
                    YouTube - anonymussle's Channel: Anonymussle's CFL Tree

                    Thanks much you guys for all your hard work. It's really amazing the stuff you can do!



                    • Originally posted by anonymussle View Post
                      Now I'm on to SEC land and I was so surprised with what I saw I had to throw a circuit together.
                      Nice video. Will removing the 1M resistor and capacitor makes any difference? I do not see how they can be doing anything.


                      • Originally posted by xee2 View Post
                        Nice video. Will removing the 1M resistor and capacitor makes any difference? I do not see how they can be doing anything.
                        You're right... I took them out and nothing happened... CFLs go on CFLing...

                        Using two AAs, 1watt and 9watt hanging by my desk at the moment...


                        • Other SEC circuit designs

                          Hi all,

                          I was curious to know what other SEC schematics are available (preferably lower voltage ones <12vdc, etc)...

                          Thanks in advance,


                          • Originally posted by anonymussle View Post
                            I was curious to know what other SEC schematics are available (preferably lower voltage ones <12vdc, etc)...
                            I posted one on this page and a few on page 32.


                            • Hi all,

                              I have spent quite some time analysing Gray, Puharich and Meyer's systems. Turns out they all use the same principle. See my article over at Peswiki:
                              Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki

                              Since you guys are working on SEC exciters and variants, you may want to take a look at my post over here and see wether or not my theory can be experimentally verified:


                              There are multiple versions [of the SEC exciter], this one needs an adjustable coil. IIRC, there is also one which does not need that and is tuned with a variable cap. So, based on this one, you find the schematic attached which I had in mind. I didn't draw all the decoupling caps, etc. but you get the idea. Just switch it on and off using a 555 timer or something like that. If this SEC circuit starts fast enough, I think this should work.

                              I also drew a comparison with what Gray was more or less doing, so you can see the similarities. If I finally understand this right, with Gray's stuff, you would need a bifilar wound coil or two identical coils in series (as you see with Meyer and Puharich, but for different reasons), because he drives both terminals in phase. With an AV plug, you should not need a bifilar wound primary, so this should work.

                              Gray used a spark gap oscillator and this is also an oscillator, but one that is much easier to build, tune and control. And because of the ultra wide bandwidth of Doc's circuit, this is about as close as you can get to a real spark gap oscillator with modern electronics.

                              I have drawn the couple cap before the AV plug, but it may be that you need two couple caps and place them after the AV plug, more or less as I have shown with the Gray equivalent.

                              So, it will be interesting to experiment with this circuit and make your own variations. It is very similar to what Gray did and with this we will at least get some answers to some of the questions that remain. And with a bit of luck, we hit the jackpot straight away.
                              You can find the attached pdf with my proposed schematic here:

                              So, have fun and happy hunting to all of you!

                              -- Arend --
                              Last edited by lamare; 09-07-2010, 07:12 PM.


                              • Simple SEC w/5 bulbs

                                Hi all,

                                Terrible pic (bad camera) but here's one with a 1watt fluoro (at top), a 9watt (middle) and 3 5watt (bottom). Running on 4.5vdc (3 AAs) at 30ma. Seems pretty amazing to me


