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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • I'm very very pleased today as i've achieved another personal goal - a filament bulb lit wirelessly.

    Input - 15V @ 1A. Old printer power supply.
    IRF 830. 100 Ohm resistor. 500 turns and 2 turns.

    First bulb in video (and for last 30 seconds) is 40W. I'm just holding it in my hands. It lights properly (but not fully).

    Second bulb is 30W - it doesnt light properly, but acts like one of those plasma globes you can buy.

    Have you guys tried filaments bulbs? I was surprised that it worked as i havent seen anyone doing this on youtube (please leave links if there are some). I just remember a russian vid of a ''kacher'' and some guy lighting a filament which was connected to a sheet of metal near L1.

    I also tried diode electrolysis (?) today - yep, it works! All in all, a good day

    YouTube - exciter lighting filaments wirelessly


    • @ Seth

      great video, thanks. Please give coil dimentions.


      • Hi I have been wanting to try Lidmotors Jouini all week and had a go today and with a few mods,managed to get the corronal plasma like my Bedini exciter.
        I used a larger 1:1 than Lid and added a 24k pot in series with the 10k so I could run on higher voltages and widen the tuning range and also a relay coil along with a 2nd floating transistor which along with the relay coil is vital to plasma generation.
        This plasma is different to the burning Slayer plasma and the wireless aspect of this circuit is very strong.I just need to make a decent L1 coil to do these circuits justice.
        The coil I used is twin twisted enamelled copper wire,500g and was obtained here.I just soldered some wires onto the exposed ends on the spool and bingo,a ready made bifilar coil. : Twin Twisted Enamelled Copper Wire
        Here is a vid and circuit diagram.Jonny
        YouTube - Lidmotor Joulini coronal plasma

        @Seth.Great vid and discovery.I have not seen the effects you show.I have seen plasma in bulbs but not the filament glowing,wirelessly like you show but you have both plasma and the filament lighting at the same time.I have made the filament glow red with my rectangle reciever coil but you are getting white light just held in your hand.
        Also I must say,your plasma output is pretty amazing and you and jiffy have convinced me its time to rewind my L1. Jonny


        • Coil dimensions

          33.5 cm high, 11cm diametre PVC pipe - Typical drainage pipe for toilet. Its NOT the coil i bought in a tesla coil kit - i made this one myself so its hardly professional Took me 3 hours!!!
          Primary coil 3mm diametre (as a pancake) 2 turns
          Secondary about 1mm, maybe 0.9mm (really not sure about this...just used an old ruler). (not really sure about number...but coil stretches 28.5cm so i think about 280 turns. I was wrong earlier in my statement of 450 turns - sorry)
          Loose connections all over circuit
          No topload

          I think the power output is impressive thanks to the MOSFET IRF 830, but perhaps im wrong.

          Incandescent wireless power!!!! Muhahahahahahah. 4 different bulbs. You'll love this guys!!! I sure did.

          Bulb 1. 40 W
          Bulb 2 75 W
          Bulb 3. 40 W (brightest, but destroyed during experiment....sacrificed itself in the name of science)
          Bulb 4 75W

          YouTube - incandescent magic with exciter.wmv

          Input still 15V @ 1A

          EDIT: just tried it on a small 12V Lead battery - it works!

          EDIT2: Again a mistake!!! There are 14 turns every cm on my coil which i think means the wire is about 0.6mm diametre and it is ABOUT 400 turns on my secondary.
          Last edited by seth; 10-17-2010, 10:24 AM.


          • If 830

            Seth with IRF 830
            great show light and sound in concert wow
            Thanks for the specs
            There is one company here inChina making street lights/ flood light using coil induction plus BIG magnets around the 259 to 499 watts bulbs without connection
            Maybe you can try this stuff i tried to get the circuit and they said its a trade secret not for long as long as youre coming in that direction


            Last edited by totoalas; 10-17-2010, 11:39 AM.


            • Hi all

              Bravo man what a show

              I have recieved my irf 830 and 730. They all work, But the 830 get very hot.

              I come back to my favorite for my set up, the BUZ 11, much cooler than the IRF 830. But as i say it seems that as soon as we go over 10 volts, each set up need different fet or transistor.

              Just for info i have replace my fingers (holding the bulb) by a ground to the house grid and it works very good, perhaps better than with my body ground.
              Seth try it i am sure you will get better results.

              Finally my 40 watt filament bulb do not get white light but is full of plasma and get very hot ?

              I draw about 1 A at input with about 12 to 14 volts = about 12 to 14 watts. And it light all my fluos plus the plasma in the bulb plus a plasma jet at the end of L1 plus it heats the fet plus it heats the bulb ?

              How can we measure the output with some accuracy ? any ideas ?

              good luck at all



              • Thanks for the congrats guys - i really apreciate it!!

                Why am i not getting an electric shock?? The third bulb in the above video was fully lit until the plasma burned through the filament. If its got white light then surely something is heating to very high temps cos of high current. Why doesnt this current affect me on its return through my body to ground?

                Is it just skin effect??? Can such high frequency current make a filament glow?

                Is this cold electricity? Should i try the water trick or will i die?

                EDIT: Ive now got an LED on an AV plug that works (almost) as well as Jiffycoils.....lights up on the other side of the room...even downstairs...when it touches any conductor
                Last edited by seth; 10-17-2010, 03:29 PM.


                • yep Seth

                  i could light a 40 watt spot bulb as yours (bright white light from a part of the filament)), and after some seconds it made a "clack" and was simply broken (see pix 3) . than it was always lighting but more yellow and very hot.

                  Here some pictures of another 40 watt bulb with plasma .

                  On the pix 1 you can see the red wire going to the ground of the grid.

                  I have a capacitor (tantal 47 micro f 16 volt ) bigger is also good and it greatly stabilise the surge of current when approaching 12 volts.The cap is across + and -.

                  I think we are dealing with something very special here.

                  Thanks another time to Slayer 007 for sharing this fantastic circuit

                  good night

                  Last edited by woopy; 01-26-2011, 10:48 AM.


                  • Hi Woppy!

                    Yep - your broken bulb looks just like mine. I have bought loads of different low wattage filaments and thats gonna be my next test - loads of different bulbs.....any ideas how i can protect the two extra spot bulbs ive bought? If we can just make them last longer than five minutes, they give a hell of a lot of light. Much more than my ordinary 40W bulb.

                    I also tried grounding the ends of the bulbs as you suggested (house ground....not virtual.) And yes - they still worked....but NOT better than my hand as ground path. No difference whatsoever as far as i could see.

                    Thats all i have for now fellas - Good luck to all and have fun!


                    • Plasma control by Tantric Post no 803

                      Originally posted by seth View Post
                      Hi Woppy!

                      Yep - your broken bulb looks just like mine. I have bought loads of different low wattage filaments and thats gonna be my next test - loads of different bulbs.....any ideas how i can protect the two extra spot bulbs ive bought? If we can just make them last longer than five minutes, they give a hell of a lot of light. Much more than my ordinary 40W bulb.

                      I also tried grounding the ends of the bulbs as you suggested (house ground....not virtual.) And yes - they still worked....but NOT better than my hand as ground path. No difference whatsoever as far as i could see.

                      Thats all i have for now fellas - Good luck to all and have fun!
                      a Post no 803 by Tantric for neo magnet redirection of plasma and filament bulbs lighting up jujusalvas chanel check this out
                      Maybe can start to play with magnets



                      • Help!

                        Well, when i was working with my versions of the slayer exciter and the SEC. I had the idea of running both of them together, right next to each other and not using the same power source. When I applied a current, the slayer exciter somehow started up the SEC. Even when no power is applied to the SEC, the string of LEDs with the AV plug light up. Is that a sign of a strong EM field? To wrap my experiment up, i had overloaded my slayer circuit with 18v. My multi-meter was off but still connected to the output and ground of the circuit, it started to give me a reading. To top that off, a cfl just had lighted up, not wirelessly and my meter could not read the voltage or anything.
                        (the WET is wireless energy transfer).


                        • Jonny's "Soda Bottle Slayer Exciter"

                          @ Jonny and All
                          I made a Slayer Exciter coil like you did Jonny using one of those big plastic soda bottles. It worked great!! It ran best for me with just the standard Slayer circuit (using a TIP31 NPN) although I also tried your modified Joulini. I wasn't that happy with the Joulini results but it is probably because my parts were different than yours.
                          This was an easy and fun way to make a big coil and make plasma on 12 volts at 400ma.

                          YouTube - Jonny's soda bottle Slayer Exciter.ASF

                          Last edited by Lidmotor; 10-19-2010, 03:01 AM.


                          • I made this video to show the difference between different bulbs. Look carefully at how the first bulb and last 2 bulbs compare with the middle bulbs. They produce far more white light.

                            YouTube - exciter filament test

                            You are completely right Woopy - those spots dont last more than a few mins. The white light seems to crack the glass (that sound you hear - same as me. Maybe ill mke a video of its death!), but they are the brightest - maybe they need a little tampering with?? any ideas...??? The first bulb i think is also worthy of attention as its very different to the rest of the plasma has plasma, but not much....mostly power.....

                            Good luck guys!!!

                            @ totoalas - Ill try the magnets in various arrangements and watch the effect of the plasma - good idea. thanks. If we can control it maybe we can get less plasma and more white light


                            • @Lidmotor.Thanks for trying the pop bottle coil .These bottles are available worldwide and are so in countries where lighting is a big problem,they could maybe build a Slayer exciter from scrap and with some Leds,have light.
                              You are also getting a great plasma output and the Tip31c looks great.
                              I also just use the bare bones Slayer circuit with a 16k resistor on the base and have found it works really well.
                              How does this coil compare to the one you normally use?
                              This coil should work well with your Joulini but to get the coronal plasma,you will have to use mpsa06 transistors,mine are fairchild brand.I tried bc182 transistors which is the only other transistors i have and got no plasma,also use a larger 1:1 coil than in your joulini vid.Getting a high voltage onto the base side of the circuit is important.The coil i used on my Bedini exciter was wound with a drill using 2 250g rolls of 26swg wire and the coil on the joulini rep is basically ready made and is 500g,twin twisted 0.4mm which i estimate as 27swg so the two coils are very similar and i think if you will have to wind something similar for you to get the plasma using the closest awg wire size but believe me,when you get it,you will be amazed as the spinning magnet can be heard firing in the plasma and there may be an audio application.Happy experimenting.Jonny.


                              • [QUOTE=jonnydavro;113455]@Lidmotor.Thanks for trying the pop bottle coil .These bottles are available worldwide and are so in countries where lighting is a big problem,they could maybe build a Slayer exciter from scrap and with some Leds,have light.

                                Uploaded with

                                that is the best thing to do hellllllp those in need just now the philippines struck by 240 km / hr typhoon no water / elecztricity for 1 week
                                With Slayer and guys in the forum we can eliminate this

                                [IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]


                                Uploaded with

                                Hi to all
                                Finally Original Sec using 2n3055 with L2 9t pancake 23awg
                                L3 9T 18 awg at the bottom between L1 and L2 connected to pos rail the other end open
                                L4 9T spread 0.5cm inside of L1 connected to pos rail the other end open

                                11v untuned 0.28 amps 3 mm plasma and uv filament whitish in color
                                11v tuned L2 near bottom 50 ma with two egg magnet on top of UV lamp


                                Last edited by totoalas; 10-19-2010, 09:09 PM.

