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Joulethief SEC exciter and variants

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  • @All--Amazing things going on here. Thanks for sharing.

    @Jiffycoil----I think that you should sell Halloween tickets to your "Haunted Exciter Lab". Sounds like Tesla is trying to reach out to you from the beyond.



    • Auto light Switch for Slayer

      [IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]]Hi to all
      thanks for the info Jiffy
      Ive posted this circuit in the solar jt thread and i think also approprate here my friend Groundloop helped me design this

      Any comments revision update is welcome my target is a stand alone SEC lighting system charged with a solar/ jt circuit



      [IMG]You can use any PNP transistor rated for the current you will be using. The BD140 is rated for max. 1 ampere and will stay cool with a load of approx. 200mA without any heat sink. So the PNP depends on how much current you will be using.[/IMG]


      • Hi all,

        I am having a great deal of trouble getting L2 to start oscillating.

        I have setup the circuit shown a few post earlier with -

        1 Meg ohm
        and using 12v (adjustable) PSU.

        I have tried pancake, spiral, cone and column winds of approx 9 turns.

        I just cannot get this to ring.

        Any clues, please.

        Also, should I be able to get L2 to ring without placement to L1.

        If not, I notice most of you guys have L2 placed at the bottom of L1.

        Is this the best position for it.

        Kind Regards, Penno


        • I made a simulation model for the Slayer circuit:

          Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki

          File to be used with LTSpice simulator:

          LTSpice can be downloaded at no cost here:
          Linear Technology - LTspice IV Downloads and Updates

          The FFT from the simulated version shows similar characteristics as Dr. Stiffler's measurements. See attachment.
          Attached Files


          • Originally posted by penno64 View Post
            Hi all,

            I am having a great deal of trouble getting L2 to start oscillating.

            I have setup the circuit shown a few post earlier with -

            1 Meg ohm
            and using 12v (adjustable) PSU.

            I have tried pancake, spiral, cone and column winds of approx 9 turns.

            I just cannot get this to ring.

            Any clues, please.

            Also, should I be able to get L2 to ring without placement to L1.

            If not, I notice most of you guys have L2 placed at the bottom of L1.

            Is this the best position for it.

            Kind Regards, Penno
            The L2 coil has to be around the L1 coil(or inside).

            If you still can't get it to start oscillating reverse the polarity of the L2 coil.

            On my setup I like to keep the L2 off the bottom a few inches.
            All setups are a little different you will want to move the L2 up or down the L1coil for the best performace of your coils.

            @ Lamare

            Thanks for the LTspice Model.That will help me and alot others thanks.
            Last edited by slayer007; 10-23-2010, 09:55 PM.


            • Thanks Slayer, I will persist.

              Regards, Penno


              • @ Lamare
                Wow, what a treat. Thank you.


                • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                  @Jiffycoil----I think that you should sell Halloween tickets to your "Haunted Exciter Lab". Sounds like Tesla is trying to reach out to you from the beyond. Lidmotor
                  I must admit it's getting a little strange.


                  • Originally posted by penno64 View Post
                    Any clues, please.
                    In my experience, lowering the resistor value makes it easier for the circuit to oscillate.


                    • Thanks xee2,

                      After reducing the base resistor to 56k + an in line 100k pot for adjusment,
                      I was able to get the coil to ring.

                      I notice that sliding L2 up L1 can greatly change the shape of the pulse.

                      As the pulse approaches a square wave, my 240v CFL lights dimly.

                      Once again, thanks for your help.

                      Regards, Penno


                      • Originally posted by penno64 View Post
                        As the pulse approaches a square wave, my 240v CFL lights dimly.
                        For the Slayer circuit, the coil and base voltage should be sine waves. The voltage gain comes from the coil being in a self resonanting condition. I do not have a scope so I can not confirm that my circuits are sine waves. But, that would give the most voltage gain.


                        • 6 cfl bulbs lit wirelessly with 12v 500 mA

                          Well I am using a TIP 31 transistor with a pop bottle coil slayer exciter to light 6 cfl bulbs wirelessly. One 12 watt, two 11 watt bulbs, and three 8 watt bulbs. They all light up at 1/2 brightness. When I disconnect all of them I seem to get a bit of plasma on the top of the coil, even the insulated bits. I can burn tape with this setup. I have some sort of long top load and I get plasma off that aswell. One more bissare thing, I can light up an LED from my house ground on an AV plug. WET issues


                          • This is some crazy stuff you guys are experimenting with!

                            What kind of power consumption do you have going into the exciter circuit of the coils?

                            Seems like you are getting extra energy in the form of light compaired to traditional lighting means.


                            • Originally posted by kippered View Post
                              This is some crazy stuff you guys are experimenting with!

                              What kind of power consumption do you have going into the exciter circuit of the coils?

                              Seems like you are getting extra energy in the form of light compaired to traditional lighting means.
                              I dont know what you are asking. But I am using mains power and the field is pretty big and strong. I was pretty amazed at the results myself. WET issues


                              • Originally posted by wetissues View Post
                                I am using mains power
                                Can you explain how you are doing that?

