Originally posted by Slider2732
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Trigger Transformers : Trigger Transformers : Maplin
As I say I tried it with the 2N2222, so as far as I can tell I used exactly the same/correct components, and yet it doesn't work. That's what I don't understand

I'll try your LED suggestion tonight if I have time. Otherwise hopefully my 40x BC182 delivery will arrive tomorrow and I can try those out.
Does it make a difference whether you use a 1N4001 or 1N4148 etc though? I would have thought not, except I tried running the SSG without a charging battery, supposedly just as an efficient motor, but I kept the 1N4001 instead of using a 1N914, and the neon was stuck on. I assume the neon isn't supposed to be on when it's a motor and not an energizer/battery charger, but the only difference in my circuit was the diode, so is using the right diode that important?
Thanks for the info
