Thank you once more.
The question I asked I consider very difficult to answer.
It seems to me Meyls explanation don't fit with what I saw, to be sure I have to do more experiments. But for the time being I am committed otherwise.
I will ask my wife to buy more Christmas spheres, so I can give it a try later.
I must say I also considered my experiments as "toy" experiments with potential for more.
But until better understood, I guess this type of experiments will be a true time eater.
PS. You mentioned that Tesla used bifilar spiral coils. Do you think I should do that too with my spiral PCB coils ?
If yes, why ?
Thank you once more.

The question I asked I consider very difficult to answer.
It seems to me Meyls explanation don't fit with what I saw, to be sure I have to do more experiments. But for the time being I am committed otherwise.
I will ask my wife to buy more Christmas spheres, so I can give it a try later.
I must say I also considered my experiments as "toy" experiments with potential for more.
But until better understood, I guess this type of experiments will be a true time eater.
PS. You mentioned that Tesla used bifilar spiral coils. Do you think I should do that too with my spiral PCB coils ?
If yes, why ?