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Ground enhanced lit lamps - Tesla Coil and Ground

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  • #16
    Originally posted by bboj View Post
    Hi. As far as I understand Teslas coil, it is intended for production of disturbances - currents with as little losses as possible, and if you check Teslas patents he never talks about emiting electrons. I think it sets in motion the electromagnetic field between earth (low potential) and some opposite body of appropriate capacitance (high potential - pressure).
    Now when this field oscilates it disturbes electrons that are present in this moving field which According to Smith produce excess energy when moving back to previous state.
    I am not an experimenter !
    8 euro test with plasma globe and aluminium foil
    Last edited by wings; 11-01-2012, 08:48 PM.


    • #17
      very good wings

      now what about putting a capacitor instead of neon and resonant coil instead of aluminium foil ? with sequentially discharge circuit like in Tesla radiant patent

      Obvious is now comparison to Don Smith device with plasm glob.
      wings,I think you have done more then all trying to replicate this device up today.

      Remember that Tesla said about many kinds of this HF disturbances: oscillating and intermittent,disruptive and whatever else I forgot
      The best suited for accumulation in capacitor are DC like , unidirectional.

      But I still think that it's not what Smith is saying. He is far ahead of this effects. He tune to actual response from magnetic part of Earth which is unconnected to source and so Lenz law apply differently.
      If Earth ambient background is resonant circuit then if you load electric part , magnetic response will be equal and opposite.Here is free energy IMHO.


      • #18
        Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
        distirbance is way far from work extraction. I can distirbut tons and tons of water in a lake with a pebble, but more work cannot be produced.
        Don smith, has some nice theories there, but he is serious lacking any working device. At least presented.
        if i say i can produce some 1 MW of extra energy, will you believe me?

        I agree 100%


        • #19
          Tried to convert my SSTC to a BIG SEC

          I tried unsuccessfuly to convert my solid state Tesla coil to an solid state magnifier or a BIG SEC.

          In the first place, Dr Tesla invented the magnifier coil, as i read, because he though he could achieve far better energy conversion to high volatge pulses from the loose coupling of a simple Tesla Coil and secondly he could magnified the oscillations to a new degree, that even the loose coupling of standard primary/secondary restricts. (see pic)

          If you give it some thought, he uses a smaller coil to tap a larger one, and he (Tesla) resembled it to a clapper and a bell analogy.
          This is extactly the same of what Dr Stiffler does, irrespectively if he admits to. He uses a small coil (8uH) to tap a larger one (24+ uH). Thus he has efficiency.

          I tried to do so by using a high frequency ferrite toroid wound at 3mH in series with the 1000turns 11 mH coil secondary.
          I arranged my 2SA1943 transistor in the following way. I let the 1-50 Kohm resistance between collector and base, and used between the base and emmiter a C of 390pf and a variable L of a 100-1000 uH. (slide core). I calculated to be able to tune a range of 200-800 Khz region.

          Unfortunately, nothing happened of course. I do not know what's wrong. Is it transistor parasitic capacitance that spoils the effect? Is it the high resistance of secondary that impedes performance? I do not know.

          I guess you always wanted a BIG SEC of considerable power operated at lower frequencies (so as to eliminate RF as possible).

          can you help at setting one?

          Last edited by baroutologos; 03-29-2010, 09:40 AM.


          • #20
            im actually doing this at the moment, does anyone have any info for making the small coil to tap the larger as mentioned? or info/links to where tesla talks about how his system worked? ive read some patents but they dont give alot of details. i believe the large pancake coil on his workshop wall is a big part of how he created his energy, im really interested in experimenting with this way of collecting energy. i live in an area that has alot of ground water and natural springs, we use these to fill our ater tanks, from what i have read the magnetic forces in the ground are alot stronger around these areas? so id like to try take advantage of it, all i have done is run a ground and antenna to a metal roof which go into a largish coil on a pvc with a joule theif, im getting up to 8.5dcv, if anyone has info or ideas im happy to try them out

