Mechanical switch is the best switch to produce most efficient coil collpase current, but the spark create a problem. Transistor do not have spark problem but it efficiency is noticably lower because of slower switching and some voltage/current leak losses. By using mechanical switch to drive transistor we get sharp signal and no spark.
YouTube - Relay driven transistor
200mA at 12V, 1000mA at 22V, relay resistance is about 500ohm. If relay can not made to self oscillate, put capacitor in parallel with relay coil. I weaken the spring to make it work.
Just a reminder.
YouTube - Relay driven transistor
200mA at 12V, 1000mA at 22V, relay resistance is about 500ohm. If relay can not made to self oscillate, put capacitor in parallel with relay coil. I weaken the spring to make it work.
Just a reminder.