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Ether physics

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  • Ether physics

    Hi all,

    Most of us have deep respect for Tesla's work. Afaik, Tesla never accepted relativity. So, every now and then I look a bit into ether physics, and today I found this website: Dr Charles Kenneth Thornhill

    This contains some papers by Dr. Charles Kenneth Thornhill.

    An excerpt from :

    "The question, whether or not there is a physical ethereal medium in which
    electromagnetic waves propagate, has been asked for many centuries. On the
    one hand, there have always been those who have maintained that it is not
    a sensible question to ask, since radiation is observed to have many physical
    properties and cannot, therefore, exist in a true vacuum or void which is, by
    definition, the total absence of anything physical. On the other hand, for about
    the last hundred years, it has come to be largely accepted that there is no
    physical ethereal medium, and the physical properties of radiation have been
    transmogrified into waves, and energy parcels or photons, in a space-time metric.
    The arguments for the denial of a physical ethereal medium are manifold
    (see, for example, Whittaker1). One of these asserts that Maxwell’s equations
    show that electromagnetic waves are transverse and that, therefore, any ethereal
    medium must behave like an elastic solid. This argument is invalid, since
    Maxwell’s equations only show that the oscillating electric and magnetic fields
    are transverse to the direction of wave propagation, and can say nothing whatsoever
    about any condensational oscillations of any possible physical medium
    in which the waves are propagating. In fact, the deduction, from Maxwell’s
    equations, that electromagnetic waves are entirely transverse, is no more than
    a restatement of an assumption that there is no physical ethereal medium. On
    the contrary, if there is such a medium, one would deduce from Maxwell’s equa-
    tions, since electric field, magnetic field and motion are mutually perpendicular
    for plane waves, that its condensational oscillations are longitudinal, in exact
    analogy with sound waves in a fluid."

    I have looked into some of his papers, and they appear to be rock solid. An interesting read and maybe interesting to discuss also.
    Last edited by lamare; 12-02-2009, 03:15 PM. Reason: typo

  • #2
    Em waves are longitudinal waves of ether. It's like waves on sea surface - they are moving under the surface as longitudinal but the weak representation is on surface and looks like transverse.
    Transverse part is magnetic and magnetic decay to electric.
    Tesla stated that every transmitter produce both eather waves and EM radiation but the last one decay very fast. Something interesting is going on around receiver - here probably EM radiation is recreated because receiver antenna is like a barrier of two surfaces , like the sea surface.


    • #3
      Last edited by Dave45; 12-03-2009, 01:03 AM.
      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


      • #4
        Last edited by Dave45; 12-03-2009, 01:02 AM.
        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


        • #5
          Last edited by Dave45; 12-03-2009, 01:01 AM.
          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


          • #6
            Electricity was given to man from God through the man Tesla, he looked into God's word and God gave him eye's to see.And Tesla by faith built the generator.
            Three phase electricity - God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit ,hear oh Israel God is One.

            And Yes I am a religious fanatic
            God courses through my body and feeds my soul and I am forever greatfull He is my Father my Creator my everything.
            Thank You

            God gave Tesla electricity through revelation not the Book of Revelation - Revelation to reveal something
            Tesla was obsessed with the number three and now you know why.
            Last edited by Dave45; 12-03-2009, 12:43 AM.
            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


            • #7
              Over here, we had some discusion about resonating coils:


              This brings up the question of ether physics. Let's talk about this a bit further here after bringing back the basic picture.

              When you resonate a coil at multiples of it's natural ground resonance frequency, the longitudinal (electric field) component of the resonance takes place trough the capacitive coupling between the coil windings. Since these parasite capacitors are perpendicular towards the coil windings, this component resonates perpendicular towards the coil windings.

              In other words: the longitudinal electrical (electric field) component induces a charge movement across the wire surface perpendicular to the coil winding, which results in a cancellation of the corresponding magnetic component, as I explained over there. This is also the reason you need spherical antenna's for longitudinal waves.

              Now the higher the resonance frequency used, the more important this longitudinal component becomes compared to the normal component, traveling along the wires.

              So, it is clear that this longitudinal, electric component is very important. And this behaves like a sound wave, so you can visualise and/or study these kind of waves using acoustic equivalent resonators. Then, it is not so difficult to see that you can create a series of resonating pipes by putting them in a straight line, so you end up with one single (long) column of resonating air.

              Since the electric component comes for free, mother nature provides us with charges that continously emit this component for free, and it propagates without resistance trough the ether, it is clear that a series of electric resonators can theoretically be put in the electric equivalent of "a straight line" - whatever that may be - such that you end up with one single "column" of resonating ether, which powers itself.

              However, there's also the magnetic component to account for. And that's really the tricky part, since we need a clear model that explains what magnetism actually is. Boguslaw wrote this:

              Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
              Em waves are longitudinal waves of ether. It's like waves on sea surface - they are moving under the surface as longitudinal but the weak representation is on surface and looks like transverse.
              Transverse part is magnetic and magnetic decay to electric.
              Tesla stated that every transmitter produce both eather waves and EM radiation but the last one decay very fast. Something interesting is going on around receiver - here probably EM radiation is recreated because receiver antenna is like a barrier of two surfaces , like the sea surface.
              This is a very interesting analogy. Longitudinal waves travel trough a fluid, while the transversal waves (which are associated with the magnetic component) is what you see at the surface of the fluid. So, it may be that really all that exists are actually longitudinal waves, which manifest themselves at the boundary of two materials. After all, the transversal waves on the surface of the ocean also move the air above the surface.

              I also saw an interesting paper, which states from the relativistic point of view that it's a matter of wether or not you travel along with the moving charges wether or not you would experience a certain force on a charge as magnetic or electric:

              How Relativity Connects Electric and Magnetic Fields:

              This purely electrical force is identical in magnitude to the purely magnetic force in the other frame! So observers in the two frames will agree on the rate at which the particle accelerates away from the wire, but one will call the accelerating force magnetic, the other electric. We are forced to the conclusion that whether a particular force on an actual particle is magnetic or electric, or some mixture of both, depends on the frame of reference, so the distinction is rather artificial.
              However, IMHO, the relativistic theory is not correct. I have read some papers by Kenneth Thornhill, who has a very strong point against relativistic theory in favor of the existence of an ether. He basically says the Maxwell equations withouth charge and currents, which are differential equations, are exactly the same as the equations describing waves in a fluid.

              The abstract of his paper "Real or Imaginary Space-Time? -Reality or Relativity?":

              The real space-time of Newtonian mechanics and the ether concept is contrasted with the imaginary space-time of the non-ether concept and relativity. In real space-time (x, y, z, ct) characteristic theory shows that Maxwell's equations and sound waves in any uniform fluid at rest have identical wave surfaces. Moreover, without charge or current, Maxwell's equations reduce to the same standard wave equation which governs such sound waves. This is not a general and invariant equation but it becomes so by Galilean transformation to any other reference-frame. So also do Maxwell's equations which are, likewise, not general but unique to one reference-frame. The mistake of believing that Maxwell's equations were invariant led to the Lorentz transformation and to relativity; and to the misinterpretation of the differential equation for the wave cone through any point as the quadratic differential form of a Riemannian metric in imaginary space-time (x, y, z, ict). Mathematics is then required to tolerate the same equation being transformed in different ways for different applications. Otherwise, relativity is untenable and recourse must then be made to real space-time, normal Galilean transformation and an ether with Maxwellian statistics and Planck's energy distribution.
              Note that he says the Maxwell equations "without charge or current". Very interesting, because it is exactly the postulation of the existence of a charge carrier as being the cause of the electromagnetic field that has been shown by Meyl (as well as Bearden) is a fundamental mistake. The fields are the reason matter exists and not the other way around.

              So, then, he actually says that what Meyl and Bearden consider as the correct Maxwell equations, are "the same standard wave equation which governs sound waves" and the classic (incorrect!) Maxwell equations are "unique to one reference-frame", because they are tied to charges, matter. In other words: the classic Maxwell equations -- with charge and current -- are implicitly tied to a reference frame, a unique observer, so they are not generally applicaple outside this reference frame, this unique observer tied to these postulated charges you don't even need in the first place.

              Now if you want to make these kind of equations generally applicaple (i.e. for example if you wnat to calculate how an observer would see soundwaves or EM waves traveling inside a passing train) you have to use some kind of coordinate transform. With the correct Maxwell equations, you can simply use the Galilean transform:

              Galilean transformation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
              "In essence, the Galilean transformations embody the intuitive notion of addition and subtraction of velocities. The assumption that time can be treated as absolute is at the heart of the Galilean transformations."

              A simple straightforward matter of "addition and subtraction of velocities".

              With the classic Maxwell equations you apparantly cannot use this simple transform, even though I do not understand this fully yet. But I do know Thornhill dis hid homework and I'm all but certain he is absolutely right and that relativity should be referred to the trash can.

              Update: As a non-native English speaker, I used a wrong expression. I meant this: But I do know Thornhill dis hid homework and I'm 99% certain he is absolutely right and that relativity should be referred to the trash can.

              It is shown that, in real space-time (x, y, z, ct), Maxwell’s equations have the same wave surfaces as those for sound waves in any uniform fluid at rest, and thus that Maxwell’s equations are not general and invariant but, like the standard wave equation, only hold in one unique frame of reference. In other words, Maxwell’s equations only apply to electromagnetic waves in a uniform ether at rest. But both Maxwell’s equations and the standard wave equation, and their identical wave surfaces, transform quite properly, by Galilean transformation, into a general invariant form which applies to waves in any uniform medium moving at any constant velocity relative to the reference-frame.

              It was the mistaken idea, that Maxwell’s equations and the standard wave equation should be invariant, which led, by a mathematical freak, to the Lorentz transform (which demands the non-ether concept and a universally constantwave-speed) and to special relativity. The mistake was further compounded
              by misinterpreting the differential equation for the wave hypercone through any point as the quadratic differential form of a Riemannian metric in imaginary
              space-time (x, y, z, ict). Further complications ensued when this imaginary space-time was generalised to encompass gravitation in general relativity.

              The outcome of these errors makes it necessary for mathematics to condone the same equation being transformed by different transformations for applications to different kinds of waves; and, presumably, being transformable by either or both of these transformations when not applied at all but considered purely as a mathematical equation. Otherwise, the non-ether concept, the Lorentz transform and the entire fabric of twentieth century non-Newtonian relativity all become mathematically untenable and must be discarded.
              So, that's about where I stand now, still wondering what magnetism actually is...
              Last edited by lamare; 08-26-2010, 08:59 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                And Yes I am a religious fanatic
                God courses through my body and feeds my soul and I am forever greatfull He is my Father my Creator my everything.
                @Dave: maybe you'll like this discussion then:



                • #9
                  Kolbrin Bible & Vedic Philosophy

                  Tesla received great inspiration from The Kolbrin Bible, which his father helped put in his hands from the Vatican archives - as the story goes. The Vatican kept it away from people for years and only a few authentic copies surfaced. I bought a copy from the Culdean Trust in New Zealand...when I got it, it was about $140 USD or something. I bought The Gospel of Kailedy at the same time, a companion to it.

                  Tesla was also profoundly influenced by Vedic Philosophy taught by Swami Vivekananda.

                  EDIT: The $140 is a replication copy...not meant to sound like it was an authentic original...that would be priceless.
                  Last edited by Aaron; 12-04-2009, 06:03 AM.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #10
                    repost from another thread that i should have put here

                    All overunity devices I have run across tend to run cooler than the ambient temperature. It is possible to shift heat from one area to another with these machines. If something is hot, something else will be colder.

                    Now, that is astonishing. Period.

                    Using a simple battery and a resistor across the terminals (which spends most of it's time destroying the work done to charge the battery) we can make heat, but nothing else gets colder.

                    With an ou system, we find that if it is not properly balanced in a state of imbalance (like a boulder atop a mountain which threatens to do work but never does) then the heat we lose in one part can manifest in another and burn out our LED's or transistors etc.

                    Sometimes, like with the ainslie device, we can fine tune the system to place the extra heat (work added) where we want.

                    People, we are doing something that can cause heat to move, or apparently turn heat into a more useable part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

                    Now, that doesn't make sense, and when something doesn't make sense as a causal property, then the what we thought was a causal property is indeed an effect, and we will find a previously unknown cause underlying the heat loss or transfer of energy. This underlying cause will make sense.

                    So, what are we doing that can make our machines cold? To understand where our heat is going, we need to understand where it came from.

                    Now, one might go conventional and say that heat is distributed to earth by the sun. That is mostly correct, but not entirely.

                    The lightest element, helium or hydrogen (i can never remember which name goes where), never turns from a liquid into a solid. Never, even at absolute zero. At zero Kelvin, it remains a superfluid.

                    From whence does the energy to sustain this energetic state come from? Not from the sun. We have to assume it is coming from somewhere else outside of the atom's mass. If this energy had mass, it would freeze. But we know it cannot because it keeps the hydrogen? fluid.

                    So, the source of this energy must have no mass. It is massless, and has a minimum ground state energy which it is not permitted to go below.

                    This is important to realise, because it cannot have a minimum ground state energy and also be a static force.

                    The 'energy source' must be kinetic; it is in a constant state of flux, and therefore if we push on it by displacing it with the one thing it cannot be - mass - then it will push back on that mass.

                    Now, given that we know it is kinetic, the force it applies on mass will have to go into the mass. This force cannot be static like water in a cup; and we have established why above.

                    So, why does mass not grow more massive? where does this extra energy go? Where does the river flow?

                    The aether hits mass on all sides, either macroscopically re the planets or the sun, or microscopically as in an 'elementary particle'

                    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                    • #11
                      To see want is happening, we can visualise a bath tub full of water.

                      Now, the aether is massless and kinetic. Mass has mass (for all intents and purposes this is agreed on in science, and will suffice for now) and is static.

                      In the bath analogy, we'll switch it around 180 degrees, and say that the water is the aether, and that the elementary particle is 'not water'. Co,es let's pull the bath plug out and make a 2D vortice (keeping in mind, a particle may be an 11D vortice)...

                      ignoring the water going down the drain just for now, we see the water rushing in the fill the 'not water', but in doing so, sustaining the vortice.

                      That is what the aether is doing with mass. I'll tell you a secret, there's no mass.

                      Now, in the real world, the aether does not go down the drain. If it did, we'd never see colour or hear sound or feel heat or cold. In dynamically sustaining the mass vortice ( creating gravity in line with the net direction of flow ) and re-radiating the energy in the electromagnetic spectrum, the aether is constantly creating all that there is.

                      When too much mass gathers in one spot, such as with the critical mass of uranium, the aether cannot sustain the vortice; too mich feedback, and the energy in the whirling vortice is immediately released until a stable vortice is formed.

                      Now, setting aside the possibilities for a moment (which are mind staggering), let's consider the beast; electromagnetism.

                      We can stress the aetheric currents with voltage fields and magnetic fields. When we do that; say we make a magnetic field, we have to push. The aether just sets up a new equilibrium.

                      When we release the magnetic field, the aether sets up a new equilibrium, and letting go of the field can cost us nothing. The re-establishment of the aetheric equilibrium is kinetic, and is for free.

                      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                      • #12
                        Now, let's look back at the simple battery and resistor from positive to negative.

                        if we measure the watts from the battery positive to resistor, and we also measure the watts from the resistor to the battery negative, we will find a slight difference. If we put the resistor in a calorometer, we would find the 'lost' joules there; a small fraction of the energy lost in total by the battery.

                        Why? Because we are destroying the source of the energy far more rapidly than we are using it, by destroying the voltaic stress of the battery on the aether. We use the aether woefully inefficiently to destroy the very source of energy.

                        So, how do we make a device that does not destroy the initial condition that is powering our resistor? We use the flow of electrons to charge another battery, or better yet, switch so quickly that the inertia of the electrons and their aether is not overcome; then all we will have is the aether moving - just like a boat anchored in a river that the water flows past.

                        Now, we can use that source dipole to shove the aether out of equilibrium; the aether flows from positive to negative - from the sky to the earth, so we can utilise a real ground or a large mass.

                        We can utilise a coil or a cap, recover as much as we can from stressing the electromagnetic fields of force, an is a transformer or movement of a motor.

                        And when we remove that stress, we need to provide a way to trick the aether as it sets a new equilibrium, to do some work for us.
                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • #13
                          Energy to change states

                          I bought an evaporation cooler for summer for the missus and it's just now gotten me thinking.

                          Evaporative cooler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          Now, an evaporation cooler works by pumping water so it saturates a porous substance with high surface area, and then blowing air over the film of water.

                          If the air is dry, it will absorb the water just like a dry cloth pressed on a wet one; but the water has to change phase from being a liquid to being a gas,

                          Change of Phase/State (Phase Transition) with Examples

                          And that requires energy, which is taken from the ambient temperature of the air.

                          So when something changes 'phase' from solid, liquid, gas or plasma, energy is required to be given up or added - beyond the usual kinetic energy state of the vibration of the molecules.


                          I'm going to propose that the energy goes into setting up a difference in the way that states of matter and their aether interact, because, like kinetic energy or inertia it has to be stored somewhere.

                          What if

                          The aether changes state? When it becomes a visible charge, it will remove heat from the local environment. When it is freed from it's bonds with mass, it will release heat.

                          That would go a long way to explaining conventional, Bedini, Stiffler, and Ainslie tech heat distribution, were it true.
                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                            Tesla received great inspiration from The Kolbrin Bible, which his father helped put in his hands from the Vatican archives - as the story goes. The Vatican kept it away from people for years and only a few authentic copies surfaced. I bought a copy from the Culdean Trust in New Zealand...when I got it, it was about $140 USD or something. I bought The Gospel of Kailedy at the same time, a companion to it.

                            Tesla was also profoundly influenced by Vedic Philosophy taught by Swami Vivekananda.
                            This is also being said at:
                   > The Culdian Trust Kolbrin Manuscripts
                            It has been rumored that Nikola Tesla acquired some knowledge from this book (according to James McCanney). In the past, only a very select few, some might say an elite group, have had access to this book. Now, the current caretakers of this ancient knowledge believe ''these are the days of decision, when humankind stands at the crossroad,'' and are making the book available subject to explicit conditions.
                            You can also read it online there, and this Kolbrin bible is also being discussed here:

                            Another intriguing and thought provoking document about "the big picture" is this one:
                            | Illuminati News | Dialogue with "Hidden Hand", Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider

                            Interestingly, this refers to the so-called "Ra material" (states that it is about 90% correct), where Tesla is also mentioned:

                            The Law of One, 'People'

                            Questioner: How did the United States learn the technology to build these craft?

                            Ra: I am Ra. There was a mind/body/spirit complex known to your people by the vibratory sound complex, Nikola. This entity departed the illusion and the papers containing the necessary understandings were taken by mind/body/spirit complexes serving your security of national divisional complex. Thus your people became privy to the basic technology. In the case of those mind/body/spirit complexes which you call Russians, the technology was given from one of the Confederation in an attempt, approximately twenty-seven of your years ago, to share information and bring about peace among your peoples. The entities giving this information were in error, but we did many things at the end of this cycle in attempts to aid your harvest from which we learned the folly of certain types of aid. That is a contributing factor to our more cautious approach at this date, even as the need is power upon power greater, and your peoples’ call is greater and greater.

                            Questioner: Then I would assume that you can’t name him. So I will ask you where Nikola Tesla got his information?

                            Ra: I am Ra. The one known as Nikola received information from Confederation sources desirous of aiding this extremely, shall we say, angelically positive entity in bettering the existence of its fellow mind/body/spirit complexes. It is unfortunate, shall we say, that like many Wanderers the vibratory distortions of third-density illusion caused this entity to become extremely distorted in its perceptions of its fellow mind/body/spirit complexes so that its mission was hindered and in the result, perverted from its purposes.
                            Note that this Ra material dates from the 60s.


                            • #15

                              For those who love physics and try to have a interesting geometric model that can be very useful as a tool to solve complex tasks in Theoretical and Applied Science, look at this publication:



