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Radiant Energy Utilization

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  • #16

    My apologies, that was a typo, it's a bank of ten@1500uf caps...that equal 15,000uf not 150,000uf.

    The time to fill up is about 7-10 sec...can't say exactly because my multimeter samples voltage at like .33hz

    The input was 12v through a straight 555 (no amplification) so like .18amps

    **Please take note that I am trying to recall this from memory, I remember the 555's crack open running around 220-250ma, if I remember correctly, and I was running it with no problems on both the Ignition coil and higher ohm 9w 5kv transformer.**


    • #17
      No need to apologize actually A typo is a typo!

      But, again, 15,000 uf at 300 volt equals 675 joules or energy. Filling time assuming be 10 seconds, again your small isolation NST or Ignition coil should work at least at 70+ watts of input. Right?


      ps: Baroutologus! like that


      • #18
        You are would take far more input to fill these capacitors if I was supplying electrons too (conventional electricity voltage&amperage)

        However, I filled them with what i believe is pure voltage potential. It seems to be the elusive "dark energy", "radiant potential", "orgone", "cold electricity", "Magnetricity"...etc.

        It seems to me all these people; Bedini, Bearden, Tesla, Stubblefield, Grey, Newman, and Leedskalin, are all describing the same thing with their own vernaculars.

        I have here a CD4047BE configured as an Astable multivibrator (square wave signal gen), it has a much lower output signal then a 555, but needing only 1 timing cap and timing resistor it is much easier and more stable. I will work out a small amplifier stage for it and repeat my experiments.


        • #19
          @ radiant science - I'll eagerly await your experiments.

          I've been thinking about ways of utilizing radiant energy (potential, or dielectric stress, vs current, or electron perturbation)..

          I showed in previous experiments that radiant causes less temperature increase in a resistor (but discharges over longer time than from unconditioned capacitor). Dmonarch has said resistors do not show load.

          So inductive loads would be better, as well as LED's.

          So how far do we look? Could something else be better yet? I looked up how fireflies make light; they turn chemical energy into photons with 90% efficiency.

          So far I have nothing, just putting it out there.
          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


          • #20
            Thanks for confirmation RS. By the way, i am terribly interested at some point at replicating it.

            Could you provide a easy, foolproof, schematic with part specs to do so?



            • #21
              If you would like to replicate, and have a 555 laying around....then, I recommend this circuit I used in my VERY early has the effect of never letting the potential reach complete ground state, yet, providing very clear pulses...interesting results

              **You can change C3&R4 or omit them all together to change/eliminate the DC offset...(C3 is Electrolytic, and polarity is important...inspired by "Fogal Charged Barrier"**
              **Q1 can be anything from a 2n222,buz11, to a 2n3055....R1 and R3 clamp maximum input to around 180ma, so, gating resistor R2 can also be changed/omitted)**
              **VR1&2 are the timing resistors, a 100k pot here would give more variability**
              **C2 is your timing capacitor...change it to jump frequency scales**
              **If you wish to lower R1 and R3 to get higher frequencies, then you must use R2 as your limiting resistor to prevent 555 from catastrophic failure (or a regulated power supply)...(R1+R2+R3 must equal about 200-220 ohms minimum)**

              LA1 represents load (for simulation I chose an incandescent), such as a transformer of your choice, isolated transformers give best results, but you can experiment with an ignition coil.
              If you use an isolated transformer, then a full wave bridge is sufficient to collect a DC output, but, if you use something like an ignition coil, then use something like an Avremenko plug, or a Reversed diode to collect DC output. (this decouples input from output...isolated transformers use an iron core to decouple, so a FWB works fine)

              The circuit is fully tunable, watch for resonance across primary, while hooked up to transformer. You will see a rise in the oscillation to some peek. That point, where the ringing of the primary is at harmonic resonance.

              Once you get it, you will be able to hear an audible tone...I hear it ANY time a circuit resonates

              I highly recommend using an Isolated transformer!...with it, you will see an odd effect I documented here...increase in resistance actually leads to an increase in energy !!!
              YouTube - Pure voltage No amperage + Skin effect
              That is the same EXACT circuit running this, as I just posted...and this is the isolated 5Kv-9W@120v input transformer I described.
              The secondary is rectified by a FWB of 4 cheap Chinese 10Kv diodes (courtesy of Ebay )

              I took this to my Physics teacher, and he admitted it shouldn't be happening!
              Last edited by Radiant_Science; 12-19-2009, 10:18 AM.


              • #22
                At resonance each capacitor throw away longitudinal sound-like wave FROM EACH of ITS TERMINALS.
                Once they are meeting each other ,they are gone. No trace.

                if you have special capacitor or special circuit one of this waves maybe shifted in phase and then you can expect every strange phenomena you have never thought about...


                • #23

                  Just wondering if anyone agrees or disagrees with the following and if so why.

                  Polarization is the ordering of the internal structure of the conductor. A conductor that is polarized has voltage but no charge which is why when something that is polarized has its voltage measured even with a high impedance meter destroys itself that is becomes disorganized at a far quicker pace than does a voltage which has charge. Seen polarization is voltage without charge it can be coupled to something which has voltage and charge resulting in an increase in voltage and so an increase in power, with current remaining the same but voltage increasing temporarily. Seen the cost of switching is not directly proportional to the amount of polarization being switched excess energy can be obtained.



                  • #24

                    It is my understanding that technically, only dielectrics "polarize". (says the text books)

                    ::Electrical Polarization::
                    slight relative shift of positive and negative electric charge in opposite directions within an insulator, or dielectric, induced by an external electric field. Polarization occurs when an electric field distorts the negative cloud of electrons around positive atomic nuclei in a direction opposite the field. This slight separation of charge makes one side of the atom somewhat positive and the opposite side somewhat negative. In some materials whose molecules are permanently polarized by chemical forces, such as water molecules, some of the polarization is caused by molecules rotating into the same alignment under the influence of the electric field. One of the measures of polarization is electric dipole moment, which equals the distance between the slightly shifted centres of positive and negative charge multiplied by the amount of one of the charges. Polarization P in its quantitative meaning is the amount of dipole moment p per unit volume V of a polarized material, P = p/V.
                    This makes sense...because any time you induce an opposite charge in conductors, there is ALWAYS an insulator; Air, plastics, etc...

                    Once we realize that dielectrics becomes more evident what's happening.

                    Dielectrics are balanced atoms/molecules...meaning +=- charge.
                    Being equal charge, instead of ionizing easily, the poles of dielectric atoms/molecules align in series fashion

                    Positive conductor|+/-/+/-/+/-/+/-/+/-|Mirrored negative conductor

                    That is the reason the un-electrified conductor receives an opposite charge
                    Last edited by Radiant_Science; 12-19-2009, 09:10 PM.


                    • #25
                      Thanks Radiant_science for the outline. An 555-fully adjustable time, a transistor, and an isolation high voltage transformer. Right?

                      Unfortunately, i do not possess any oscilloscope so i will use other means for obtaining best frequency/pulse width for ataining best resonance mode. Nice tip that you can hear the ringing of the transformer also.



                      • #26
                        Pulse width to exactly saturate a coil

                        Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
                        Thanks Radiant_science for the outline. An 555-fully adjustable time, a transistor, and an isolation high voltage transformer. Right?

                        Unfortunately, i do not possess any oscilloscope so i will use other means for obtaining best frequency/pulse width for ataining best resonance mode. Nice tip that you can hear the ringing of the transformer also.

                        Here's one way to do it without an Oscilloscope

                        YouTube - Resistance vs Light output
                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • #27
                          I did not quite catch it.. You mean i should hook-up a light at the output of the HV isolation transformer, and at maximum brightness will be... resonance??

                          Can you state the principle of your methodology?



                          • #28

                            I just proposed the theory which CosmicGnarler elucidated on in the description part of the youtube video.

                            For any coil or transformer there will be a frequency and pulse width where the radiant collapse spike or output of secondary will be maximum.

                            Above or below that frequency or pulse width, output will be low or inefficient.

                            Watch the milliamps in, and yes the brightness of a bulb or led on the out, to determine minimum input for the coil's core to reach maximum magnetic field.

                            That's the most efficient point, and I believe it would change slightly for different loads.
                            Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                            • #29
                              Gotoluc posted some vids on Youtube about resonance
                              that I found very helpful.

                              Here is Part1, be sure to check out all 4 parts.
                              YouTube - gotoluc's Channel


                              • #30
                                Inquorate.......I just saw your video on Flash steam.

                                I have always wondered why nobody here is interested
                                in Flash steam. I don't think most people really understand
                                the difference between it and regular steam.

                                Water will explode to 1600 times it's volume under the
                                right temperature, and the right pressure. The thing is,
                                those two items aren't that difficult to achieve!

                                If I recall, the pressure is only 500 pounds or so, and the
                                temperature is only 500 degrees or so.

                                Then, the water will actually explode.....kind of similar to
                                the way diesel fuel or cooking oils explode in combustion

                                Plus, I don't think it gets alot of attention because many
                                of the videos are still showing the water heated by fire.

                                What if the water was heated by induction???? There are
                                some really cool videos on Induction heating on you tube.
                                Things heat up really fast with induction, and some of the
                                devices also draw very little power.

                                Plus I know some of the experts here could reduce that
                                power down to practically nothing.

                                Here is some info I posted on here a while back:

                                This one is just 80ml (about 2.5 oz).
                                YouTube - Microwaving a sealed water bottle

                                This one is with 750ml (about 24 oz). You MUST see the explosion at 27 seconds in slow motion. This is where mother nature says....hey, wait a minute....water is supposed to be steam at atmospheric pressure, and then violently and explosively changes the liquid water into steam at over 1600 times the volume!
                                YouTube - Microwave steam bomb

                                Okay, still not convinced? Did you know that the worlds fastest dragster was actually water powered?
                                YouTube - WORLD RECORD Water Rocket Car 0 - 343.5 kph in 2.5 sec

                                Here is how it works: "Moreover, the basic rocket is the essence of simplicity. The hot water rocket makes use of the fact that water, if kept under pressure, can be heated far beyond its normal boiling temperature of 212 °F. For example in a container under 500 pounds per square inch pressure, water can be heated to some 475°F. If a hole is made in the container, the water will be forced out, a portion of it flashing into steam in escaping to the atmosphere. Inside the container, the water will also boil, and the steam so created will replace the water forced out and will tend to maintain the pressure. The escaping mixture of steam and water, if expanded through a suitable nozzle, will reach a velocity of about 1,500 feet per second. The reaction of this jet will drive a well built rocket to supersonic speed."

                       to make a useful device??? Here's one thought, how about induction heating coils around diesel fuel injection lines? Think about it, the diesel injection system already works with pressures of 1500 psi on older systems, to 30,000 psi on newer systems. So, there is no need to worry about creating pressure, so all we have to do is heat the water just before injection, correct???

                                Please share your thoughts and vids.

                                Last edited by bobo36us; 12-20-2009, 06:40 PM.

