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  • Multimeters

    I have of late purchased a number of multimeters and they all read the same value under normal usage circumstances however when used in a way that is not normal they all give different values, some giving none others not.
    For example i have a non self calibrating digital meter which when used to measure the voltage between each hand shows around .4V. On an analogue meter i have it shows nothing.
    What i assume is happening here is the digital meter is measuring the degree of polarization which equates to the amount of voltage. Because the analogue meter directly converts the voltage into mechanical action it results in no change on the meter.
    What is interesting is that you can polarize something cheaply and when coupled with real charge results in an increase in power after you just increased the voltage for cents and how much you increase it by does not effect the switching cost. Unfortunatly when we charge a capacitor the charge and voltage/polarization are coupled together and is very difficult to seperate them without using weird geometry.
    In something like the human body the polarization/potential is spatially distributed
    Has anyone else noticed similar things.

  • #2

    Just double checked the voltage between my hands. My right hand is positve and my left negative.
    Another interesting phenomenon is that if in your left hand you are holding one lead of a capacitor in contact with the multimeter negative probe and the positve probe in the right hand the multimeter will measure a greater polarization.
    As well if I shift the capacitor to the other hand and follow the same process the polarity changes and the right hand become negative while the left hand becomes positive.
    In fact you can hold the capacitor by either lead and there is no change in polarization. As well the capacitor can be shorted and still have the same effect.
    I would be interested to hear any analysis of this
    Last edited by dmonarch; 12-19-2009, 01:02 AM.


    • #3

      Just been trying out other things to see how they effect the bodies polarity. If you hold 3 caps in the left and one in the right the polarity dosnt switch, however as soon as you let them go and remeasure your polarity changes to negative on the outside becoming positive on the insider of the body. This polarization changes back after some minutes
      Also if you hold a long piece of wire in one hand it has no effect.
      If you hold a large quartz crystal it has no effect. If on the other hand you hold a small crystal used in oscillators the voltage jumps up about 3 times and becomes more dynamic.
      Interesting aye, i reckon it is.


      • #4

        Well just tested my brother and his two boys. Both my brother and one of his sons are opposite pollarized to myself and his other son. In this case those people with same pollarity are similar in personality.
        Also myself and the two boys held hands in such a way that all the pollarities were inforced and the measured voltage increased 4. As well after letting each others hand goes we all retained the higher voltage for a short period.
        As well the previous mentioned experiments in the other messages were tested on the young lads with the results being the same. None of the boys were told what was going to happen either.


        • #5
          The obvious

          Well following through with the obvious I grabbed a capacitor and wrapped the electrodes around my left hands little finger with the logic that it might increase my energy field. Well probably an hour later it has done so.
          First of it has increase my resting energy to double. Also there is a thin sheaf of chi organized around my left arm. There is also the sensation in my arm that you get when you violently shake your arm and hand around sought of like vibrating fuzzy feeling.
          Interesting, when i wrapped the cap around my finger i really didnt think it would do anything, guess i was wrong.



          • #6
            Very interesting. I did not know/think different people might have different polarity - especially measureable by instruments. Great find, I will cerainly look more carefull !

            Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


            • #7

              Yeah i was more suprised that such a simple unit as a multimeter which i bought for 20 dollars would measure something so complex. I mean who would have though a capacitor could be used in such a weird way and have a measurable effect on a person.
              I think the most interesting find was that a large quartz crystal has no effect on the person while a small oscillator quartz would. As well unlike the capacitor which you can hold both leads at the same time for the quartz you cannot it has to one lead and one lead alone for it to effect you. People are going out buying these huge quartz rocks when they would be better getting some small crystall pieces


              • #8

                Seems the polarity switches during the day. During the change period it bounce between negative and positive numbers. Once the change is set it stays till the next change. Before i was positive on the right and neg on the left now it is opposite


                • #9
                  Changing polarity

                  My dad used to have cb radios, and chatted with his mum across australia from w.a. To nsw. He said the ionosphere shifted several times a day.

                  It would be interesting to see if there is a link.

                  Edit; just called him; the ionisation of the ionosphere changes randomly. He theorise sunspots, solar flares etc. So the signal he got would sometimes bounce clear across aus. Sometimes further.

                  Dmonarch - are the polarity changes 'random'?
                  Last edited by Inquorate; 12-19-2009, 08:00 AM.
                  Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                  • #10

                    Hi Inquoroate
                    Nah the polariy changes arnt random. I would say they are due to natural circadium rythms


                    • #11
                      Missed the Obvious

                      Well i missed the obvious. Placing a different type of metal in the circuit creates a voltage between the two which either impedes or enhances the natural voltage of the body.
                      As well the right side of the head is postive and left negative. The front to back is positive on outside leading to negative on inside.
                      Another interesting point is i measured one of my nephews who turned out to be sick 30 minutes later and his voltage was extremely low in comparison to myself and others.

