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Steorn's Orbo

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  • Steorn's Orbo

    A few days ago, Steorn released a video of their long-awaited public demonstration of their electromagnetic overunity device. They claim that the device has a thermodynamic efficiency of 3 to 1:

    YouTube - Steorn Orbo Technology Launch 2009

    While they do have a live video stream on their website ( Steorn - Convenient, Clean and Constant supply of Energy ) the video is not very good quality. They also don't show anything which demonstrates that the device is overunity, such as putting it under a load that a D-cell battery couldn't sustain for a long period of time or showing voltage and current inputs and outputs, as well as RPM outputs to show that the device is rotating at a steady rate. Someone on PESN commented that they had been watching the live video stream and claimed that they saw the device slowing down, then the live streams were down for a period of time before going up again, this time with the device appearing to be spinning faster.

    Steorn will be offering a Knowledge Development Base membership , SKDB, which provides Full Annual Membership and License coverage necessary to freely develop the Orbo technology. The cost of the SKDB will be 419 Euros, the membership needing to be renewed annually for 21.28 for EU members. 94 Euros for non-EU members.

    Perhaps more test data will be offered to people with SKDB membership, perhaps the model being shown at the moment is a basic one and members will be shown device/s which have better performance. While I would like to purchase a membership what I have seen at the moment is not convincing enough for me and for the same amount of money I could buy rights to convert a car to GEET and buy the materials necessary for conversion.
    Last edited by phi1.62; 12-19-2009, 11:34 AM.

  • #2
    I have technology to who is interested and have a lot of money.
    Last edited by sebosfato; 12-19-2009, 02:07 PM.


    • #3
      Does anyone else find it strange that this turned out to be a pulse-magnet motor, little different than many other similar concepts we have seen in the past?

      ... Perhaps little different than the Minato fan motor design that a Japanese retailer already bought 40,000 units of 5 years ago?

      For years, we had been led to believe Orbo was an all-magnet motor (at least that was the impression i got from the admittedly-vague comments and references).

      Something is not right here... Were they lying to us before, or did they swap technologies (if so, they really should have changed the name, too)?

      One possibility (from the "conspiratorial" peanut gallery lol):

      They realized they were just not going to be allowed to market an all-magnet motor... And are instead trying to "sneak in" this way... Possibly with the idea of releasing one later.

      The problem with the pulse motor is that as long as the batt is present and the properly done recorded data /scope waveforms are not published; it will cause much controversy... which means it can be safely ignored by the MSM and simply written off as a fraud; and a poorly done one at that.

      Another reason why Open Source is the ONLY answer
      Last edited by jibbguy; 12-19-2009, 04:35 PM.


      • #4
        Its almost as if they couldn't get their original purely magnetic motor to work so the stole John Bedini's SG idea. Now they are going to charge money so that engineers can take a look??? WTF

        I would love to see that thing under load because I have a hard time believing that a pulse motor such as that can supply any practical torque. Maybe they're just selling a concept, but for the amount of money being charged for their "club", there had better be a model big enough to power homes lying around somewhere.


        • #5
          Did you read my post?


          • #6
            I am also suspicious about the radical change in design. But as pulse motor's go it is pretty interesting...

            notice the stators are toroids and that there is a pair of magnets for each stator which passes the top and bottom of each toroid... undoubtedly each magnet pair will be in different polarities... eg north passes top of toroid, south bottom of toroid.

            Though I would have used square toroids. Not sure why they went with round ones.

            So, overunity? No idea.
            Rip off? Could be.
            Interesting? Definitely!
            "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

            “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
            Nikola Tesla


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sephiroth View Post
              notice the stators are toroids and that there is a pair of magnets for each stator which passes the top and bottom of each toroid... undoubtedly each magnet pair will be in different polarities... eg north passes top of toroid, south bottom of toroid.
              Yes, really interesting!
              I missed the pairing of the magnets on the first view,
              thanks for pointing it out!

              Hob Nilre


              • #8
                This one's just for fun:

                We've seen the "hitler in the bunker" thingie before, but this time we can get a kick out imagining it taking place it in Exxon-Mobile's or G.E.'s boardroom

                YouTube - theENERGYDREAM's Channel

                (..the top one on the list on the You Tube User's page if it doesn't automatically start)


                • #9
                  They should get rid of the battery and add super caps or any thing that's better than that set up. Didn't they learn form last time how the skeptics tear it apart. I think if they consulted with the energetic forum we would of given them a better demo. We obviously have more experience in this field then them, they could of had this out years ago, i really think we need our own research center for consultancy to help others.

                  They need a BS filter, super caps is one way.


                  • #10
                    I agree wholeheartedly about co-operation. No-one ever possesses all talents required to come to a success, alone. If someone like that existed, we'd be addressing them in prayers rather than by digital mail.

                    So, co-operation. Then, which bright talent is going to let a bunch of experienced, suspiciously jealous, critics tell them how to do their cutting edge science? They're the ones with the goods. If they believe they've got it, it will require a lot of humility to accept outside help that is not paying.
                    You may actually have better chances getting in on such action, by charging a fee for your input.


                    • #11
                      Again YouTube - English


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                        Not Steorn related in any way. Spam.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Cloxxki View Post
                          Not Steorn related in any way. Spam.

                          Its only a News For you to know our technology in comparison with that


                          • #14
                            Lol i must admit i agree it is "spam" here, but in it's own thread... It is good information and we would like to hear more Nice work!

                            One thing to consider, in one of the early slides of that presentation, it is mentioned that there is current flow at "0 Volts". This is related to Phase apparently, but skeptics will tear you a new one on that: Because you cannot have current flow with no Dipole Potential; when discussing phase shifts, it is about DIFFERENT POINTS in the circuit; and a potential voltage gradient certainly exists at the point in question that is experiencing Phase Shift ; Although it may be reading "0 Volts" at the Source at this particular moment in time (and so in actuality, there is no current being supplied by the Source at that moment, although Potential and current flow may exist at other points of the circuit.. which is a little weird when you think about it that way lol).

                            So a little re-wording there may be in order; just a thought.


                            • #15
                              Sorry to reply here but i got to say yes is out of phase and the current pass thru the cell by inertia not because of potential difference thus no over voltage no heat dissipated in the cell and this is part of the technology.

                              Thank for watching

