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Inertial Propulsion

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  • #16
    force drive (inertial drive) disappeared from archives

    Hi all,

    I want to share an unsolved mystery. In the 'sixties' I was a kid. My father subscribed to Popular Mechanics, Popular Science and Mechanics Illustrated. In one of those publications I became very interested in an article entitled "Force Drives" (or something to that effect). It was based on a non-linear principle of rotating eccentric weights and precisely timed electric solenoid actuators 'firing' at the 'right' time to affect a net force in one direction.

    I grew up, went to college, left home, got a job, etc. (you know the drill). Over the past 20 years I have been searching for that article and publication with NO success. I have never known any of those publications to publish unverifiable technologies. The family never got rid of these magazines and in fact I ended up with most of them after my father passed away in 1986.

    If there are any people out there that remember this article please post the mag and month here.




    • #17
      I also read that article---and built a working model

      Originally posted by gmeast View Post
      Hi all,

      I want to share an unsolved mystery. In the 'sixties' I was a kid. My father subscribed to Popular Mechanics, Popular Science and Mechanics Illustrated. In one of those publications I became very interested in an article entitled "Force Drives" (or something to that effect). It was based on a non-linear principle of rotating eccentric weights and precisely timed electric solenoid actuators 'firing' at the 'right' time to affect a net force in one direction.

      I grew up, went to college, left home, got a job, etc. (you know the drill). Over the past 20 years I have been searching for that article and publication with NO success. I have never known any of those publications to publish unverifiable technologies. The family never got rid of these magazines and in fact I ended up with most of them after my father passed away in 1986.

      If there are any people out there that remember this article please post the mag and month here.


      This is really odd. I just started reading this thread because of my memory of that Popular Science (or was it Popular Mechanics?) article and the model I made after reading it. It was in the 60's, like you said, and I built a little balsa wood box model that would move around the floor or a table. The inertia drive unit was made out of a small dc motor and a rotating weight. The motor drove something (I can't remember what) that was out of balance. The unit inside the box was mounted on little rails that were canted up at an angle. As the motor whirled the weight around it threw itself up the rails and then banged down. The bang produced a forward motion. After I turned it on I would close the lid and it just looked like a box making a noise. I wouild amaze people when I would set the little red box down on the floor and it would start moving around with no wheels.
      We don't have that magazine but my dad might still have that toy box somewhere up in the attic. I remember the article pretty well and have always wondered why more people didn't pursue the idea. As I remember, the author's model used a 1/4 electric drill and there were artist sketches of different things that a developed design might do encluding climbing up the side of a building.

      Last edited by Lidmotor; 12-28-2009, 06:57 PM.


      • #18


        Your best bet may be to find it with emule. - Official eMule Homepage. Downloads, Help, Docu, News...

        It is a free download. You'll be amazed at what you can find with it.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #19
          Veljko inertial drive

          Hi guys, just incase you hadn't seen this;

          YouTube - Veljko Milkovic - Cart with a pendulum - Vehicles with internal and inertial drive
          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


          • #20
            Found Popular Mechanic article

            Originally posted by gmeast View Post
            Hi all,

            I want to share an unsolved mystery. In the 'sixties' I was a kid. My father subscribed to Popular Mechanics, Popular Science and Mechanics Illustrated. In one of those publications I became very interested in an article entitled "Force Drives" (or something to that effect). It was based on a non-linear principle of rotating eccentric weights and precisely timed electric solenoid actuators 'firing' at the 'right' time to affect a net force in one direction.

            I grew up, went to college, left home, got a job, etc. (you know the drill). Over the past 20 years I have been searching for that article and publication with NO success. I have never known any of those publications to publish unverifiable technologies. The family never got rid of these magazines and in fact I ended up with most of them after my father passed away in 1986.

            If there are any people out there that remember this article please post the mag and month here.


            I hunted down that article that I read long ago with the help of "Mr. Google". It was in the Sept 1961 edition of a Popular Mechanics magazine. Here is a link to the ENTIRE magazine.
            Popular Mechanics - Google Books

            The article was called-- "Engine With Built-In Wings". Norman Dean was the inventor and his story and invention are rather interesting.
            Scroll through the magazine for fun and see what was going on in 1961. It is a walk back through time.



            • #21
              inertial propulsion

              Trippy, just came across something similar in google books but in
              "Popular Science Monthly".

              Anyway, a video called Clash of the Geniuses that someone gave me almost
              10 years ago has an inertial propulsion demo that looks similar to the counter
              rotating weights but was hinged half way through an arm that stuck out
              for a double kind of swing.

              There are toys with inertial propulsion. You pull the string and let go and
              the little animals or car or train car, etc... will just scoot right along a flat
              surface. Seen those?
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #22
                Thanks Lidmotor,

                The article was amazing and I always knew that centrifugal force can do something for us. I don't know how they have silenced Dean, but it is a pity, we were driving flying cars by now.

                We can eventually fly off this planet, very easily than it seemed. This invention meant, very things and could have changed everything, including total bankruptcy of companies like Boeing. But it is still not late, and in fact it is time.

                Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                • #23

                  Originally posted by elias View Post
                  Thanks Lidmotor,

                  The article was amazing and I always knew that centrifugal force can do something for us. I don't know how they have silenced Dean, but it is a pity, we were driving flying cars by now.

                  We can eventually fly off this planet, very easily than it seemed. This invention meant, very things and could have changed everything, including total bankruptcy of companies like Boeing. But it is still not late, and in fact it is time.

                  Elias & Aaron
                  The "BristleBot" is an excellent example this enertia propulsion idea. If you haven't already made one here is how:

                  YouTube - How to make a BristleBot - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories

                  You make it out of a toothbrush and a little pager motor. It takes just a few minutes to build once you have parts.

                  I think that friction plays a big part in why it moves forward. That isn't really a bad thing. We are not going to get rid of old man friction. Why not make friends with him and turn that negative into a positive.

                  Last edited by Lidmotor; 12-30-2009, 04:50 PM.


                  • #24
                    You could use one-way bearings to create a small car that would roll in one direction only. Then when the eccentric tries to rock the car backwards it will simply stop and then continue forward when the eccentric goes that direction. This would allow you to free-wheel forward and give you the friction you need to stop the rearward travel.


                    • #25
                      If anyone never see this image before, I will upload the document

                      from other document:
                      If this is not scam, it contain a how to make a saucer complete with picture and materials needed.
                      GRAVITY FIELD CIRCUIT
                      To create an onboard gravity field requires that two locations of magnetic fields be arranged to attract between each other, one at the top of the cabin's interior and one at the bottom. These fields are fed neutral magnetism that is setup as opposite polarities through use of the permanent magnets located outside the cabin. The setting up of these fields is accomplished as follows.

                      Located above the cabin's ceiling is a set of thin plates made of TiAlCo-B metal. These 6" wide plates are spaced 1" apart. Located below the cabin floor is a matching set of plates. All of the top plates are caused to manifest with one polarity, let us say north. Next the bottom plates are caused to manifest with the opposite polarity, which causes a magnetic attract between these SETUP fields.

                      The atmosphere inside the cabin helps to serve as a magnetic conduit to complete a massive magnetic field from ceiling to floor. This field then manifests as an ONBOARD gravity field. The actual circuit flow that accomplishes this action is the way magnetism is circuited in a Waveform to the plates. Then through the action of the plates REPELLING BETWEEN THEM, the energy is caused to be repelled into a PULSE FORM. It is when magnetism is in this PULSE STATE that it responds with a push/pull action downward.

                      Gravity is nothing more than compressed magnetism that causes things to move downward because of TWO distinct forces, a push and a pull. Thus a push automatically occurs with a pull. You cannot have one without the other. Why will this field allow people to walk around inside? It is the magnetism attracting to the magnetism (inside the craft from ceiling to floor) and anything IN ITS PATH interferes with this magnetic circuit. Thus everything in the cabin is subjected to a downward push/pull action. The upper gravity plates will be given a flow of neutral magnetism that is then CHANGED, acquiring a NORTH polarity. This change will manifest as strong narrow slots of repel pulsed magnetism between the TiAlCo-B plates.

                      The bottom plates react in the same manner with their SOUTH charge, and thus the field is completed throughout the entire cabin. This flowing magnetic circuit of one polarity at the ceiling and one under the floor is arranged as follows. First we review some hardware. There are a total of 14 permanent magnets located on the outside bottom of the cabin. When these magnets are in use they swivel back and forth to the magnet ring. However, the opposite ends of these same magnets are caused to get CLOSER and FARTHER from the outside surface of the cabin.

                      When any magnet is held the 2" away from the magnet ring, the same magnet has a certain amount of SPACE between it and the cabin's outer surface. We use this space as follows. A coil of wire is wrapped around a thin TiAlCo-B plate that measures the same size as the magnet face (that is 6-1/4" long by 1-1/4" wide.) This special coil has one wire connected to a brush that contacts the slip ring connected to the insulated cable stitch wire coils. Thus neutral magnetism comes TO THE COIL. Next, as a north face magnet moves within .015" to contacting the coil (wrapped around the TiAlCo-B plate) the neutral magnetism GRABS this north charge and it is circuited (by coaxial cable wire) directly to the plates located above the ceiling. All 14-north faces (this includes the bottom magnets) get circuited to the ceiling grid plates. Next, the same hardwood is arranged to have 14 SOUTH magnet faces feed their energy to the plates under the floor.

                      As the magnets respond with their back and forth movement this action CHARGES the 14 coils thus supplying all the energy needed to CONVERT the flowing NEUTRAL flow to flows having desired polarities.

                      Another need for the onboard gravity field is to allow a Transmuter to function in outer space. Of what value is a Transmuter for space travel? A Transmuter will be instrumental in charting the heavens, but one might ask, 'why not just have an ONBOARD telescope? To explain, as particles of light travel from various stars in the heavens, these pulsed molecular structures will strike an onboard telescope, take on an elongated form, and in so doing SLOW the action which is then viewed (and studied) in a wave form. However, different objects (stars, planets, etc.) have signals that can be magnetically identified by their different magnetic pulse rates. An onboard telescope will intercept light signals from various heavenly bodies; however, magnetic pulses that travel SIDE BY SIDE with the light pulses will NOT be detected. Why? Because magnetic pulses simply pass through the telescope. If a dish were to be lowered out of the bottom turning plate (made as next described) it will capture these magnetic pulses to then be used to chart the heavens by recording the magnetic pulses of space. NOTE: Future space travelers must know that in outer space there are VARIOUS magnetic fields that people have only been MINUTELY VIEWED.

                      The dish should be formed as a backstop of properly arranged TiAlCo-B pins. This device will allow a categorizing of the heavenly bodies according to their magnetic pulse rate, and is far more accurate than current identification. Capturing magnetic energy from a given star (or other location) poses a different kind of problem than simply holding a light beam in a mirror and then viewing it. The light beams stay in the spot where they hit the mirror; however, the pulsed magnetic particles when changing into a wave form create a magnetic field that quickly manifests throughout the metal being offered. It is very important therefore to limit the size of the field into which each pulsed magnetic particle can manifest in order to prevent a blending or flowing together of the captured magnetisms.

                      A dish, only large enough to fit out through the bottom rotation plate, can be made of a non-magnetic bonding agent. NOTE: This dish can be used while the craft is moving because the magnetic sphere that encompasses the vehicle is CONSIDERABLY LARGER than the exterior of the space ship. Thus, what are commonly called 'G' forces have no effect whatever on the exterior or the interior of the spacecraft.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by sucahyo; 12-31-2009, 03:01 AM.


                      • #26
                        Dean Drive never worked

                        New Scientist Mar 13, 1980
                        Page 856 Antigravity at last
                        New Scientist - Google Books

                        Dean Drive never worked


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Kirk View Post
                          New Scientist Mar 13, 1980
                          Page 856 Antigravity at last
                          New Scientist - Google Books

                          Dean Drive never worked
                          Inertia bumper works,
                          why Dean’s drive should not?

                          YouTube - Zderzak Lagiewki z Lego

                          YouTube - pochłaniacz energii - zderzak

                          Norman Dean: Inertial Drive -- Articles & Patents

                          Nikola Tesla's Flying Machine - his Flying Stove



                          • #29

                            MAC-QUAN 1


                            • #30
                              Gyro monorail

                              The gyro monorail has never developed beyond the prototype stage.

                              The principal advantage of the monorail cited by Shilovsky is the suppression of the Hunting oscillation, which was a speed limitation encountered by conventional railways at the time. Also, sharper turns are possible compared to the 7 km typical of modern high-speed trains such as the TGV, because the vehicle will bank automatically on bends, like an aircraft,[1] so that no lateral centrifugal acceleration is experienced on board.

                              Unlike other means of maintaining balance, such as lateral shifting of the centre of gravity or the use of reaction wheels, the gyroscopic balancing system is statically stable, so that the control system serves only to impart dynamic stability. The active part of the balancing system is therefore more accurately described as a roll damper.

                              A major drawback is that many cars - including passenger and freight cars, not just the locomotive - would require a constantly powered gyroscope to stay upright.

                              Gyro monorail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                              Attached Files

