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Electric Field

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  • #16
    Interesting idea!

    Maybe you don't need capacitors?
    Maybe it can be done with coils only?
    I did and videoed a test here a while ago with an open circuit that might give inspiration:
    YouTube - Tesla-coil part 1, early coil

    Its actually a small part of an early Tesla-coil.

    I was planning for another direction with this,
    but this basic idea it might be of interest here.

    Hob Nilre


    • #17
      Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
      We make a flat capacitor consisting of a metal plate a dieletric and a metal plate. Now we can charge it and discharge it. To automate this task we put it in an lc circuit. Ok so now we place a dialetric on top of the cap and essentially make another cap on top of that consisting of a metal plate a dialetric and a metal plate.
      I have thought about something similar, only I was thinking of making an "inner" and an "outer" capacitor this way.

      However, I doubt if one could get this to work practically, because for flat plates capacitors you would probably get very low capacitance, unless you would make electrolytic capacitors, which is not easy to do....

      Just posted some stuff about electrolytic capacitors here:


      • #18
        A question for all

        Has anyone seen or heard of a battery being charged with electrostatic charge and ground?

        I only ask because we've all seen enough systems 'doing what they shouldn't do' according to conventional electronics.

        Which leads me to wonder about everything.

        Love and light
        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
          Has anyone seen or heard of a battery being charged with electrostatic charge and ground?

          I only ask because we've all seen enough systems 'doing what they shouldn't do' according to conventional electronics.

          Which leads me to wonder about everything.

          Love and light
          Hi Inquorate.
          This is a great question.
          Last summer I made a battery/dual capacitor thing that took + from an Al plate at 10 feet up my house wall and the other side was - to a zinc bucket buried in the ground.
          I only got 1.17v, but I got it equally in 2 batteries as this was done in a 2 battery pack. I tested it and the charge was real if small.

          I think you can try either the same circuit, ora modified version for use with a wimhurst.

          This is a great idea. I got a wimhurst last year and popped it for a while, but completely missed doing this with the output.


          [I know, I know... I will look for the diagram. It was not mine but it worked for the first time.]



          Well well.
          I have such a time with diodes.
          I am a spatial thinker and even tho I can see the neg it just always goes in wrong.
          I found the pic then I looked at the battery charging circuit I made and I see I made it wrong.
          I put the ground and foil backwards.
          So, if this diagram does not give good results for you, flip it as I did unintentionally...

          Attached Files
          Last edited by jeanna; 12-26-2009, 11:12 PM.


          • #20

            I'm getting a wimshurst machine for myself soon, I want to start looking into making an Electret Electrophorus and electrostatic engine.

            For those that want to play with hv static, but don't have wimshurst - put alfoil sheet on your tv, it will develop positive static charge.

            However I want much higher voltage.

            For the price of switching, as Dmonarch has pointed out, an Electrophorus charged once can impart charge to a metal disk many times.

            Very interesting.
            Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


            • #21
              fun with e-fields

              Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
              For those that want to play with hv static, but don't have wimshurst - put alfoil sheet on your tv, it will develop positive static charge.
              Hmmmm... Some of us have LCD displays. Others have
              plasma displays. Cathode Ray is so ... 1950s.

              Actually, a clothes dryer and certain materials found in
              sweaters, can make a good Wimshurst substitute.

              Or, you can rub your cat against a balloon ... which
              might produce enough to drive a small laser (sorry
              Saturday-Night-Live) :-)

              I've found that you can get a copper cylinder (a section
              of copper pipe from hardware store), wrap a coil
              with insulated wire directly around it, and run high voltage AC
              though the coil. Kill the power and the copper cylinder will
              be left with quite a nasty charge ... even if the cylinder is quite
              small -- physically.
              It is well known that time varying magnetic fields can
              produce e-fields. It wasn't know to me, however, that
              such a small little copper cylinder could hold such a large charge.
              I imagine that the electrons in the copper are put into a SPIN,
              like billions of gyroscopes, directly in the diamagnetic copper.
              Electricians and plumbers know not to put wiring near pipes or
              to be careful with pipes near wiring.
              Why not use that to some advantage to produce fields?


              • #22

                your mention of electrophorus has reminded me, straining my memory here but i recall a thread titled " missing info on tesla found" or something like that...and it turns out that in Teslas "utilisation of radient energy" ( again from memory ) the "metal plate in the sky" was pre-charged electrophorusly ( whatever that means ) to enhance or even produce the effect.


                • #23
                  electrostatic charger

                  Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                  Has anyone seen or heard of a battery being charged with electrostatic charge and ground?
                  Technically, if there is no current in the output of a Bedini charger,
                  it is a relatively low voltage electrostatic charger and it works better
                  with a real earth ground.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                    Technically, if there is no current in the output of a Bedini charger,
                    it is a relatively low voltage electrostatic charger and it works better
                    with a real earth ground.
                    True. When I can, I'll sit down for a bit and get a baseline for joules used to charge coil vs joules out from coil collapse.

                    I also want to see if the voltage used when increased = linear increase in joules recovered.

                    When I get my wimshurst, I'll try see how that compares to static joules re charge. I have no idea how, but it would be interesting.
                    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

