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1872, Elihu Thomson - anyone got this document in scientific american 1872??
One other thing that i have noticed that these guys have all in common is the high resistance relay.
Edison mentions ...and i cant remember where now...that he was using about 200-300 ohm coils in his "relay" i am going to make the assumption that thomson/houston were using something similar as i havent been able to find anything about what they were using....which would explain why they were having a go at edison.....i had a quick look through the colarado notes of Tesla's and he was using a relay of about 1000 ohms......
so is there somesthing special about high resistance relays and tin as capacitance????
Originally posted by nat1971a View PostHere's Edisons annoucement in the paper of discovery of a new force - etheric force.....
The articles then claim that edison's etheric current was in fact radio waves. But this is inconsistent with the type of experiment detailed and witnessed by the journalist who wrote the article that nat posted.
Etheric force
misdirection and misinformation.
Thanks for posting that article natAtoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.
high resistance means a coil with HUGE inductance !
Od force = radiant shock wave = Edison etheric force = radiant electricity = magnetic current = longitudinal scalar waves supported by Earth magnetosphere ! The last statement is important,it can't be done without it
The solution is NOW VISIBLE - it's what Tesla gently described in his autobiography.Do I have to unfold it really ?
Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.
In the article i posted on edisons discovery (herald 1875) it is mentioned towards the very end that sparks are drawn through a person holding a knife..if it was alternating current then the person would be getting shocked.
pretty much describes Tesla's demonstration of holding a bulb in his hand
P.S edison was using 48volts input to charge the relays
If one looks at how dr Stiffler's experiments are set up, one can see definite similarities to edison's etheric current.
If the same force / effect is being used, cadmium spheres would be better than aluminum.Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.
I believe the answers we all seek are contained within this thread.
Compare edison's electromagnet to thomson/houstons rumkorff coil.
They are one and the same
There rumkorff coil should really be called a transformer/electromagnet as the secondary is split and wound oppositely...the same as edisons.
Now compare these electromagnets to Tesla's patent 568176
Tesla clearly shows us coils would in opposite directions not only in this patent but in most of them from 1876 onwards.
It is my opinion that Tesla is using the principles as outlined below by houston/thomson that the circuit is cancelling out its polarity and that the circuit must be symmetrical. Tesla even refers in his patent that the circuit is symmetrical.
In their demonstration, Houston and Thomson split the Edison's coil (Figure 1) in two with the cores
wound in opposite directions. They claimed this produced two "charges" of opposite polarity that
cancelled, preventing the spark from appearing. (Houston and Thomson's device was subsequently
understood to be a crude tuned radio circuit. The sparks disappeared because the tuning of the circuit
changed.) Houston and Thomson emphasised the need for symmetry of the experimental apparatus,
even of the human operator, but did not explain why human beings and other no-conducting, nonmagnetic
objects should influence electrical induction. (Being a tuned circuit, these altered the tuning
in a similar way that a person near the aerial of a radio may alter its tuning.)
"As I review the events of my past life I realize how subtle are the influences that shape our destinies. An incident of my youth may serve to illustrate. One winter's day I managed to climb a steep mountain, in company with other boys. The snow was quite deep and a warm southerly wind made it just suitable for our purpose. We amused ourselves by throwing balls which would roll down a certain distance, gathering more or less snow, and we tried to outdo one another in this exciting sport. Suddenly a ball was seen to go beyond the limit, swelling to enormous proportions until it became as big as a house and plunged thundering into the valley below with a force that made the ground tremble. I looked on spellbound, incapable of understanding what had happened. For weeks afterward the picture of the avalanche was before my eyes and I wondered how anything so small could grow to such an immense size. Ever since that time the magnification of feeble actions fascinated me, and when, years later, I took up the experimental study of mechanical and electrical resonance, I was keenly interested from the very start. Possibly, had it not been for that early powerful impression, I might not have followed up the little spark I obtained with my coil and never developed my best invention, the true history of which I'll tell here for the first time. "
Nikola Tesla "My Inventions"
Hi all.
I haven't been here in a while. But I see the path of inquiry has led you all to the beginning.
I ask, what element do all the inventions have in common? Which part of the principle do they all share? What is the activation principle? Could it be rotation of the dipoles?