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1872, Elihu Thomson - anyone got this document in scientific american 1872??

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  • #76
    ok so the million dollar question is what is the exact length of these bad boy inductors 23 & 28 to give us stationary waves

    well if we follow what tesla said the sum of both inductors must be quarter wave length.

    But what did Tesla mean exactly by that......

    In patent 787412 P2 line 93

    He states "the total length of the secondary should be equal to one-quarter of the wave length of light or else to that length multiplied by an odd number"

    Hmmm...well we all know that Tesla was duplicating Dr Heinrich Hertz's work. So in Hertz's book called "electric waves" of 1893. Page 128 Figure 26 says that quarter wave length is 1.8 metres in length. This gave the maximum sparking distance as advised on page 44.

    It also states on page 130 that 1.8 metres is a node of a stationary wave of magnetic force.


    • #77
      Originally posted by nat1971a View Post
      ok so the million dollar question is what is the exact length of these bad boy inductors 23 & 28 to give us stationary waves

      well if we follow what tesla said the sum of both inductors must be quarter wave length.

      But what did Tesla mean exactly by that......

      In patent 787412 P2 line 93

      He states "the total length of the secondary should be equal to one-quarter of the wave length of light or else to that length multiplied by an odd number"

      Hmmm...well we all know that Tesla was duplicating Dr Heinrich Hertz's work. So in Hertz's book called "electric waves" of 1893. Page 128 Figure 26 says that quarter wave length is 1.8 metres in length. This gave the maximum sparking distance as advised on page 44.

      It also states on page 130 that 1.8 metres is a node of a stationary wave of magnetic force.
      Tesla was clear about 1/4 lenght. It depends on the frequency of the exciting signal in the primary and the speed of the propagation of electricity. That way you get two nodes on the secondary - high pressure and low pressure. Odd multiple means that you have the same condition but more nodes however, he found it to be most practical to go with 1/4 wave for his plans. This means - higher frequency (impulses in primary) - shorter the secondary coil. This way you get a sucking effect at the low pressure node of the secondary.


      • #78
        Very powerful thread.
        Prof. Konstantin Meyl has published a lot about scalar waves too.

        This might be of interest (if not known already) :
        YouTube - Konstantin Meyl Scalar Wave Theory 1 of 3

        and a whole playlist of related videos: YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

        and a device demonstration:

        meyl shows tesla longitudinal electricity transmission in 2003

        Interesting is there is 2 resonance points, 1 hertzian and 1 (at a higher frequency) scalar

        Keep it up


        • #79
          Originally posted by bboj View Post
          Tesla was clear about 1/4 lenght. It depends on the frequency of the exciting signal in the primary and the speed of the propagation of electricity. That way you get two nodes on the secondary - high pressure and low pressure. Odd multiple means that you have the same condition but more nodes however, he found it to be most practical to go with 1/4 wave for his plans. This means - higher frequency (impulses in primary) - shorter the secondary coil. This way you get a sucking effect at the low pressure node of the secondary.
          Remember though, 1/4 wave only for standard single pole, 1/2 wave for a bipolar setup


          • #80
            Originally posted by nat1971a View Post
            Thanks all for contributing to this thread on equal and opposite coils-

            Here's a post that i made today FROM GRAY TUBE THREAD

            Here's an exerpt from my thread (post 39)where i do some digging into Telsas research1872, Elihu Thomson - anyone got this document in scientific american 1872??

            "OMG i just noticed in edwin grays patent inductors 23 & 28 also (in the attachment of post 31 of this thread)...I know how this works now!!!!"

            Did you notice the symmetry too....Inductors 23 & 28 would create a standing wave just as Tesla specified - the coils are wound equally and oppositely. Mark Mckay has been right all along the floating flux coils hold the key - they generate standing wave/stationary waves. What is missing in the patent is the complete symmetry of the circuit as specified by Houston/Tesla. Compare them to Tesla's zinc box which is described in detail towards the very end of the thread....10 turns on many turns in the floating flux coil....10 turns....conicidence...don't think so!!!

            And what exactly is the floating flux coils made from. Looks like coaxil cable to me. Who patented coaxil cable - Tesla did!!
            My thread is about bucking fields, directly related to this stuff....

            Here's an other example of bucking coils too: (Stan Meyer, by the way)


            • #81
              Yes thanks for posting this. I can see the resemblence to edwin grays first patent in the first diagram with the equal and opposite coils. Very interesting!!!

              It appears we have been doing similar research. Unfortuneately i havent had a lot of time to read in detail your research. I did however have a quick look at your thread and will endeavour to read more.

              Last night i felt compelled to take another look at Hertz's book electric waves. There is a chapter called "ön electromagnetic waves in air and their reflection". And in this chapter there's is quite a lot of information related to what Tesla was experimenting on. For instance he refers to covering the walls with zinc sheet (PAGE 125) to help in producing REFLECTIONS, INTERFERENCE & ULTIMATELY STATIONARY WAVES. DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR. LETS COMPARE THIS TO TESLA'S ZINC BOX THAT IS DESCRIBED IN DETAIL in this thread FROM HIS 1892 LECTURE ON ALTERNATING CURRENTS . THE ZINC SHEET IN HIS BOX IS QUITE OBVIOUSLY THERE FOR THE SAME PURPOSE TO MAXIMISE STATIONARY WAVES BY REFLECTIONS & INTERFERENCE. TESLA WAS COMBINING A NUMBER OF EXPERIMENTS INTO ONE DEVICE.



              • #82
                do not wander - just read all articles mentioned in this thread (which is the most important thread)
                just a bit of thinking please, what effects we are looking for ?


                • #83
                  hmm it just occurred to me that i remember leedskalin also putting his coil in a case - (where did i read that?). I think it was like an alternator case from a car. Could it be that this performed the same function as telsa's zinc box. In that it reflected, caused interference and produced stationary waves conjunction with the coil that was inside it..hmmm


                  • #84
                    There have been rumours that Tesla designed the ford model T magneto. It occurred to me to check the coil configuration to see if it was in 2 sections and sure enough it is. There is no mention of it been wound oppositely but the detail given certainly sounds like Tesla. So could it be that the ignition coils are designed to produce stationary waves exactly the same wave as specified in his alternating current lecture. Further details below

                    In another thread on "gravity waves" it has also been speculated that the V magnets in the magneto also produce stationary waves.

                    COIL UNITS
                    The coil unit contains a primary and secondary coil, a condenser, a soft iron core, and the upper and lower bridge. The transformation or induction of the current is caused by producing a current in one wire by another current in another wire near the first but absolutely insulated from it.
                    It is interesting to note the care and accuracy used in building up the Coils of the unit. The core is made of 165 pieces of soft iron wire insulated with heavy paper from the primary coil which is wound around it.
                    The primary coil is made up of a comparatively few turns of copper insulated wire and then soaked in hot paraffin and rosin. The secondary coil is made up of 6,000 feet of enameled copper wire with insulation between each layer. It is wrapped in two spools to reduce the diameter of the coil.
                    The secondary coil is heated to 220 degrees Fahrenheit for twenty minutes in a vacuum to be sure and rid the coil of any moisture, it is then dipped in hot wax; the primary coil is wrapped with wax paper and placed in the secondary coil, completing the induction coil.
                    Last edited by nat1971a; 02-10-2012, 08:42 PM.


                    • #85
                      Build this Stun-Gun
                      here's a stungun circuit that uses 2 out of phase transformers in the same manner. Maybe this isn't as uncommon as I thought.


                      • #86
                        Another interesting common feature between elihu thomsons, edisons and Tesla setup is the batteries. They all used zinc/carbon batteries (electro-poin battery). Elihu was using what is called a grenet cell (bichromate). Composed of single plate of zinc placed between two plates of carbon.

                        Tesla in his colarados notes mentions zinc carbon batteries as being the best
                        Edisons favourite battery was the grenet cell (zinc / carbon)

                        So perhaps there is more to this battery chemistry than we are told.Batts 007008


                        • #87
                          any battery is good imho
                          it's just the BEMF from primary and secondary ,but I think mass of secondary has a merit

                          just take any old car relay turn into oscillating mode and connect a wire in correct place then turn off the lights and brush the end of wire over big iron vice for example.Very easy to confirm when you have a good EMF from battery (like from lead acid car battery even dead one but still outputting 12V and nice amp for a moment)

                          I think it would be important to test from which end magnetic field of coil collapse when disconnected
                          does coil polarity depend only on DC connection or also on winding direction (left-hand or right-hand coil) ?


                          • #88
                            Quick update - i eventually found this article after going through all of the 1872 & 1871 scientific american magazines on These editions weren't available when i was looking several years back.

                            It is in the 1871-06-10 edition page 377. Titled "On a new connection for the induction coil" It is a reprint from the franklin journal. So I have found one of Gerry Vassilatos references.

                            Scientific American Volume 24 Number 24 (June 1871) : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive



                            • #89
                              Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                              The secret is and always was MAGNETIC CURRENT !
                              And circuits peculiar in "electric sense" but quite normal if you count magnetic current EMANATING FROM CORES OF COILS !
                              Parts of those circuits were just a guides for magnetic current.

                              Now look here : Edward Leedskalnin's Perpetual Motion Holder

                              this is Edison etheric force flowing INDEFINITELY in closed loop. No resistance !
                              ''Two ,180 degrees out of phase potentials ,going in the same direction creates longitudinal electricity.'' Nikola Tesla
                              ''If u can make the curents run in a closed loop u can make them run forever.''
                              Edward Leedskalnin

                              I don't get one thing.Is longitudinal electricity the same as the energy of an electrostatic spark discharging to ground for example?Or more simple is it dielectricity?
                              If it's like that, than all we have to do is split dielectricity (because it has both polarities in it) to make it conventional electricity(plus and minus) either with an avramenko plug or other slick methods.
                              Please shed some light on my ideas and tell me if i'm right or wrong.Thank you!


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by sile07 View Post
                                ''Two ,180 degrees out of phase potentials ,going in the same direction creates longitudinal electricity.'' Nikola Tesla
                                ''If u can make the curents run in a closed loop u can make them run forever.''
                                Edward Leedskalnin
                                Where did you found hat statements ?

                                I don't get one thing.Is longitudinal electricity the same as the energy of an electrostatic spark discharging to ground for example?Or more simple is it dielectricity?
                                If it's like that, than all we have to do is split dielectricity (because it has both polarities in it) to make it conventional electricity(plus and minus) either with an avramenko plug or other slick methods.
                                Please shed some light on my ideas and tell me if i'm right or wrong.Thank you!
                                I don't know about dielectricity, I have to study that However I'm quite sure we are wrong about electrostatic. There is nothing static about it, it's more complex. Surely there are ions, but ions are not source of energy. The answer you find in Tesla lectures...

