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1872, Elihu Thomson - anyone got this document in scientific american 1872??
Originally posted by boguslaw View PostWhere did you found hat statements ?
I don't know about dielectricity, I have to study thatHowever I'm quite sure we are wrong about electrostatic. There is nothing static about it, it's more complex. Surely there are ions, but ions are not source of energy.
The answer you find in Tesla lectures...
Originally posted by sile07 View Postwell... I have the book ''The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla'',I read part of the lectures,but I never stumbled upon anything that says he got more than he put in.Can u give me a hint?
Originally posted by boguslaw View PostIf you look for free energy then obviously Tesla never said DIRECTLY about it. He used terms like "activity"
Originally posted by sile07 View PostHe term activity is used 4 times in ''My inventions'' and 3 times in ''The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla'' but it is mostly refering to brain activity and once to his magnifing transmiter.I don't get the simplicity of this.Where is it?
Originally posted by boguslaw View PostGood finding!
Yes Hendershot device has many common with etheric force.
AND Hendershot device looks very similar to Testatika !
IMHO the total way is to generate etheric force, then store it inside curious capacitor or enlarge using multiple coils. Then two such etheric forces has to be force against each other on permanent magnet coil to create normal current.
Is this what you are talking about when you say ''...then two such etheric forces has to be force against each other on permanent magnet coil to create normal current...''
Thank you!
"Activity" is what we see in the bouncing ball analogy, if we take one of those
"super bouncy" balls and drop it there will be a lot of activity but no output.
If the ball had a magnet in it and was dropped in a coil north up or down so
that it magically bounced and stayed in the same orientation some of the
activity could be transformed to output, but the ball would see less activity.
Activity in a Tesla coil is the oscillations.
"Theoretically", which is how Tesla determined a lot of stuff. If my Tesla coil has
an input power of 400 Watts, and is running at 750 kHz with a top terminal
capacitance of 20 pF and the terminal is charged to 300 000 volts every cycle
then that is 0.9 Joules per cycle "activity", so 0.9 Joules x 750 000 cycles per
second is 670 000 Joules per second, more or less 670 000 Watts or 900 HP, "Activity".
Anyone can do this.
However that coil is basically not able to be loaded even parasitically to
maintain that. How do I get my 400 Watts back, OK so if I put a receiver at
1/4 WL and had no losses I might get close to that, but the 670 000 Watts
is never available at the 1/4 WL it's only in the L/C of the transmitter coil.
In ideal conditions (no losses) a ground connected receiver properly tuned at
1/4 WL distance could develop similar activity but due to the phase difference
on loading only really two things can happen if the receiver is loaded, either
the voltage and activity of the transmitter is lowered or input is increased to
meet the load.
The 400 Watts is the idle input power, the loaded power can be more or less
depending on different things. The 400 Watts is just to keep the activity
going and is best used in a "Signal" or "Radio" situation where the loads are
very light "just signals" thus the transmitter is relatively unaffected in that case.
If the transmitter is turned on for 1 minute then turned off the input stops
and the activity dies down due to losses and/or loads.
When you can turn off the transmitter input and have the activity continue
for a long time while it is loaded you might be onto something.
My belief is that Tesla wanted to effect wireless transmission of energy from
Hydro power facilities, and large atmospheric or solar arrays. In other words
transmit the energy over great distances with small losses and no poles and
wires everywhere. The energy travels basically the same way but with no
wires. All current is longitudinal, current does not wobble side to side or up and
down it increases and decreases in magnitude, as well as travels from point to
point back and forth if AC, by the path of least resistance.
Source for quote of Tesla below.
Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents -- Chapter IV
Now, there is a vast difference between these two, the electromagnetic and current energies. That energy which goes out in the form of rays, is, as I have indicated here [on the diagram of Fig. 82], unrecoverable, hopelessly lost. You can operate a little instrument by catching a billionth part of it but, except this, all goes out into space never to return. This other energy, however, of the current in the globe, is stored and completely recoverable. Theoretically, it does not take much effort to maintain the earth in electrical vibration. I have, in fact, worked out a plant of 10,000 horse-power which would operate with no bigger loss than 1 percent of the whole power applied; that is, with the exception of the frictional energy that is consumed in the rotation of the engines and the heating of the conductors, I would not lose more than 1 percent. In other words, if I have a 10,000 horsepower plant, it would take only 100 horsepower to keep the earth vibrating so long as there is no energy taken out at any other place.
So he had figured on about 80 000 Watts input just to run the transmitter "at Idle" with no output taken. Tesla's own words.
Where on earth is he claiming any free energy ?
P.S. The magic is in the harnessing of the waterfall or the harnessing of the cosmic "rays".
..Last edited by Farmhand; 12-11-2013, 12:41 AM.
Originally posted by Farmhand View Post"Activity" is what we see in the bouncing ball analogy, if we take one of those
"super bouncy" balls and drop it there will be a lot of activity but no output.
If the ball had a magnet in it and was dropped in a coil north up or down so
that it magically bounced and stayed in the same orientation some of the
activity could be transformed to output, but the ball would see less activity.
Activity in a Tesla coil is the oscillations.
"Theoretically", which is how Tesla determined a lot of stuff. If my Tesla coil has
an input power of 400 Watts, and is running at 750 kHz with a top terminal
capacitance of 20 pF and the terminal is charged to 300 000 volts every cycle
then that is 0.9 Joules per cycle "activity", so 0.9 Joules x 750 000 cycles per
second is 670 000 Joules per second, more or less 670 000 Watts or 900 HP, "Activity".
Anyone can do this.
However that coil is basically not able to be loaded even parasitically to
maintain that. How do I get my 400 Watts back, OK so if I put a receiver at
1/4 WL and had no losses I might get close to that, but the 670 000 Watts
is never available at the 1/4 WL it's only in the L/C of the transmitter coil.
In ideal conditions (no losses) a ground connected receiver properly tuned at
1/4 WL distance could develop similar activity but due to the phase difference
on loading only really two things can happen if the receiver is loaded, either
the voltage and activity of the transmitter is lowered or input is increased to
meet the load.
The 400 Watts is the idle input power, the loaded power can be more or less
depending on different things. The 400 Watts is just to keep the activity
going and is best used in a "Signal" or "Radio" situation where the loads are
very light "just signals" thus the transmitter is relatively unaffected in that case.
If the transmitter is turned on for 1 minute then turned off the input stops
and the activity dies down due to losses and/or loads.
When you can turn off the transmitter input and have the activity continue
for a long time while it is loaded you might be onto something.
My belief is that Tesla wanted to effect wireless transmission of energy from
Hydro power facilities, and large atmospheric or solar arrays. In other words
transmit the energy over great distances with small losses and no poles and
wires everywhere. The energy travels basically the same way but with no
wires. All current is longitudinal, current does not wobble side to side or up and
down it increases and decreases in magnitude, as well as travels from point to
point back and forth if AC, by the path of least resistance.
Source for quote of Tesla below.
Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents -- Chapter IV
Note 100 HP is about 74 500 Watts. 10 000 HP is about 7 450 000 Watts.
So he had figured on about 80 000 Watts input just to run the transmitter "at Idle" with no output taken. Tesla's own words.
Where on earth is he claiming any free energy ?
P.S. The magic is in the harnessing of the waterfall or the harnessing of the cosmic "rays".
''Before my research work I knew nothing about electricity. The only thing I knew was that nobody knows what electricity is. So I thought I am going to find out why they do not know. I thought that if electricity could be made and managed for over a hundred years, then the makers do not know what it is, there is something wrong about it. I found out that the researchers were misled by wrong instruction books, and by one-sided instruments. Volt meters and ampere meters are one-sided. They only show what is called by instruction books, positive electricity, but never show negative electricity. Now you can see that one-half of the electricity escaped their notice. If the researchers had used the same kind of equipment I use to demonstrate what magnetic current is, they would have found out a long time ago what electricity is. The positive electricity is composed of streams of north pole individual magnets, and negative electricity is composed of streams of south pole individual magnets. They are running one stream of magnets against the other stream in whirling right hand twist, and with high speed. ''
''After his ultimate studies of the magnetic atom he was able to group them into two categories : if the atom starts its pulsation by contracting, it has got negative properties, if its pulsation starts by expanding, then it has got positive properties. He theorized that if it were possible to separate the two kinds of atoms and put them together separated by absorbing atoms, one could have a continuous and eternal production of electric energy.''
Magnetic Atom-Pier Luigi Ighina
P.S.: Interesting...Last edited by sile07; 12-15-2013, 01:14 PM.