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New Magnetic Forces! : Steve Ward

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  • #16

    One question was about using a light for a load. On one video I show what happens with a lamp load. That was early stages of trying to understanding what is really going on. Now that I understand how the reactions are REALLY caused, I am ready to educate others. I know I can cause the same reactions with a full load or another type load such as a lamp. With a device I show that wardforce exists and I do this in live demonstrations. People don’t believe when I tell them, so I show this only in real life. Maybe if I had a way to make a good video I would consider. As is I rented a camera for the videos shown.

    I have been working with physical devices from 1988, I don't have any resources (money, equipment, or personnel) and I have one person helping me with building devices just in 2009. From about 1994 or 1995 I have been working alone, paying for machine work, drafting, experimental test, etc… Some of the devices I have tested were used to build other prototypes, some are still being used for demonstrating and some did not work.

    I have a link to my blog on my website, which show 3 videos demonstrating 6 devices, I have an US patent and many witnesses who have seen my claims. I need help with funds, people, resources and the list goes on. I know I need help with this because I am not that smart. I will be posting more information on my site, my blog and this blog as time permits.


    • #17
      Originally posted by View Post

      I know I need help with this because I am not that smart. I will be posting more information on my site, my blog and this blog as time permits.
      That was a good one, best laugh I have had this year!

      Seriously though, make no mistake, you are intelligent, know that. Continue to let your efforts, and more importantly your actions (demonstration of your concepts) speak for you, especially if you have a difficult time communicating your ideas verbally. I'm impressed with what you have demonstrated so far, and I'm positive that I am not alone when I say that!

      Awesome way to start off the new year.

      Happy New Year to all!



      • #18
        metal slugs and not magnets

        Originally posted by View Post
        The disc has metal plugs and I am not moving any magnets or coils.
        Steve, that is very interesting!

        So, literally, the windings are shorted on a u or c shaped core and nothing
        but steel slugs are hitting both ends of the core poles at the same time?

        And when shorted, the disc can spin faster?

        Maybe that is oversimplified but is that the basic concept?
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #19
          Hi Steve,

          I went to your web site and watched all three videos on your blog .....

          On video #3 I must be very thick because I do not understand what you are proving using a DC motor to spin your device?

          The DC motor is providing the torque to spin your device, right?

          What is the voltage and amp output of your device at the device end?

          Please help me understand what you are trying to show in video #3.....

          Hopes and Dreams....



          • #20
            Originally posted by tjnlsn255 View Post
            Hi Steve,

            I went to your web site and watched all three videos on your blog .....

            On video #3 I must be very thick because I do not understand what you are proving using a DC motor to spin your device?

            The DC motor is providing the torque to spin your device, right?

            What is the voltage and amp output of your device at the device end?

            Please help me understand what you are trying to show in video #3.....

            Hopes and Dreams....

            Tj, it might be that there are known issues about metering AC power usage,
            see Dangers in measuring AC power with meters and most people (like me )
            don't know how to use a high bandwidth digital oscilloscope, let alone read one.
            Remember to be kind to your mind ...
            Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


            • #21
              Hi Steve

              Unless, you don't tell exactly how your machine is made or operated, we would not be able to help you, develop your idea.

              I studied your patent a bit closely and I understand as you mentioned that your disc (mentioned controller in your patent) has metal plugs and the magnets and coils are fixed, I would assume that your generator is something like Mr Ecklin's Generator, which changes the magnetic flux by moving The Iron, instead of the magnets. I have not tried that design and I cannot comment on that.

              You know, you'd better give a better explanation for your Ward-Force instead of the saying that it is the push-pull part of the magnets, what do you mean by that, really? What is the other part if the ward-force is the push-pull part?

              I mean, you have discovered the ward force by seeing the effect of it. If you want to share what you have found, I think that it might be better to tell exactly how to produce the effect you are talking about, and does the effect really produce torque or usable electric current, or it simply reduces the drag of the magnets?

              If you don't do that, you might be unwillingly confusing people and wasting their time. People have gotten distracted because of so much vagueness, and sometimes given up.

              No offence intended, but I highly urge you to respect this people wanting to help you, as all of us undoubtedly respect and of course admire you.

              Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


              • #22
                Similar idea?

                I am still a little puzzled - only because of a lack of understanding the set-up;
                though there is some little light.

                Steve, I would like to do a duplication of this system if you permit; for
                observation and report back; NOT to copy and go commercial!

                Distance is a problem, I am in Thailand; but now have a fully equiped
                lab for electro/magnetic/mechanical/ (even biological) work. Amongst
                others I do have all sorts of metal working tools like lathe, milling, welding,
                cutting, bending.... So I am offering this facility to do duplication and video
                reporting on your device. Already in stock are most of materials one can
                wish for. So only labour to go.

                I have somewhat of a question:
                How much of this sytem does correspond to the PPMT
                (ParallelPath Magnetic Technology) of Joe Flynn?

                Can see:'s_Parallel_Path_technology
                for more info.
                Last edited by Aromaz; 01-04-2010, 10:46 AM.
                Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                • #23
                  I'm speaking with Steve Ward by email.
                  I've spoken with Steve on the phone.
                  At the point I'll not try to explain anything, because I really don't know
                  anything yet.

                  The coils and magnets are stationary and do no move.
                  I will say this. Think about waves .. magnetic waves .. riding the wave.
                  A pull in front and a push in back of each wave. The creation of a
                  wave matters not much upon which way the magnetic pole faces...
                  Convergence of smaller ripples of flux together to create a larger denser wave.
                  The rotor has metal plugs, these cause a raise (creation) and fall (collapse)
                  of the ripples of flux.. these converge to create a wave.

                  visual, think this water droplet as being a single metal plug in the rotor YouTube - WATER SOUND IMAGES
                  Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                  Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                  • #24
                    I must admit I haven't seen steven ward's videos; my mobile won't display his site very well.

                    But, I think I get part of the concept.

                    In this video
                    YouTube - experiments shielding magnetic fields
                    I show magnetic shielding; curving the lines of flux into a cramped position.

                    I also show the magnetic field protruding from a hole in the shielding.

                    What if we moved the shielding above a stationary magnet?

                    Rotating magnetic shield - Vox
                    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                    • #25
                      " How an EPMC works"

                      I am using the steel plugs as transmitters. Each time a plug comes by another wave is produced and like I told Randy all waves have push at the top and at the bottom they pull. I will be putting a better description on my website about this wave and how to transmit it sometime before the end of next week. I have been very busy and have not had much time to work on the project, I have to pay bills. I am working alone, so I have to find some side work for making money, which takes more time from working on the project.

                      To make it clear. Wardforce is the push and pull parts. Poles are North and South parts, now what else is part of a magnetic field? I can tell you, if you cannot see it and you don't know it is there, how can you say something does or does not exists?

                      PS I hope to post how to make the device on the 3rd video on my site within the next week along with a better explanation. Just remember, THIS IS NOT A CURRENT! It is torque (forward and backward motion)!


                      • #26
                        Hi all,

                        It seems to have a lot in common with patent 7274124 from Bedini,
                        is that right?

                        Hob Nilre


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by nilrehob View Post
                          Hi all,

                          It seems to have a lot in common with patent 7274124 from Bedini,
                          is that right?

                          Hob, The patent 7274124 by Arthur James Fahy references Bedini, yes.
                          It does have some similar parts/configuration , yes.
                          The Fahy device has a ferromagnetic bridge, Steve Ward has used metal plugs.
                          No brushes are used in Ward's devices. The coils and magnets are stationary
                          as in the Fahy device.
                          The above is only my understanding at this point and could be wrong.

                          Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                          Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                            Hob, The patent 7274124 by Arthur James Fahy references Bedini, yes.
                            It does have some similar parts/configuration , yes.
                            The Fahy device has a ferromagnetic bridge, Steve Ward has used metal plugs.
                            No brushes are used in Ward's devices. The coils and magnets are stationary
                            as in the Fahy device.
                            The above is only my understanding at this point and could be wrong.

                            My misstake, thanks for correcting me,
                            I was searching for Bedini from another angle and this one came up.
                            Patent 7274124 is definitely by Fahy and not by Bedini.
                            I must admit I wondered why i havent seen it before

                            But still, the patents has a lot in common and may help us understanding them both.

                            Last edited by nilrehob; 01-09-2010, 04:05 PM.
                            Hob Nilre


                            • #29
                              Patent information

                              My patent is the first in History claim energy from Magnetic fields. Yes, Magnets are the fuel source. This is not a debate, as I have been demonstrating to many highly educated goups. None of these groups who have seen my demonstration of 3 or more devices have said my claims are not true.

                              I have not had much time this week to work on my website. I will try to update this weekend with pictures and other information.



                              • #30

                                Originally posted by View Post
                                My patent is the first in History claim energy from Magnetic fields. Yes, Magnets are the fuel source.
                                Sorry but I totally disagree with this statement...

                                I do a lot of research, and remember coming across a patent which relates to the subject at hand, the "Wardforce". I found this patent about a year ago and lost it in my files, but thanks to you I dusted off my stack of patents relating to this particular technology and found the patent. This patent predates yours by several years.....and has so much in common with your patent that it simply can't be ignored (not by me anyway....) his apparatus is far simpler than anything you have presented, and he makes the exact same claims as you, albeit worded differently... Happy reading...


                                US Patent 5191258 - Page 1 Image - Electric current generator including torque reducing countermagnetic field

