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2009: The Year Perpetual Motion Ended

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  • #16
    external mic would be good


    I used to do my vids on a Sony minicam with the small dv tapes. Very good
    quality. I got tired of download tapes with firewire to maintain highest quality
    and have done all my vids for the last couple years with a Casio Exilim
    EX-S770 digital snapshot camera. It does have video ability and the video
    quality is very clear. With the 4gb card inside, I can take a couple hours of
    video no problem.

    The only issue I have with both are the sound. Neither have an option
    for a wired or wireless external mic so it can get echo'ey. If I was buying
    something from scratch, I'd look for something where I can get an external
    mic. If really up close, both are fine but at a little distance, it could be better.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #17
      Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
      My latest article on this subject, "self-published" this time

      Jibbguy's Blog: 2009: the Year that Perpetual Motion Ended
      If something "odd" really is going on there, he is most likely a victim of it too.
      Hi jibbguy,

      I really enjoyed your article "2009: the Year that Perpetual Motion Ended". In particular, I'm glad you touched on LENR, LANR, etc = (cold Fusion).

      For those never having been exposed to upper level research, University research is self serving and self perpetuating. Perhaps all of academics is that way. LENR's big brother 'Hot Fusion' has been a 'career builder' for many scientists and researchers for a number of decades. I remember Pons and Fleischmann's (P&F)'s news conference, but I also remember the onslaught of arrogant criticism that followed after the dust settled. You began to sense the tension between the Electrochemists and the Nuclear Physicists. It became apparent that the Nuclear Physics folks regarded Electrochemistry as a 'tinker toy' field when compared to their in depth study and understanding of nuclear fusion ... and quite possibly as a threat to their funding unless it (CF) was killed and killed quickly (valid or not).

      In the 60 Minutes 'Cold Fusion Revival' broadcast they interviewed two highly respected and accomplished scientist, John Huizenga (nuclear chemist and physicist) and Richard Garwin (respected physicist and architect of Mike The Hydrogen Bomb). Huizenga was instrumental (perhaps single handedly) in killing any and all congressional support and funding for CF during Bush I. And both Huizenga and Garwin still think P&F were simply 'wrong' ... then and now (in light of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary) ... blindness ....tut-tut.

      And I see a new danger. I fear LENR is destined to become the next high profile career builder for countless researchers and scientists globally (like hot fusion) instead of heading for commercialization. We may end up being promised "Cold Fusion Power in 5 Years" (for the next 50 years) ... sound familiar? I hope the Patterson Cell folks and/or Black Light can pull it off sooner than later.



      • #18
        Thanks Greg

        Yes, i am quite familiar with University research. Back in my former career, these people were my Customers and i have personally traveled to every major U. in the US (and often up to a dozen labs at each)... lol at one time i estimated that i had gotten on airplanes over 470 times I got to know many of these folks pretty well personally, and learned their needs, desires, and problems. Unlike many medical doctors i have known who were also customers (... ESPECIALLY surgeons, cardiac surgeons being the absolute WORST), these research folks were in the main very friendly, open, and not "stuck-up" at all

        That is why i have such a problem with the constant labeling of these folks as "frauds" regarding climate change information: It is just not true in my experience. But that is another topic all together lol.

        So far, very little has happened on the LENR front in the US. It is 1 year now since the announcement, yet apparently, no major US universities are funding LENR research yet. I could be wrong, but in studying this, there are no announcements, and some posts i have read in physics forums are complaining about this. And the only articles i have seen, are about denials of funding grants. On one hand, they admit it is "real"... Yet, they still refuse to study it??

        That smells pretty bad.

        And it is true that the hot fusion group have always had a great deal of political power. This is what Dr. Eugene Mallove was up against, and he knew it. He busted them cold in deliberate Fraud, too; a few years before his death.

        It is also interesting, that there is a question if some of these "Tokamak"-style reactors still even exist... There is some information i have read claiming that at least one of them has not been seen by any outside person for many years now (no yearly "open houses", no press presence, no alumni or outsider visits).... Yet still sucking up money from the University's budget, and getting many millions more in direct government grant money yearly.

        Are some of them really funding covers for government black projects now? That is a question i would love to know the answer to

        That actually makes some sense: The hot fusion process is a total failure. 53 years of total failure. Lol, how the hell could we spin THAT kind of track record to one of OUR bosses, eh?

        There is that huge laser array thingie at Sandia. But that is not a tokamak, it is aiming several dozen big lasers at a single point to get tremendous heat. However, there no evidence that this can ever be made to be self-sustaining.

        Lol, maybe we should turn things around, and start shilling their forums, and whine about how they can't loop it, so it must be a fraud


        • #19
          Actually, Philo Farnsworth successfully did hot fusion over 40 years ago. He was successful, and yet his research was buried. Your buddies in research may be the nicest guys in the world, but they are held under a tight rein by the money men as I'm sure you know. Sadly, I don't hold out much hope for a breakthrough coming from academia.

          The Fusor Reactor - Dr. Philo Farnsworth - Lost Science

          Having said that, I have to agree that LENR research is definitely a good avenue to explore, and one that doesn't require a million-dollar lab to do.


          • #20
            Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
            My latest article on this subject, "self-published" this time

            Jibbguy's Blog: 2009: the Year that Perpetual Motion Ended

            Where's the Martin Grosenick “You-Tube” video of the famous “Michelson-Morley Experiment; or can the video be found elsewhere?

            - Schpankme


            • #21
              Interferometer Video

              @ Schpankme;

              you can find the video at: YouTube - Extended Michelson-Morley Interferometer experiment. English version
              also some other similar experiments.
              Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


              • #22
                Shamus, no i must disagree with the assumptions they are held in control by "money men". The vast majority of people are not getting anything but their usual salaries, which are in the $80 - 120k range generally... not bad, certainly.. but not exactly pay-off money to perpetrate the New World Order's nefarious plans And it is exactly what they would get anyway... They are generally paid by their Associate or Tenure status with raises for seniority. "Stars" are paid more, if they publish a lot and get a lot of attention for the University. But these people are a small minority.

                All we ever hear about this supposed "money" going to University scientists is rumors.

                I am not saying everything is wonderful in the "pro-" camp either... And certainly Gore is a horrible choice to have as a figure head, and he has told some whoppers. In fact his being so involved in this issue is part of what smells about the whole thing.

                Imo, this is a manufactured scheme to discredit and confuse everything, so nothing at all about ending oil and coal as the fuels of choice on this planet is done (with the added benefit of splitting the dissenting folks at either end of the spectrum into 2 camps so they won't unite and actually be a threat to the status quo).

                It is a brilliant plan, and working perfectly so far.

                I think the key to understanding these controversies is this: Know that Alex Jones and the others pushing climategate are demonizing everyone they can. Please listen carefully to their language, it is classic tactics for dehumanizing and demonizing opponents, there is no question of this. The only question is, if they are doing it for an ulterior motive or not. Now, they may be right to an extent, but only to an extent.

                People are looking at this in way too "black and white" terms. BOTH SIDES ARE DARK GRAY. There is plenty of B-S on both sides. And the result is to eliminate any challenge to Oil and coal.

                Wow, what a coincidence... and how nice for them

                The other day, i heard Lord Mocton say on Alex Jones show regarding the scandals:

                "This will be the end of the Liberals".

                Lol, if that doesn't clue you to this being deliberately politicized, then i don't know what will. Gee, i thought we were too smart now for the old red-blue polarization schemes... i guess not


                Regarding Gerry Vassilatos , i must say that from a serious researcher's point of view, his data is often meaningless. His books may as well be "novels", from what he provides in the way of proof. He could be completely right, but that is not the point. If i put my name on something, i need a little more than "Gerry Vassilatos said so" He is a great story-teller and i enjoy his books. But every time i have tried to find alternate sources for the stuff i only heard from him; i can't find a thing to back it. Although i often do see his stuff parroted and cited by others on some sites, which is not the same thing at all, and is hardly helpful. Lol once i followed a trail, regarding the old telegraph lines back 150 years ago, that went through 3 articles, each citing the next, to only lead back to Vassilatos... Which was a total dead end as far as the research went.


                • #23
                  There is no doubt that things are being politicized in the AGW debate; it's the same old Divide et Impera going on like it has for centuries. I'm not going to repeat my arguments here, but I think both sides are definitely dirty and the issue as you point out is not as black and white as people think. And I will say no more about that here.

                  I think you missed my point on academe: What I'm saying is not that scientists are being paid off (although I'm sure it happens), on the contrary, what I'm saying is that the money men control what gets funded and what does not. Which means if you go too far off the beaten path from what the Scientific Orthodoxy/Powers That Be deems acceptable, you will be damned. Simple as that.

                  As far as Vassilatos goes, I feel your pain. Doing research on things that Vassilatos talks about (hell, just about anything of any real import for that matter) using Google these days is pretty much useless (a quick check of Google Books shows absolutely no preview available for "Lost Science"). However, his book "Secrets of Cold War Technology" has an extensive bibliography. I don't own a copy of "Lost Science" (where that excerpt on the Fusor comes from) but I would expect there to be a bibliography in there too.

                  Aaaaannnd... After a quick check of the TOC of "Lost Science" on Amazon (at least they let you see SOMETHING, unlike Google, the bastards) a bibliography is indeed listed. It's just too bad a copy of the DT version costs $40! So I doubt he's making stuff up, but a look at his sources would of course be definitive.


                  • #24
                    Cold fusion heading to the grave as the scientist is still using einstein knowledge according to the Correa's. Funding for LENR are gradually reduced because many can not produce consistent result.

                    Correa Solution the Cold Fusion Enigma
                    In our view, there are six broad reasons why cold-fusioneers are, and have been, off-track in their endeavour:

                    1. The notion that a single-step reaction could explain the PF effect and sidestep all complications; this was most unrealistic, as the process responsible for that effect would then have been a simple one to reproduce and control, not the difficult, erratic and elusive process that it has proved to be.

                    2. A confusion - in concept and by dint of bad measurement techniques - between anomalous heat evolution and liberation of energy in excess of breakeven; this made it sound like the field was going somewhere when it was not going anywhere, not even into the complex nature of the anomalous heat phenomenon.

                    3. An effective incapacity to determine the true carriers of energy and the end-point originators of the anomalous heat, and thus a lack of effective techniques to promote its production and capture it.

                    4. A misunderstanding of the equivocal role of nuclear ash.

                    5. A near-complete disregard of electrodynamic conditions.

                    6. A fixation on the loading of PD and other metal lattices with deuterium (this was already the substance of the criticism that Dr. Mallove had addressed to Talbot Chubb, in his ICCF-10 presentation entitled "LENR and 'Cold Fusion' Excess Heat: their relation to other anomalous microphysical energy experiments and emerging new technologies") - which did nothing to isolate the real instances of necessary compression of fusing atoms along the desired pathway.

                    The common feature of all these reasons for failure is that CF researchers and modern physicists know very little about the structure of the atom and, in particular, about its nuclear structure. Hence, they have no detailed idea of the exact processes involved in nuclear transitions, just a very rough one. To make clear how far our own research into these matters has departed from these errors, we have decided to reveal some of our own work in this area - just enough to situate where the real scientific problems lie. Accordingly, we will now insert our own evaluation of the scientific errors inherent in the submitted review, and introduce our solution, the aetherometric or "Correa solution" to the so-called Cold Fusion Enigma:


                    • #25
                      i think you will find that OUTSIDE of the U.S., the results are MUCH more positive and consistent regarding LENR

                      Here is PARTIAL listing of Scientific Papers that describe successful LENR experiments:

                      Files Alphabetical

                      And of course Energetics of Israel blew the cork off of this subject last year, with their "superwave"-induced COP>25 claim... Which appears nearly identical to the Naval Research Lab's system. The only thing i don't like about this style of LENR is the heavy use of Lithium... it is a horrible pollutant, one of the worst. And it appears from other work that it is not an actual requirement

                      It is important to note, that the Correas have a competing system. Based on "Abnormal Glow", it is probably closer to what Josef Papp did with plasma ignition of noble gasses (that certainly existed and worked, as the suppressed Cal Tech U data of the late 1960's proved), or what the Blacklight Power people are now doing (and apparently now also "Chava", the corp that bought-out Mark Goldes' company, which has at least 3 claimed F-E technologies, plus "room temperature superconductors" they are supposed to be working on all at once).

                      In these above cases (but NOT with LENR), the usual claim is that the energy comes from Hydrinos; or what ever they name it with the company, which is H electrons moving down to a lower orbit.

                      This "Hydrino" effect appears to not be involved in LENR.
                      Last edited by jibbguy; 03-15-2010, 03:54 PM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                        Michelson-Morley Interferometer experiment

                        Thank you for the link; and I hope to see more of your informative discoveries back on Web/YouTube some day.

                        Best regards,

                        - Schpankme

