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Patent 462,418 Method and Apparatus for Electrical Conversion and Distribution

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  • Patent 462,418 Method and Apparatus for Electrical Conversion and Distribution


    I searched this forum and found that this patent has been mentioned in more than 14 threads, but none has been developed in his account.

    I have read a couple of days ago, an Interview of Tesla in 1916 to a New York Law office regarding his apparatus and patents with a goal at protecting his interests in case of a court. Tesla then was 60 years old.


    From the first things discussed (with the end of formalities and praise) was this peculiar patent. Using Tesla's own words according to K.L. Corum* and J.F. Corum, Ph.D.** are:

    " This is one of most beautiful things ever produced in the way of apparatus: I take a generator of any kind. With the generator I charge a condenser.
    Then I discharge the condenser under conditions which result in the production of vibrations. Now, it was known since Lord Kelvin that the
    condenser discharge would give this vibration, but I perfected my apparatus to such a degree that it became an instrument utilizable in the arts, in a
    much broader way than Lord Kelvin had contemplated as possible. In fact, years afterwards when Lord Kelvin honored me by presenting to the
    British Association one of my oscillators of a perfected form, he said that it was "a wonderful development and destined to be of great importance."

    I personally thought that this type of patent was to step-down currents created by Tesla coils. Instead, the man says he uses a generator of ANY KIND, and this way - as the patent says -transforms the energy.
    1) To what i may add?

    The interview continues..
    "...E] is supposed to be a condenser. That [A] is the generator. Now then, supposing that this is a generator of
    steady pressure. I can obtain oscillations of any frequency I desire. I can make them damped or undamped. I can make them of one direction or
    alternating in direction as I choose. At G are devices which operate—lamps, or anything else. Some experimenters who have gone after me have
    found a difficulty. They said,
    "No, we cannot produce a constant train of oscillations."
    Well, it is not my fault. I never have had the slightest difficulty. I produced constant oscillations and I have described how I produced them. Anyone
    who has no more than my own skill can do it."

    Ok, now i am little confused. Tesla talks about oscillations when a condenser is discharged. Naturally we all tend to think, the damped, resonance that is created by the LCR created when the condenser is discharged...

    But things tend complicated when Tesla says, that the oscillations could be ONE way or alternating.
    2) What kind of oscillation could be one way and what alternating?

    I have been reading a free energy article by Bruce Perreault regarding his Ion Valve (the kind of articles that the net is full of) . In this article Perreault makes some interesting notes. I quote:

    "In one experimental set-up, it was confirmed that when a charged capacitor is discharged through a spark gap that the stored energy is transferred by way of high frequency electrical oscillations. It was found that these oscillations occur directly before the discharge of the capacitor, thus the term, pre-glow discharge. It was found that during the pre-glow discharge plateau, energy is transferred from a primary to a secondary electrical coil. Directly after pre-glow discharge, a surge of current is measured. At the point of current surge is where most of the stored energy in the capacitor is released as wasted heat."

    In case this statement is genuine then we have a starking similarity to Tesla's sayings.

    Spark gaps, spark gaps, spark gaps.... Almost everywhere in the free energy literature of FE devices there is a spark gap. Either for well understood reasons or misunderstood reasons, the spark gap usage is peculiar. So much have been said about those, that is futile to repeat a portion of them.

    An interesting thing that Bruce Perreault has said in this article, it is that spark gap geometry and materials used are of GREAT importance. He specify materials to do also.

    he also saying that the spark gap must be quenched as more as possible so as the actual current discharge to be at minimum. (he says current is waste)

    Tesla in the interview discussed says "Then I discharge the condenser under conditions which result in the production of vibrations"

    3) What are the conditions?

    Further more,

    Don Smith in his Tesla Conference teachings says... Tesla Electric Conversion Concept - Proof of Concept Project - click on the excerpt link. Practically he states the tesla Patent as the key to FE.


  • #2
    back and forth - inator.
    up and down - inator
    in and outanator
    side to sideanator.

    ("My oscillators of a perfected form" says tesla.)
    He didn't have transistors. What he used ?? was... I think resonant cavities? but I may be completely mistaken.
    But I do know JT is pretty much that, take a constant pressure and produce oscillations.
    Teslas was much stronger I bet, he had advanced vaccum tube technology while we nowadays don't really. If we can find good tubes, it is scavange or expensive. We have transistors and solid state though.

    Thank you for sharing that
    Last edited by CosmicFarmer; 01-05-2010, 03:06 PM. Reason: jt


    • #3
      Originally posted by baroutologos View Post

      I searched this forum and found that this patent has been mentioned in more than 14 threads, but none has been developed in his account.


      Spark gaps, spark gaps, spark gaps.... Almost everywhere in the free energy literature of FE devices there is a spark gap. Either for well understood reasons or misunderstood reasons, the spark gap usage is peculiar. So much have been said about those, that is futile to repeat a portion of them.

      I believed I mentioned this in the DS thread about the spark gaps and continuous oscillator but maybe wasn't clear...

      The amount of energy ( specifically current ) generated in a spark gap is V(C/L)^.5 . If you charge a cap to say 2500 volts, the cap being a .5uf and discharged it into an inductor of .5uH at the point of discharge you would have 2500 amps flowing in the inductor. That momentary discharge would be the equivilant of over 6 megawatts.

      The Hertz resonator used this same technique to create magnetic resonance to send energy from one ring to another, both being equal resonant circuits.

      Also look into the emp devices or more specifically the "exploding wire" type. This also uses the spark gap to generate massive current discharges through an LC but the connecting wire is to small to handle the load, it basically explodes the wire causing the tank circuit to quit just before peak current and all the energy goes into the environment as an electromagnetic pulse. A 400 watt input can create a multimegawatt discharge.

      Also investigate sonar which also uses similar technologies, resonant magnetic waves.
      Last edited by dragon; 01-19-2012, 03:43 AM.


      • #4
        @ dragon,

        i do not think this is so simplified. The energy contained in the inductor has to do only with current's strengh and not time. (E = H*I^2 * 1/2)
        If we get momentarily such amperage that would be equal energy surplus. obviously it is not that simple.

        Try answer tmy questiosn 1,2,3



        • #5
          oscillation from cap discharge

          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #6
            Thanks Aaron for this oscillogram.

            The small oscillations after the firing and cap discharging in the tube maybe the result of "mass oscillations" as said by spokane?

            If so, they definetely have a electrical signature.

            Perhaps we should start from the basics. Try to replicate Tesla's patent as simple as it is, more specifically the thick copper bar experiment and then we can judje better i suppose the phenomenon of conversion.


            ps: need an o-scope in that case


            • #7
              Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
              @ dragon,

              i do not think this is so simplified. The energy contained in the inductor has to do only with current's strengh and not time. (E = H*I^2 * 1/2)
              If we get momentarily such amperage that would be equal energy surplus. obviously it is not that simple.

              Try answer tmy questiosn 1,2,3

              But... if you have 2 turns in L with 2500 amps you have 5000 amp turns which relates to 2.4 Tesla in flux. This rivals most neo's on the market right now. What would happen if you wound a flat spiral with 20 turns? I'm not sure either but I have the intentions of finding out.

              I'm just speculating, but my theory is based on an earlier test I did with a single turn coil pushed by the spark gap and was reading just over 10,000 gauss on the meter.

              It may not be that easy... or is it?
              Last edited by dragon; 01-19-2012, 03:44 AM.


              • #8
                As draft as it could get, i arranged my HV cap used in Gray setup for discharging in a isolation transformer i have handy around. (i have mentioned it many times)

                Output leads of the transformer lit various bulbs from 3 watts to 10 watts so far.
                It seems that at best point of my current noob setup, the power obtained by the lamps is quite efficient. (in the order i dare to say 80% +)

                If you are consider that a 555 timer pulses a transistor into a ignition coil that charges a 26 nf at 4-5 Kv that discharges into the transformer and the load its connected to the output of it, results are good enough i could say.
                RF like spikes have been detected by a NE2 lamp at the output.


                Apart from that, i emphasize (as the ambiguous sayings of Don Smith) that this very Tesla patent, bared from all transformers setups, at its most simple embodiment is also a key in understanding the whole "radiant energy" field. Its all about of standard electricity trasformation (as the patent say, otherwise it would not).

                Tesla would not use a generator to charge a cap and discharge it afterwards to power directly loads if any merit have not been around.

                we must obtain a good understanding of what this conversion is all about in all its aspects.


                ps: A stupid question... How Tesla recognized and calculated oscilations and alternations. Had Tesla had back in 1800's an oscilloscope??
                Last edited by baroutologos; 01-06-2010, 02:22 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by baroutologos View Post

                  I searched this forum and found that this patent (462,418) has been mentioned in more than 14 threads, but none has been developed in his account.
                  It is a very similar circuit to Don smith and Kapadzne


                  • #10
                    Just a few weeks ago I visited the Coral Castle...

                    In Ed's quarters, many electrical components are mounted on a board in random fashion, suggesting that whatever Ed accomplished... he did so with many of the parts displayed.

                    I took note of the following parts - variable capacitors (similar to below) - coils on glass bottles - coils with cores of ceramic type materials.

                    Parts board in the Castle.

                    Relevant? Probably.


                    • #11
                      i spent some time experimenting with spark gaps in the conversion style of the patent spirit.

                      As many, so i managed to obtain a white light coming out of a 100 watt incadescence bulb attributed to impedance phenomena. it is more or less the same as effects produced with a Tesla coil, but this one is stronger but discontinuous in performance.

                      More particularly, when the 26nf cap discharges in my new setup (now involving carbon rods) and when discharges are above some strength, instead of heating (little) the bulb filament, the current prefers at ionizing the gas inside the bulb and completing circuit, rather than pass through it (filament)

                      see photos.

                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by baroutologos; 06-09-2010, 07:41 AM.


                      • #12
                        wow! this is cool! congratulations!


                        • #13
                          Very well done man! I remember very clearly from Secrets of Cold War Technology that there was talk of a brilliant blue/white light eminating from the bulbs! This is exactly what we are seeing. Congratulations Baroutologos, you've utilized radiant energy!

                          Scribd account;


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Raui View Post
                            Very well done man! I remember very clearly from Secrets of Cold War Technology that there was talk of a brilliant blue/white light eminating from the bulbs! This is exactly what we are seeing. Congratulations Baroutologos, you've utilized radiant energy!

                            Let's not forget that Tesla's bulbs were single carbon filament/plate, unlike anything we use today for illumination. Perhaps that's also worth exploring...
                            Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
                              ... conditions which result in the production of vibrations.

                              The interview continues..
                              ... Some experimenters who have gone after me have
                              found a difficulty. They said,
                              "No, we cannot produce a constant train of oscillations."
                              Well, it is not my fault. I never have had the slightest difficulty.
                              ... Anyone
                              who has no more than my own skill can do it."[/I]

                              But things tend complicated when Tesla says, that the oscillations could be ONE way or alternating.
                              2) What kind of oscillation could be one way and what alternating?

                              This s very well put together, Baroutologos.

                              I have been working with the secondary from a joule thief for the last year.
                              I have learned a great deal in the past year, mostly from my own experiments.

                              I am very happy to see this conversation because it confirms for me that the spark gap "disruptive discharge" was merely the only convenient way in 1891 to produce the oscillations needed for free energy.
                              I can produce thousands of volts at thousands of Khz.
                              These are high vibrations and very well conform to what tesla is talking about.

                              I think people make this much more complex than necessary.
                              Yesterday I made a little video as a stepping stone to discussing these things on the ou forum.
                              With a single 1.3v rechargeable battery, I turned on 3 unmodified 110v lightbulbs in succession.

                              I am very glad to see that the 100w filament light bulb can and does go on with a cap in the right place.

                              Will someone please describe to me exactly where and how this cap is in place so it turns on this 100w bulb?

                              Perhaps 1067v at 11Khz is not enough, but I believe it is, and I believe I am missing the important part which is how and where to add the cap to make the filament bulb glow!

                              Please help, and thank you for this discussion.

                              The scope shows spiky volts sometimes going only up, and in some configurations going both ways. It does not seem to make any difference to a cfl or a bank of leds.


                              my little video if you want to see it.

