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Patent 462,418 Method and Apparatus for Electrical Conversion and Distribution

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  • #16
    Hello Jeanna,

    its good to have a fellow woman experimenter in this man dominated field

    I have little experience with the JT circuit although some so i am not fit to comment your setup.
    By the way, i am way more fascinated to the energetic nature of things and hence i prefer the high voltage disruptive capacitative discharges.

    Regarding the "hairpin" effect, I had a conversation with Mr Mckay, and he has the perception that a "mass oscillation" takes place or put in other words, from the constant taping of the cap discharge on the thick (0.5''+) bent copper bar (that's the original "hairpin") there are created two frequencies.

    I will quote the all time classic book "The inventions, researchers and Writings of Nikola Tesla" by Thomas Commerford Martin.

    In pages 190-197, he describes the energy conversion apparatus as Tesla said it in the lectures. Those pages seem a little confusing regarding its structure and some references are made regarding excess energy capture problem. Again, this method of conversion from capacitative discharges on the one hand is described as best for

    "stepping down currents of high voltages" - true and also for the production of novel phenomena as that with the copper bar.

    In regard to this experiment with the copper bar (i.e. hairpin) - the thicker the bar the best for the production of the effect - and he says that "In reality, the analogy is not quite complete, for in the disruptive discharge we have a fundamentally instantaneous variation of comparatively low frequency, and a superimposed harmonic vibration and the laws that governing the two currents are not the same for both"

    Interpreting, the former may well be the RLC resonance of the circuit that may ranges from, say 500Khz to 10 Mhz (depends capacitor value and thick copper bar inductunce) and the second may be the "mass oscillation" or the natural resonance of a single thick coil of wire that can go well to hundreds or even Ghz range.

    If Tesla was able to spot nodes upon the thick copper bar, and the nodes are spaced few inches far, then be assured its 100's Mhz range.

    I continue reading, Afterwards, pages 193 (end) -194 says "When the currents charging the condenser are of the same direction (DC), and it is desired that the converted currents also be of one direction, the resistance of the discharging circuit should of course be chosen that there no oscillations"

    IMO he talks about the RLC ringing elimination by inserting resistance or we can do it with a diode across the cap help at avoiding reversals of current.

    For sure this kind of book has ambiguous meaning, and its up to competent experimenters to find out why oscillations (RCL I think part) shoould not be desired?

    Finally Tesla concludes the lecture by saying the disruptive cap discharges bear an enormous potential in many aspects of the electro-art and makes the most skept to be optimist.



    • #17

      Thanks for this reply Bar....os,
      I find it well described.
      I have been hoping to find the same value or maybe a good enough value(=output) from pulsing without the unacceptable noise levels required by those spark.

      , i am way more fascinated to the energetic nature of things and hence i prefer the high voltage disruptive capacitative discharges.
      This is interesting and I am glad you stated it.
      I am most interested in inductors and what I can get them to do to spin and drive the frequencies higher and higher.

      It is always helpful for all of us with different approaches to share the results we get from those different approaches. IMO.



      • #18
        In case someone else might be interested in, I just got these neon transformers off eBay ( Cirqus Voltaire Star Wars Ep 1 Pinball Neon Transformer - eBay (item 150395164428 end time Jan-04-10 20:47:06 PST) ).

        They are Ventex 1510-12, where the input is 12V DC and output 1,500V. What's neat about it is that you can regulate the HV output by feeding any DC up to 12V which gives much room for experimentation at the threshold of HV.
        Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


        • #19
          Paulness Great illustartion

          OK, Mr Paulness gives two beutiful successful replications of this important Tesla patent.

          YouTube - Tesla Radiant Energy
          YouTube - Karl Palsness AEPC 2009 Tesla Hairpin Circuit Part 1 (see the whole serie, its amusing)

          So, Mr Mckay is right. As Paulsness asserts, and (Tesla repeats) the effects are greatly enhanced by having MASS to the "hairpin" circuit. The more mass, the merrier.

          See the special lighting of the bulbs. The gas glow inside rather the filament, as i successfuly have done.
          Have fun!

          IMO this patent is a milestone toward whole Tesla technology.

          This have been replicated at this forum

          Karl Palsness is also a member.

          @ karl, in the presentation in the youtube video series, you mention a coil sucking radiant energy and best means to utilize it is via a copper mesh aka Gray tube.

          Can you explain your view on this?

          Last edited by baroutologos; 01-22-2010, 12:55 PM.


          • #20
            Every atom (of some elements) are orientated in Earth magnetic field, like a small magnet. The rest you should easily imagine.It's like a compass.


            • #21
              Spark Gap tesla Coil vs Solid State Tesla Coil (kAcher)

              OK, today, in the spirit of resonance experiments that i have undertaken, i assembled a Tesla coil, utilizing balanced capacitors, my little magnetic spark-gap, NST and FWBR.

              I have again in the past tried to operate a Tesla coil, but i was unsuccessful.
              I have noticed by the way, that when a Tesla coil is "shock excited", even though far from optimum performance, it creates long sparks that bite.


              I used my ready made coil, the very same specs that is being used by my Kacher (Solid state Tesla coil) 11mH, 23.6 ohm, 24AWG, 3'' diam, 28'' length.

              After several capacitors connections and geometries tried, the best one seem to be that routinelly utilized by Tesla i.e. two caps being symmetrically placed and the spark gap in between.
              My primary cable used is too many turns, because, i wanted to use somewhat larger inductunce than capacitance, in order to achieve a minimum 100 pulsed per sec with my 40 watt automobile NST.


              Even at best tuning of this setup, at that pulse rate 100+ cap discharges per sec (two 25nf, 10Kv soviet army teflon caps used in series) my spark-gap tesla coil (SGTC) does not have smooth resonance. this is easily seen by holding a FL tube in hand that its light is faint and flickers.

              BUT, the streamers created by the Spark-gap Tesla coil, are FAR more energetic than in Kacher's. Kacher with topload does not make any streamer at full power, neither it seems anything in darkness. When a metallic object is approached its streamers are purple, quiet, and i can even hold the metal bared hand with little if any punishmenting but a weird "hot" sensation. Streamers of Kacher with topload used (SEC style topload) are 0.5-1'' long with a round object approached.

              The spark-gap Tesla coil, on the contrary, at best tuning, it creates blue streamers as a gas stove from its topload. (see phot in dark) When a ground wire is approached it make white-purple continuous discharges, thunder like, with loud noise and if no ground is used and accidentally pass through my body, they sting bad. They can be as 3'' long,

              kacher consumes some 80-100 watts for the smooth and nice resonance effect, while the spark-gap TC have this erratic, non stable, yet fully energetic behaviour with less than 40 watts.


              I am far from experienced with Tesla coils and resonators, but the spark-gap Tesla coil has little if any resemblence to the Solid state one.
              One thing i confirmed is that when i exchanged the magnetic spark-gap for a usual two electrod one, the perfomance declined. The spark-gap is an integral part of this "Shock excitation" tesla coil.

              Bottom line, my spark-gap Tesla coil behaves more like a brute "flyback transformer" or ignition coil rather than a smooth resonator.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by baroutologos; 03-05-2010, 10:43 PM.


              • #22
                My Spark_gap Tesla coil as resonator...

                I am starting to think how my spark-gap Tesla coil can work as resonator.

                i think it cannot. in order to achive smooth resonance, you have to tap the secondary coil, in the appropriate phase with an input power and achieve greater current displacement and voltage.

                My spark-gap tesla coil, is rather a collection of intense spikes and the subsequent dumped resonance that follows. Also, i am little confident that the spark-gap fires at exactly same time intervals.

                More probably, it fires at tiny irregular intervals (tiny) making impossible the sustaining of a pure resonance, but the shock-pulsing generates (i believe) a collection of enormous spikes, that make the appearance of a resonator of huge momentum.

                The cfl tube and the neon lamp proves my case.

                I am startign at focusing my attention at the spark-gap. With same amount of energy, a good spark-gap can make a lot of diffrence. At least in sparks performance.

                In another thread, i have point out from the Colorado Springs notes, the effect (some call it radiant one) that Tesla have observed that the bigger in mass oscillators are and the greater the quenching of the spark-gap leads to greater performance.
                Last edited by baroutologos; 03-06-2010, 01:35 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
                  he also saying that the spark gap must be quenched as more as possible so as the actual current discharge to be at minimum. (he says current is waste)

                  Tesla in the interview discussed says "Then I discharge the condenser under conditions which result in the production of vibrations"
                  Sounds very similar to PAGD. PAGD is a spark/glow that only work in vacuum with little current (<1Amp). The input has to be DC, and the PAGD will produce dampened AC. Just like SSG or any other disrupted current in a coil.


                  • #24
                    I continue experimenting till my electronic NST burnt eventually

                    I proceed to my spark-gap Tesla coil ver 1.1, that is to remove the primary winding and re-wind it making the coupling somewhat looser and like a inverse cone, because the only one tended to draw sparks from coil to primary.

                    Although coil behaviour become somwehat smoothened the sparks lost a portion of their fierceness. This is make sense because it does not work as a resonator rather than a flyback arrestor.


                    I long wanted to see if there is any power to the streamers. I improvised a stand that a carbon electrode was brought near the topload of the coil, drawing streamers that way and the other end was passed through a FWBR, 10Kv, 1 Amp, 100nS rise time, tested and works great in 500Khz circumstances.
                    The rectified current was feeding 125nf, 10Kv caps that had a spark-gap fixed on them with a firing distance 2mm (i estimate to fire at 5Kv)

                    At best, if though streamers were furious, noisy and explosive, the spark-gap fired at a rate once per 1 1/2 or 2 secs. Using standard maths, i calculated streamers wattage collected nearly to 3w. (38 w input)

                    The eye can be misleading, but if you compare the streamers of a Tesla coil issuing from the topload and the streamer created by a high-voltage transformer, the latter seems completely inferior in comparison to TC streamers, yet in standard electrical terms its power is vast more great.

                    I do not know, but instictively tend to believe that TC sparks and streamers are a lot of power, yet we have not figure out a way to tap it. see photos comparison of NST streamer and TC streamer.


                    Finally i made an arrangent. I used x 2 capacity in my primary circuit, and arrange primary coil for best sparks condition. In order to preserve the fire rate that dropped in half at the particular spark-gap distance, i closed the spark-gap a bit. Overally, with the same energy input, it seems to me that the higher the charging voltage, the stronger the sparks produced via this shock-excitation method.
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by baroutologos; 03-09-2010, 05:38 PM.


                    • #25
                      This patent as a step-down transformer

                      This patent in another context, as that mentioned by Commerford Martin, can be suitably used as a step-down tranformer with a smoothing action.

                      Imagine you have a source of 50Kv, at 200Khz and you want to converted into useable electricity to charge efficiently batteries, light lamps etc. This patent is fit for it.

                      You gonna argue that can be done with a transformer, but high frquency prohibits that, if not voltage alone.

                      So by charging a cap by rectifying (you need rectification) the HV HF current you can charge a cap to a voltage (as much as rectifier and cap permits) and upon spark-gap break-down, you can discharge it to a common transformer's coil.

                      A secondary could be used to capture the collapsing magnetic field. This way we are not concerned much about turns ratio etc, since the inductor (i have repeatedly confirmed it in SSG setups) can collapse either at high-voltage low amperage instantly or lesser voltage more amperage gradually. Its something like self adjusting till all the stored magnetic energy is dessipated to a load.

                      This plan can be materialized, without also a rectifier, but the cap should be large enough so as to discharge some say 200 times per sec by operating at 200Khz. this can happen only if the cap is adjusted to resonance rise, and a discharge happens (at a predetermined resonance peak 10Kv) at say 1000 alterations of current.
                      Difficult, but feasible.

                      Clever plan by the way, indication of Tesla's genius.

                      Below experimental proof of high efficiency (estimated) conversion
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by baroutologos; 03-11-2010, 11:20 AM.


                      • #26
                        What is that jar in the upper left corner?


                        • #27

                          My FWBR, 10Kv, 1amp, 100ns rise time, and becaused at some amperage get heated, i put the diodes in a jar filled with mineral oil


                          • #28
                            Resonance to its maximum - A magnifier approach.


                            Have played with Solid state resonance as well as spark-gap intermitent resonance setups, i decided its time to go big and study resonance in a Tesla coil setup a bit better. (as well as potential OU in it)

                            One of Tesla's last patents was the magnifier, a direct consequence of Colorado Springs Experimentation. (pat. 1,119,732)

                            This is essentially a normal Tesla coil with the difference that restricts losses to a minimum (tighter coupling) and has it is indented at creating large oscillating currents from ground to topload, that ripple in earth's surface.


                            Here are some photos of my making. Still project under construction. I will pulse it with various ways and i report findings.

                            ps: A gram of experimenting equals A TON of theories sometimes
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by baroutologos; 03-29-2010, 09:45 AM.


                            • #29
                              Bartoutologos, nice build.

                              From looking at the components you have made, maybe your primary coil is a little too close to the secondary? - Unless you have lots of thick dielectric insulator between the two it will arc through it. I know this is your aim for a tight coupling though. The secondary otherwise looks nice. Your extra coil might work better if it is a little shorter and pehaps a little fatter. The large torroid on top is a very good size though. - Just my 2 cents worth of input.
                              "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


                              • #30
                                I wont expect too much strain bewteen primary and drum coil. It has 36 turns (6 primary) of 60m wire and 1mH inductunce. Coupling factor according to software goes to 70-80%. (i think too much it says )

                                Nevertheless, i have added 6-7 sheets of 0.35mm Mylar insulation that hold more than 6Kv each DC.

                                ps: I wanted to look like the frame above my bed hahahaha
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by baroutologos; 03-29-2010, 03:52 PM.

