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Open letter to P. Lindemann

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  • #76
    hi folks, since were throwing out ideas in this thread, i've been really thinking about the hyperbolic spiral in nature and it sure seems like its a universal energy form. It's everywhere in nature literally and even printed on all sorts of bugs and many other life forms, it seems like something is trying to show us this blueprint. these spirals are somewhat akin to ringing down in coils, though the natural spirals gain in energy towards the tapered ring down, though i bet if we could create that kind of waveform in coils, interesting things might happen. any thoughts.
    peace love light


    • #77
      Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
      @ Sebosfato - I'm more than happy to reconsider my theory if I find ANY evidence that suggests otherwise.

      However, I have investigated the conventional theories for many years. I wrote this book (which is free) on every theory available, and one of every exception to the known ''laws''.


      And when I put it all together, using conventional theory, it simply didn't fit. I've since found out more that doesn't fit the accepted understanding, but even one exception means the rule cannot be true. It can only be an indication of the norm, not a description of all possibilities.

      Years after I wrote that book, I've come to the understanding that, to the best of my knowledge, and without exception - only by the inclusion of a kinetic massless aether, and the consideration of mass as being formed by vortices of strain in the aether, can the anomalies be explained.

      So, forgive my response to you earlier. I am well informed, and as such resented your comment about having to listen to 'BS'.

      Read the book I wrote, and see that it doesn't fit together without a dynamic massless aether.

      All that you are does not end at your fingertips, nor stop at your toes. You are the light that enters your eyes and the soil beneath your feet. And you are a brother, who deserves my respect and understanding.

      Love and light
      i'm sorry to have quoted you before that sentence wasn't directed to you. was in generally. I believe we are everything, we are pieces of something. Like you said! =) And we can travel in the future sometimes. The time line is not linear, mass equal to energy, and time have mirrors that make you see it. You are my brother too and i'm not going to fell happy until i can make all the family live good. I'm working for this since i was 20 years, old 4 years ago--

      I'm going to check your book! thanks

      Some musicians says: all the music created after bach are just copies.

      Best Regards


      • #78
        unappreciative comments

        I do not seem to have any problem getting SG machine's to work. In all my testing I have never destroyed a battery, most of the time I use dead ones and bring them back to life. Oh I know it's a ghost in the battery.

        Yes I would bet you would like to see that Solar Kick charger. You were not looking at the Solar Kick, you were looking at the Tesla Switch Solar Charger, and that was no kidding around. You have all that money then it should not be to hard to hire a bunch of engineers to do what I did . Yes you get less out if you do it wrong. Go after Orbo they are going to save you now, that is Snake Oil.

        My position is if you want to build it you build it with your own faults, not mine. That SG machine is just to gain an understanding of negative energy, nothing more.
        I have watched what people build, most of the time it is a mismatch of part's because they don't have your money, some work some don't. If the machine does not work then why keep trying Richard.

        You must also remember I'm a real company and we do not let some things out, or talk about them, I broke my rule on this one.
        You have all those Solar Panels you should be fine. Real world meters in this one. We already have all the solar people lined up for this, they already tested it. I'm going to help with this device and not hinder the world.

        Another thing, you can get the patents I posted, in fact you could buy the whole thing out if you want, then you could give it away as free. I would bet if you did it you and the others would not give anything away. So do not be so unappreciative with what we all have given you already. The way some of you are speaking here will get you nothing from us. And I will remember the names on this one.

        John Bedini

        Originally posted by linesrg View Post
        Good Morning Again,

        I'll withdraw my use of the term amps and repeat the underlying message which is factual and not in the least misleading.

        It doesn't matter how you measure the energy out of the input battery or the energy recovered from the output battery or how much allowance you make for the mechanical power you can extract from a rotor based SG one fact remains incontrovertible.

        You get less out than you put in. I don't care whether you want to hide behind the differences between efficiency and COP - it is in fact academic in this regard. I have yet to see anybody post results that demonstrate a different answer when the tests are conducted properly. I have sadi before that some people use hopelessly undersized resistors to produce what look like wonderful results without any recognition of the Peukert effect.

        It is also a fcat that extending testings appears to show a deterioration in the results as if there is some 'hidden depths' to the battery which slowly disapper with extended testing

        A machine can only be considered as free energy or OU if you can derive more out than in on a continuous basis.

        Frankly most people would be better off investing in a ground or air source heat pump if they want to see a device with a COP>1 - at least those results are broadly undisputed.

        Please do me a favour, don't quote certain people as a source of irrefutbale information as some people in this sphere can barely find their own behind without guidance.

        I keep indicating that I have quite a large sum of money in a bank account into which I can reach to get to any point on the planet to witness somebody showing me a Bedini based device(s) which they are using to provide useful amounts of power in a way which most reasonable people would consider to constitute 'free energy' i.e. if using say 1kW of solar panels then they can show they continuously use more than 1kW of power as a result of any machine/ battery storage system.

        I have been fobbed off with smart bottom replies before but the fact remains nobody publicly or privately has contacted me.

        I would like to see the Solar Kick that JB showed the other day do what he claimed at some 53W in 148W out in the real world.

        I have 3.75kW of solar PV panels and 5400AHr of T105's to test it all on!! Bring it on.

        As I keepsaying I want to believe, but I have yet to see anything and clearly neither have others judging by the way such as the Tesla Switch thread is going.


        John Bedini


        • #79
          Hi John Bedini,

          Those video's I posted for everyone to watch and free your minds also is for you and Dr. Lindemann. For if you don't know of Edward Bernays and the system of control that is all around us you too will be unable to see past they imposed rules on your life that are not your own.

          I'd like to thank you for what little part you did for humanity thus far as the clock is ticking and we only have around 22 months before the Ruling Class might fully collapse the dollar. I really don't follow your work much as I am solving the work of Stanley Meyer, but I did the impossible and gave what I know away for free, mainly because my mind is free, and I don't see the world the same as most Americans do. Just taking the savings this technology will bring is enough to make a new life free of the energy enslavement we are all trapped in right now. And if you are a hard worker it can free you from just about everything the Ruling Class has placed on us to hold us down and keep us under their control.

          Your work is great and should put a dent into "their" plans or make "them" speed things up so they can have their North American Union. I only want to live free of their systems of control and that goes for the mind control as well. Once I am done with Stanley Meyer's work I will just live my life fading away from all of this, but I would like to share it with others so they can do it too . Taking the saving and passing on what I have learned is the greatest of all goods and it is the right thing to do. We all say we would like to help people but know one ever really does it, and they get this type of disconnect from the teachings of the Ruling Classes views on how life is suppose to be. Someone ask me if I would give the technology away to a car company and I said yes for if they make the car and I buy it I still win, right? That is my way of thinking for I have unplugged from the Ruling Classes mind control tactics and even at times use it against them.

          Free your mind and everything seems to fall in-place. Understanding Edward Bernays work is key in doing this for just like in the movie "The Matrix" it is all around you this system of mind control and the only way out of it is to learn about it. But thanks for all the you have done thus far for humanity as the world needs these types of technologies right now in a big way. Remember the clock is ticking.



          • #80
            Response to JB


            Good of you to take the time to respond to my post, BUT you do not actually advance any of the points.
            Peter L. quoted that the pendulum destroyed batteries did he not?
            I understand that. assuming you did have a true OU machine and not one hiding behind obscure calculations I can fully understand your unwillingness to come out in public.
            My point is that despite the information you, and a great many others, have released in to the public domain, nobody has been able to replicate the results or take them forward to a point where it is of any use in the real world.
            You know I am financing the build/ testing of a Kromrey as I don't have the necessary machining skills again as a demonstration that I am prepared to believe in your works.
            I am certain that a number of others have thrown time and money at this but not one I'm aware of has done anything that will move any of us forward.
            If spending £10,000 on solar PV panels defines a free input so you can call the COP infinity as you're not 'paying for the input' then I'd beg to differ.
            Your method of determining COP is misleading. My, and others, definition of what is required is much simpler to deal with.
            It all boils down to needing a device that puts more energy out than is required to drive it - it really is that simple. There is no complicated maths in here.


            • #81
              renewable energy

              I do not have a problem with what you have said. I understand all of this. I have never received anything from the early 70's. I'm making a point here.
              as I have dealt with this before. I have given The SG it will be the machine running in the end and if can find more to release I will. When no man is standing because of this planet will be the time people will come together and change this world for the better. Thank you for the kind words.
              John B

              Originally posted by h20power View Post
              Hi John Bedini,

              Those video's I posted for everyone to watch and free your minds also is for you and Dr. Lindemann. For if you don't know of Edward Bernays and the system of control that is all around us you too will be unable to see past they imposed rules on your life that are not your own.

              I'd like to thank you for what little part you did for humanity thus far as the clock is ticking and we only have around 22 months before the Ruling Class might fully collapse the dollar. I really don't follow your work much as I am solving the work of Stanley Meyer, but I did the impossible and gave what I know away for free, mainly because my mind is free, and I don't see the world the same as most Americans do. Just taking the savings this technology will bring is enough to make a new life free of the energy enslavement we are all trapped in right now. And if you are a hard worker it can free you from just about everything the Ruling Class has placed on us to hold us down and keep us under their control.

              Your work is great and should put a dent into "their" plans or make "them" speed things up so they can have their North American Union. I only want to live free of their systems of control and that goes for the mind control as well. Once I am done with Stanley Meyer's work I will just live my life fading away from all of this, but I would like to share it with others so they can do it too . Taking the saving and passing on what I have learned is the greatest of all goods and it is the right thing to do. We all say we would like to help people but know one ever really does it, and they get this type of disconnect from the teachings of the Ruling Classes views on how life is suppose to be. Someone ask me if I would give the technology away to a car company and I said yes for if they make the car and I buy it I still win, right? That is my way of thinking for I have unplugged from the Ruling Classes mind control tactics and even at times use it against them.

              Free your mind and everything seems to fall in-place. Understanding Edward Bernays work is key in doing this for just like in the movie "The Matrix" it is all around you this system of mind control and the only way out of it is to learn about it. But thanks for all the you have done thus far for humanity as the world needs these types of technologies right now in a big way. Remember the clock is ticking.

              John Bedini


              • #82
                About giving and receiving

                The problem with being a leader is that people follow. It's a difficult and basically untenable situation.

                Followers fall into several categories;

                Worshippers that hang on their perceived leader's every word, and cease being able to think for themselves.

                Sceptics that take umbrige to having their comfortable beliefs challenged, who cannot face re-assessing their worldview. They come in two types; the fiercely opposed but completely uninformed, and the fiercely opposed but dangerously misinformed.

                There are those who have come on the path to knowledge, having discovered the overwhelming depth to which they had been misled previously, and can't quite shake the paranoia and distrust. In trying to be mindful, they may get stuck in doubt.

                And there's the follower's response of, 'ok, I'll let you help me but you'd better deliver'.. Expectations of rescue.

                All of which make things very difficult for the 'leader' to relate, especially when nobody here is aware of the personal lives and constraints, etc they're under.

                Perhaps a more helpful response when someone attempts to share their knowledge and expertise, wether in part or full (which is none of the receiver's business), is to be thankful for the help.

                What is freely offered should be thankfully accepted, or gratefully declined.

                Everyone, myself included, seems to lose their manners occasionally when posting here, and write things that would not be said to a person's face. While maybe not being directly questionable in their manner, people do appear to be being subversively disrespectful.

                Maybe we could try to be mindful, and to recall that everyone online has a face.
                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                • #83
                  Response to JB

                  Say anything you want it's a free world, I have what I have. You miss understood, the Marcus circuit destroyed the batteries, not the mono-pole circuit. My device is still running at the shop not one battery has gone bad when we run it. There are allot of false claims running around about me. I did not invent COP it is known. AS fact, Tesla had to put input into his circuit to get the correct wave, where was the free. Save your money do not buy into any of this. It's a waist of your time and a waist of mine.
                  I see a gain of nothing here, less then 0. This is not going to promote anything. When the time is right I will take care of the people that live around me, no questions asked. I wish you the best of luck in your search of the wild dragon. Do you know Rick ?

                  Originally posted by linesrg View Post

                  Good of you to take the time to respond to my post, BUT you do not actually advance any of the points.
                  Peter L. quoted that the pendulum destroyed batteries did he not?
                  I understand that. assuming you did have a true OU machine and not one hiding behind obscure calculations I can fully understand your unwillingness to come out in public.
                  My point is that despite the information you, and a great many others, have released in to the public domain, nobody has been able to replicate the results or take them forward to a point where it is of any use in the real world.
                  You know I am financing the build/ testing of a Kromrey as I don't have the necessary machining skills again as a demonstration that I am prepared to believe in your works.
                  I am certain that a number of others have thrown time and money at this but not one I'm aware of has done anything that will move any of us forward.
                  If spending £10,000 on solar PV panels defines a free input so you can call the COP infinity as you're not 'paying for the input' then I'd beg to differ.
                  Your method of determining COP is misleading. My, and others, definition of what is required is much simpler to deal with.
                  It all boils down to needing a device that puts more energy out than is required to drive it - it really is that simple. There is no complicated maths in here.
                  John Bedini


                  • #84

                    Your the Wiseman here, You are right every man can decide for him self.
                    Your a good man. I'm done with this. it gains nothing back to the Tesla Switch. Richard the Best of luck with the G-field counting on you and Dave to get it going.

                    Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                    The problem with being a leader is that people follow. It's a difficult and basically untenable situation.

                    Followers fall into several categories;

                    Worshippers that hang on their perceived leader's every word, and cease being able to think for themselves.

                    Sceptics that take umbrige to having their comfortable beliefs challenged, who cannot face re-assessing their worldview. They come in two types; the fiercely opposed but completely uninformed, and the fiercely opposed but dangerously misinformed.

                    There are those who have come on the path to knowledge, having discovered the overwhelming depth to which they had been misled previously, and can't quite shake the paranoia and distrust. In trying to be mindful, they may get stuck in doubt.

                    And there's the follower's response of, 'ok, I'll let you help me but you'd better deliver'.. Expectations of rescue.

                    All of which make things very difficult for the 'leader' to relate, especially when nobody here is aware of the personal lives and constraints, etc they're under.

                    Perhaps a more helpful response when someone attempts to share their knowledge and expertise, wether in part or full (which is none of the receiver's business), is to be thankful for the help.

                    What is freely offered should be thankfully accepted, or gratefully declined.

                    Everyone, myself included, seems to lose their manners occasionally when posting here, and write things that would not be said to a person's face. While maybe not being directly questionable in their manner, people do appear to be being subversively disrespectful.

                    Maybe we could try to be mindful, and to recall that everyone online has a face.
                    John Bedini


                    • #85

                      Originally posted by linesrg View Post
                      Your method of determining COP is misleading. My, and others, definition of what is required is much simpler to deal with.
                      It all boils down to needing a device that puts more energy out than is required to drive it - it really is that simple. There is no complicated maths in here.

                      If a child is flying a kite and gives 10 parts work to get it in the air, once
                      it is in the air, he just tugs his little finger once in a while but the wind is
                      doing most of the work. So over a period of time, let's say 90 parts work
                      is given by the wind. That is a total of 10+90=100 parts input TOTAL
                      input...operator + environmental.

                      If with losses against air resistance, gravity, etc... lets say losses are
                      75% - that is really sorry efficiency but just to make the point, if it looses
                      75%, that is 25 parts work that is actually done not counting losses.

                      So 100 parts in and 25 parts work done, that is 25% efficiency. That isn't
                      really very good at all.

                      But 25 parts in work being done and it only cost the kid 10 parts to
                      jog a few feet and wiggle his little finger, that is a cop of 2.5, which is
                      more work being done that the kid had to input.

                      25% efficient but cop 2.5.

                      I don't know what is considered complicated math, but I think I learned
                      enough in early elementary school do do this math for this kind of

                      This EXACT method of calculation applies to the energy machines, there is
                      nothing misleading about it, it is the EXACT concept to cop as calculated
                      for heat pumps and when looking at it, it really makes a lot of common
                      sense. And again, a fourth grader could do this math.

                      You apparently completely ignored the distinctions on all of this that
                      I posted by conveniently not responding to any of it, that's fine. Anyone
                      can cherry pick what they prefer to respond to if it is convenient for
                      them. I usually do my best to respond to each and every single point
                      in a message so I don't leave anything out. That is intellectually honest
                      and I have no need to conveniently respond to parts of messages that
                      that support what I say while ignoring those parts that don't.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                        Your the Wiseman here, You are right every man can decide for him self.
                        Your a good man. I'm done with this. it gains nothing back to the Tesla Switch. Richard the Best of luck with the G-field counting on you and Dave to get it going.
                        I'm down for that. Time to get back to work

                        Love and light
                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                          I'm down for that. Time to get back to work

                          Love and light
                          Here, here!

                          Well said Inquorate, JB and Aaron.

                          We'll get this done on the bench, not the keyboard...

                          It all boils down to needing a device that puts more energy out than is required to drive it - it really is that simple. There is no complicated maths in here.

                          Yes, it really is that simple - that's why most people can't do it. It's not complicated at all. All the best with the G-field.

                          John K.


                          • #88
                            Hi John Bedini I understand all of your work


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                              I'm down for that. Time to get back to work

                              Love and light
                              I too can see your mind is free and agree totally with getting back to work.

                              @ John_Bedini ,
                              Don't let the mindless masses get you down, for they know not what they do. This mind control that engulfs America has been in play for around 40-55 years now. We where warned by our founding fathers about the money changers, but who knew they would go this far to keep a people under some sort of control. Your work will free people and that is a very good thing. Having control of ones energy needs is a very big change in even the basic human affairs. When I speak of just taking the savings and passing on what you have learned, what I mean by that is this:

                              1. You go and live your life free having taken back control of your destiny.
                              2. Living this new life you can live life the way you determine and not determined by the Ruling Classes views that they have tried to impose upon you.
                              3. Remember we only have this one life to live, so once you get free of these types of enslavement we all have to learn how to live as free men again.

                              Thanks to you for all you do for humanity, I for one am thankful for people like you.

                              @ Inquorate,
                              I too believe this is the year the flood gates of free energy will just start pouring into the world. The one thing I saw and heard from our leaders that made it clear how they view all of this goes something like this: " We have to find a way to make free energy technologies more profitable." Now that is a contradiction of terms and those words came from our current President.

                              I feel very grateful that sites like this are out there for people to have a chance at a better life for themselves and their families. Only time will tell if all of these efforts will produce real fruit for people to eat in the near future. Once we have these types of technologies in our everyday lives everything we have been accustom to will change. No more need to pay for energy of any kind is a big life changer. With a little hard work just about everyone can become self sufficient. Then we have to begin the task of cleaning up the mess we have allowed to happen to our planet. All bartering should be done with things that are fully recyclable, and we have to take things one step at a time, but working together as a whole that would go very fast if we could gain back control of our media outlets.

                              Once one thinks of the changes these type of technologies will bring to our everyday lives in full, it will become clear things will be vastly different from the way we live right now.

                              2010 the year energy independence reach the masses



                              • #90
                                Not sure what happend here...

                                Hi researchers.

                                Never had the idea seeing people like Peter Lindemann and John Bedini responding on a topic i started.
                                Thats because i am impressed by the work they have shown to us all.
                                That question i asked was one who is very relevant and you see all reactions here.

                                Sure everyone must decide what to do with the knowledge they have.
                                Make money or not. Share knowledge or not.
                                And of course the old wishdom of learning people to walk, in stead of pushing their feet.

                                I made a decision. I trully share everything on my forum. And if i find the holy grale, well, you all will.
                                Reason? Money? The whole energy market is so big. You never ever can get a grip on it alone. Look on how frustrated Stan Meyer became.....
                                Now look at the world. Nuclear powerplants exploding in Russia and killing many people and animals. I seen the results of that thru the nothern of europe.

                                Do you have family? Do you have kids? Do you have loved ones?
                                Long story short to you all:
                                You all dont have enough time and money in your life to do the learning stages from scatch. We need a good level to start from.
                                If one of you have schematics, plans or whatever, just give them to the public! You only loose by doing nothing....
                                John Bedini and Peter Lindemann are getting older as Peter said.....
                                We all die. I am 42 and have burried most members of my family......
                                Grumpy old man you all are. Die and take your techno with you. Is that what your goal is? Or do you live forever......

                                Change the world!

                                Peace to you all in your harts and minds.
                                Last edited by stevie1001; 01-14-2010, 07:30 PM.

